Pessimism: what is it and how to get rid of it?

in #life6 years ago


At the philistine level, pessimists are usually associated with a bad mood, with discouragement. But the pessimism itself is not considered something "lethal", which can radically influence a person's worldview, his way of life. In fact, everything is more serious than it may seem at first glance. Despondency in such people often grows into a feeling of hopelessness, unbelief that a particular problem will be solved, and that a better future will come. They become gloomy, become self-absorbed, do not want to do anything, considering life meaningless from beginning to end.

Pessimism as a philosophical concept
In philosophy there is a separate direction, which is called - philosophical pessimism. Its most prominent representatives are Hartmann and Schopenhauer. In their view, the world is not just bad, but hopeless. Human existence was perceived as meaningless from beginning to end. In one of his works Schopenhauer wrote: "The world is so dumb as soon as it can be a fool ...".


Adherents of philosophical pessimism often talk about the meaning of life. What for to be born, if all the same then it is necessary to die? Why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? Why does social injustice flourish? Asking such questions, they invariably come to the conclusion that the world and the system of relationships in it are vicious initially. The bearers of such views are sure: however much mankind makes efforts, it will not be able to change anything. As an argument, pessimists refer to the history of human society, which since Adam and Eve has been filled with grief, tears, problems, countless wars.

How to turn an optimist into a pessimist?
At the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century, people suffering from a chronic bad mood were "equated" with patients with depression and treated similarly. Only since the 80s of the last century dysthymia became classified as an independent disorder. Psychiatrists do not consider dysthymia a verdict. Experts are sure: regardless of how many years a person suffers from this disease, to return him joy and satisfaction from life is quite real.

Well, if pessimism is not a manifestation of a mental illness, where intervention by specialists and appropriate treatment is required, then it is all the more possible to influence such a worldview. It is noticed that lonely people are often subject to a dull look at life. The situation may be aggravated by low incomes or unemployment. Often chronic dissatisfaction is experienced by people who grew up in families, where pessimism was the usual state of their parents. The emergence and consolidation of gloomy views on life is influenced by long communication with persons suffering from a depressive syndrome. Therefore, in order to get rid of pessimism, it is necessary:

try to understand yourself, find out the root cause of an eternally bad mood;

take steps to change your personal life if your pessimism is associated with a break with your loved one, divorce in your family, etc. etc.;

Try to change jobs, since if you feel that you are pressured by conflicts with the authorities or other serious circumstances in the team;

learn to be distracted from excessive feelings about one's own health or the health of one's relatives;

spend more time among really close people, do not give up invitations to go for a walk, hold a joint weekend;

visit the expert if you feel that the exhausting spleen has become your companion of life and you can not cope with it on your own.

And remember: it is difficult not only for you. It is impossible to meet a person who does not have any problems. But a very large number of people do not despair. On the contrary, their difficulties make these people stronger.




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