Going on a holiday

in #life8 years ago


seem to have lost my steem-urge... I can't think of anything to write about, and what I do find to write about, nobody reads or votes for.

I am not gone away, I am just tired.

I visited a phone repair shop this afternoon. He wanted to charge me 10€ more than I paid for my phone (in Sofia) just to replace the screen. The dumbass even tried to tell me the digitiser layer is inseparable from the display.


I won't labor myself to show you a video of how to pull the digitiser of a Sony M2 Aqua off, separate it and just replace the nasty cracked capacitative touchscreen. You can find it with one quick search of youtube.

I simply have not the emotional energy right now to continue to try and amuse my dear readers. My life right now is repetitive to the point of infuriating.

Laying quite still, staring at the ceiling, and doing nothing. Woo, next tuesday I have to do some bureaucrap. Maybe it means no money.

I consider it to be a fact that if I am bored with my life, you all will be doubly. I know I could probably scrape enough to get a bus to Budapest, plus fix my phone at a Budapest GSM shop, for the money I was just offered to needlessly replace my working LCD on my phone.

So what do you think I should do?

* * *

I came here to be at SteemFest. Now I miss my tunnel transformator room and the Subway and their nice wifi at NDK. I miss the endless giant bits of pizza people threw away into the bins. I miss the lovely jackets and shoes and nicknacks I found in dumpsters in central Sofia. I even miss that grumpy bastard who hassles me at the outdoor cinema in that park, and his dog walking business.

Going back to where life is not so freaking boring, and, importantly, deeply uninspiring, has risen high on my agenda. The Netherlands is leaving me so unfecund and uncreative I almost want to torture myself to try and stimulate a reaction. I suspect I am not going to be here much longer, and I am past caring if this time I get stuck two days no food in -5 celsius, without sleep, that I will gladly leave behind a popsicle. Better than dying of boredom.

Better that, than to live an empty life of meaningless and senseless routine.

I am putting my phone into a semi safe situation after I make this post. I got nothing new to tell you what you want to read.

I am just in a pit that makes me remember how much I rued staying in Amsterdam the last time, and the amazing array of wrong things that stemmed from this decision. I only stayed here before, for lack of valid government ID. I came partly because I was under the impression I needed to get registered here, and then a new passport issued, to keep my NL citizenship.

Nothing about Amsterdam drove me to visit before. I never wanted to come to the Netherlands. There is so little here that is compatible with me.

I came because too many people while I was in prison old me staying in Bulgaria they would fabricate shit to lock me up again.

After being back there almost 9 months. Nothing.

They put me through a year of relatively undangerous Bulgarian prison, just to win money from Bruxxelles. After that, I am nobody again.

I have never felt the sense of belonging I got from Bulgaria and Serbia from any other place in the world. In my life.

I can't even clearly articulate better than that. It is prevocal, unconscious. I don't really know why I love the Balkans so much. But there I feel more at home, even curled up in a utilty tunnel feet from a 50KW transformer, sleeping at 5 degrees celsius, while above ground -15.

We can't stop here! This is Whale country!


Loki was born in Australia, now is wandering Amsterdam again after 9 months in Sofia, Bulgaria. IT generalist, physics theorist, futurist and cyber-agorist.

Loki's life mission is to establish a secure, distributed layer atop the internet, and enable space migration, preferably while living in a beautiful mountain house somewhere with a good woman, and lots of farm animals and gardens, where he can also go hunting and camping.

"I'm a thoughtocaster, a conundrummer in a band called Life Puzzler. I've flipped more lids than a monkey in a soup kitchen, of the mind."
- Xavier, Renegade Angel

All images in the above post are either original from me, or taken from Google Image Search, filtered for the right of reuse and modification, and either hotlinked directly, or altered by me


{{{Loki}}} I am so sorry that you are feeling uninspired. Holiday season does that to me. So does being cold. I've the the first payout from the #payitforward post I've dedicated to you. I will be forwarding funds as soon as I finish up this comment.

I'm also dedicating the next post to you because my art post did not earn as much as the barn raising posts. Be well, love. There are people here who care about you.

I know! I was so glad i got to meet so many of you at SteemFest too. Really I am mostly ok, i am more just frustrated at how my situation is filling my head with cares and leaving too little to create. But I think a change is in the wind.

Thank you for posting. It is true....Socialism sucks the life out of resident creatures...your missive above is an expression of this very principle. In order to make a good decision, it must be made from a position of strength...of available facts.

Please pursue your search for intelligent design.

God has a plan for your life.....He is a gentleman...will not coerce you. He is waiting for you to say yes to His game plan.

Wishing you God's best for your life.

Take care man!

If any situation arises where you are in need of economical help and can't get it from anywhere else, don't forget about the platform! We help our members and stick together!

I've felt the same lately with posting, got no inspiration or the power to write anything down.. might just be the normal winter depression too.

Last year my phones screen broke as well, replacing it would've cost 160€, so I bought a new phone for 180 instead..

He was helped from pay it forward , not sure about the total amount though ! But I also feel the same way ! Even though im staying positive , None of my posts make anything , i get lots of upvotes but only make pennies for along time ! Im still at level 63 because unless you get any money you dont go anywhere! Look at my last blog ! I did a original art poster for Steemits first Christmas saying Happy Holidays and after 3 hours only 14 cents ! I put alot of work into doing original content and it gets me know where , i definitely see how depressing it is ! Steeming on ! Heres my link l know how you feel ! https://steemit.com/steemit/@karenmckersie/my-steemit-happy-holidays-poster-all-original-art-content

Even though im staying positive , None of my posts make anything , i get lots of upvotes but only make pennies for along time !

I understand how you feel. That's what my curation trail has been there and active for. (after the hardfork I lost a lot of voting following power but might come back soon)

That being said, it feels a lot lately like "you don't know what you've got til its gone" from people asking me why my votes aren't giving them any rewards (they didn't realize most were from the curation trail) but when I was voting away no one took a minute to thank me or anything, just when some votes had reduced their payouts accidentally. :P

Oh well, I'm trying to stay positive as well, was pretty hard during the price declines with the attitude here in general and toxic people ruining it for everyone just cause things weren't going their way.

The strong will prevail, keep posting and Steem on! ;)

You are so right ! The strong will prevail ! Fingers crossed as I speak ! Great reply , thanks a bunch , and I will continue steeming on ! 👍🎄

balkans... very inspiring indeed ;)

If you are that bored there, then yes I think you should go to Budapest. Might revive your spirits getting somewhere you feel more comfortable.

I will tell you what my mom always told me before she passed away ...
Follow your heart ! 💙👍steem on my friend !


He man don't forget your dreams: living in a beautiful mountain house somewhere with a good woman, and lots of farm animals and gardens....
Bless you.

It's sad to read this post my friend. I hope someone can help you and make you well. You will always have my vote. Don't give up.

Can't think of anything to write about? And then follows 669 words of interesting and exciting writing! Maybe you should sit down to write without an idea more often. Where was that thing recently? The creativity comes during the process, not before. Something like that. But by all means take a break, take care of yourself, and perhaps post a small heads-up once in a while. Blessings.

Well, it is just this situation where I can't do much and I still don't know whether I will even get the welfare assistance, not until tuesday. But last night a thing started with a girl I have been watching since I first saw her when I arrived back here last month. She is going back to Den Haag soon. I may follow her.

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