Fermentation Adventures: Growing and Expanding Ginger Bugs

in #life7 years ago

Hi guys, so I'll be honest. While I share a few posts at least every day there's a lot I'm not sharing that I would like to be. It's been awhile since I've updated you all on my ferments and, long story short I'm still fermenting albeit slower.

These shots are of my ginger bugs, I now have two. I'm growing the larger jar to accomodate a gallon sized brew. I've been testing ginger beer recipes and both John and @modprobe have given the stamp of approval on my developing brew.

As my ginger bug grows and develops the smell changes and honestly mellows over time although it gains a certain characteristic alcohol tang to the smell that lets you know things are getting interesting in that jar.

Ginger ale as we know it was originally based off of this recipe, starting first with a ginger bug and ending with the fizzy beverage. The key to the ale is in the bug and the man behind Verner's ginger ale didn't consider his bug ready enough to his tastes until it'd been going for four years. Now that I've had one for a few months, I am starting to see there might be truth to that.

The ginger bug becomes more forgiving over time in terms of feeding. Early in it's life if you forget to feed you're prone to mold and other failures but after awhile it gets to a point where you can (and I do) go several days or even a week without touching it without issues.

I'll start a new batch of ginger beer today with home grown limes from our key lime tree. Stay tuned when I share that with you all.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Restaurants of Acapulco: La Concha Part 2
Acapulco Stories Anarchist Road Guy
Adventures Around Acapulco: Random City El Centro Sights

Wanna know more about ginger bugs? Check out my other posts!
How to Feed Your Ginger Bug
Fermentation Adventures: Apple Ginger Beer Fail
Kahm Yeast What it Is and How to Avoid it
Fermentation Adventures: Ginger Beer Success


You are ever fueling my google knowledge hunt! At first I thought ginger bug was a typo, aannd here we go on another search adventure! I love the flavor of natural ginger beers, I would have a lot of trouble waiting four years though! Have you decided how long you will ferment, or are you playing it by ear? Thanks for sharing!

I play it by ear. A quart of ginger beer takes about 4 days for the first ferment and another two for the second. Even without the extra time, the ginger beer is very tasty

Thanks for the photos. I really love ginger and don't know why I've never dabbled with brewing ginger ale. The only thing I've fermented over the years is bread starter (wheat) which is super easy and very satisfying (and yummy). Can you grow ginger there since I assume it never freezes? Thanks for the ideas.

I can grow ginger here I just have to suppliment with water during the dry season because it likes very moist conditions. starting a ginger bug is as easy as starting a bread starter.

Have you ever used irrigation ollas? If you ever get the urge to try it might help with moisture consistency. I'm in Texas and outdoor potted plants are nearly impossible because it gets so hot. Clay pots work by keeping the soil evenly moist and cool. :)

It's something I've considered. Or making some sort of wicker pot for the ginger so I have a lot of control. :)

Ginger Bugs?

Youy mean like Yeast? The micro organisms that allow this fermentation process to happen?

Very interesting to refer to them as "Bugs" because I always thought of Bugs as larger insects and arthropods but i guess we also use the word bugs to describe bacteria etc ... and yeast is a Fungus and they are Eukaryota

It's more of a term to refer to the fact that they're alive. It's just a starter.

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