Why "Fear" Is Not A Valid Excuse In Life.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Usually, I don't talk about stuff like this. So be prepare for TMI, My boyfriend and I recently got into an argument. I'm upset that over the course of years, He still hasn't been able to get a job.
I'm not even expecting anything fancy, I mean at this point. I'd be jumping up and down if he got a full-time job at Mcdonalds.
Keep in mind he's almost 25 years old, And I'm 24.

I've been mostly quiet about it. I felt that "pushing" him too hard. Would cause him to "rebel" against me. So I shut my mouth and continued to do my own thing.

Finally, I got fed up with it. I'm making ALL of the money, and I've been working hard to move forward with my life. I want to be able to travel the world. And date someone who can also support themselves.

I asked him why he hasn't got a job, And his reply.
"I'm trying."
After years? It doesn't seem like he's trying.
Finally, I asked him why he hasn't started a side hustle. Or got started on business. His reply just about gave me a heart attack.

"I'm too scared... "


I don't mean to brag. But he had a front row seat to some of my biggest accomplishments in my life so far. When we first started our on and off again relationship, I was still in high school! I was 18. And even then I did the unthinkable.

I dropped all of my required classes, In pursuit of nothing but art classes. While simultaneously taking my required classes online. At one point I took over 25 classes at once. I graduated a little late, But I still did it. And guess what I WAS SCARED ABOUT THE WHOLE THING!
At that point in my life, Graduation and college were everything! I was terrified at the possibility of not graduating.
And I did! I graduated a little late, But it was worth it. Because I upped my art skills.

He says he can't start his side hustle or business when he's scared. He's always wanted to be involved in videogames some how, If he IGNORES HIS FEAR, And pursues it anyway, Heres whats going to happen.

  • He could start a podcast or a video channel about games he likes.
    He could make money doing what he LOVES!

  • He could get laughed at And harassed by trolls. It happens.

  • Money wise, The Sky is the limit. He could make more than any job would ever pay him.

  • No college education required!

  • He could travel And have ultimate freedom both financially and time wise!

    Heres what happens if he sticks with his "fear" and goes after a regular job.

  • We could be waiting for another 2-3 years for him to get a job.

  • Because his limited experience, It would be a lousy, Janitorial or fast food job. That would pay him like crap and have limited/ if no benefits.

  • He wouldn't even be able to travel; The employer would own his time And his paycheck.

  • He wouldn't be able to make what he wants; He'd be given a specific wage, and that's it.

Which would you rather do?

He has an advantage!

I'm still in disbelief when he said that.
I can't even describe how TERRIFIED I WAS when I hit "publish" on my first coloring book, Hell I'm terrified EVERYDAY! And EVERYTIME I publish a new book.
But I shut up and do it anyways.

He doesn't realize the advantage he has; He's dating a woman who has a ton of income streams, And three businesses. I could help him and drop him hints along the way.
When I became self-employed, I was on my own. I had no one to "help" me through the fears. I had to bite the bullet and learn everything I could. Then learn the hard way.

  • I've been thumb- down on youtube!
  • I've been flagged on Steemit at some point.
  • I've had a book fail, Hell, On one of my bad reviews, My book was compared to the "Great Depression." YEAH . THAT BAD! I was also described as a "Spoiled brat." I gotta admit, It was a bit harder to "brush off." But I still did it. I'm not going to let a bad review bring me down.
  • I've had entire platforms where I built my income, Fall, Losing all of the money.
  • I've been banned from Target. And Banned as a seller on Ebay.
  • My first two businesses I started completely failed.

I've had so much more Big and small failures; I can go all day along.

Whats the deal these days!

I'm embarrassed; My generation is full of pansies. We can't handle a little cut on our finger. We can't handle dealing with a little adversity. So many people are so afraid of failure they never try anything new, And once they catch a wif of failure, they bolt away and don't even try to learn from their mistake. Hell, most people refuse to take responsibility. Instead, they blame someone else.

It makes me sick.

I have a sick obsession....

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with pain when I receive bad reviews. When I put my heart into something. Do you know what makes me feel better?

  • Go on Amazon, Look up your most favorite author.
  • Click on their book.
  • Now read their bad reviews.
    Did you know that James Altucher has bad reviews too?
    Sometimes I read them when I'm feeling bad, Because in my eyes James Altuchers books are so incredible, I could never understand why he would get a bad review. And yet, his best-selling book "Choose Yourself" also has bad reviews.

What does this teach us?

Sometimes we target the wrong people!

  • Sometimes we need to improve certain aspects.
  • Sometimes people are just having a "bad day."
  • Sometimes our approach sucks!

It doesn't mean you should be so scared you should never take the risk again.

You Will Fail No Matter What.

You will fail at some point. You will never be successful at everything. If you don't rush towards what you want you will fail in your "life goals."
So unless your goal is to work a dead end job your whole life, And live in a tiny apartment. You WILL fail!
Failing is almost a practice, And it gets easier! Just do it!

If you don't do it NOW you never will!

Another excuse my boyfriend makes,
He's waiting to get the right "Stuff" Do start his videos. Or his podcast.
Seriously!? It doesn't take much! Buy the stuff, and do it. I make my youtube videos with a video software I paid 40.00 and a 15.00 Microsoft headset.
You could even get the video software free. Some YouTubers use their cell phone to record the videos. Many people will watch you if you have a good message!
If you don't start now you never will; you'll keep putting it off. Don't have any excuses. If your sick today, and need to wait for tomorrow, Fine. But if you care enough to accomplish something, you'll make it priority and you'll go after it.

There's too Much "Competition"

Yes, You need to find a good "niche." But too much competition should never be your excuse. You can go into a unique one to reduce competition.
So if your "Niche" Is Videogames,
And videogames are too competitive; You can go into something more specific to give yourself an advantage.
So maybe you can do Puzzle games, As your niche. That should reduce your competition. Although do your research and make sure it's good before going into it.

It's been done before.

Again.. Ugh.
Sorry to burst your bubble... But nothing in your head right now is completely original. Someone Somewhere has thought of the same thing as you. Anything you put out in the world, Is similar to something that has done before.
One of my boyfriend's friends "changed his mind." About publishing his book, Becuase he saw that there were other books similar to the book he was writing.
There will always be something similar. Refer to the "Reducing Competition rant above."

Lets look at Steemit,
It's nothing new, We've seen blog sites before. Look at Medium! We've seen social media, Look at Facebook. We've seen paid social media, Look at TSU!
Steemit has been done before. But That's where Dan And Ned, Gave it a slight twist to make it different.
By doing it on a "Blockchain."


This was a very long blogpost! Thanks for reading. I hope it encouraged you to get off your ass and do something in life. Fear is not something that should ever stop you! That is how people become successful, Is by continuing despite their fear. Look at any successful Entrepreneur; They have failed at some point. And they have been scared at some point too.


It is obvious from your description what your boyfriend is getting out of the relationship. But what are you getting out of it? What's your payoff?

"Hell, most people refuse to take responsibility. Instead, they blame someone else." Isn't that just a little ironic for you to say? From your description, it is you enabling him to not face his fears and to not get a job. So why blame him?

There is a good chance, judging from the literature on co-dependency, that if he ever did come up with the initiative to go out and start something....... then you two would break up. Soon you would be in a relationship with another guy with no prospects.

Your path forward is to work on yourself, not try to change him.

Wow! I didn't think about it that way. I have tried not to "enable" Him.
We do not live together, And I still expect him to pay his half of the dates. Which he has done that. But I'm thinking about the future here, And I'm not afraid to cut him lose if necessary, If it means accomplishing my bigger goals in life.
We actually aren't really talking right now because of it.

I need to look into this Co dependency you've brought up, I've researched it a little bit. But I'm not sure what you are getting at as far as him going out and getting something, Would end our relationship. If I tend to lean towards dating guys with no prospects, I need to figure out how to change that.

Thank you for your input! You gave me a lot of think about :)

It is a well known pattern in co-dependency research. A woman will be married to a drunk for 20 years, nagging him daily to quit. But, when he hits bottom (or gets the initiative somehow), and sobers up, they break up and she forms a relationship with new drunkard or drug addict who she can spend her time blaming instead of doing the inner work to find out what she is not facing in herself.

(I was a drug addict in a toxic relationship, so I do have a clue)

Wow! That is terrifying, I need to look into resolving this! I wouldn't want to keep that trend going. I need to figure out what that could be! Thank you for this!

Thank you for your posting. I feel your frustration popping out of the screen but I wonder, is it failure that he is scared of? I ask this as times of fear in my life, which is something I often struggle with, never seemed to be about failing at all. It is hard to explain what I mean but if you imagine failing and being scared of it, why would you be scared of it? What is the consequence of exposing this insecurity? this truth about you?

Is living up to expectations of others at the heart or is it about losing something because of it?

I agree fear shouldn't stop you and it feels good when it doesn't but I can tell you sometimes it does, because you can get stuck and if you get stuck it can feel harder to move forwards.

Also, does or did he ever want to be a successful Entrepreneur?

Some things that came to mind, good luck on your journey

I'm not sure! I have been thinking about that. It could easily be more than just being "afraid" like you said. He's never talked about being an Entrepreneur, But he's always wanted his own gaming channel/podcast or some how work in videogames. He's not going to college or anything like that. So I'm questioning on how he thinks he'll get there without "starting" on something. Whenever I ask him about his goals, He replys with "I don't know" . I then remind him, That not having some sort of plan or goal, means he won't ever end up anywhere near it.
So I have no idea! But I love the points that you brought up.

I hope my thoughts help you find your answers :)

I can confirm that who I was at 21 isn't who I am now. We all change and in different ways.

Wish you both the best

Thank you! That makes me feel better that things will change even more, I think I"ll focus more on my self development. I mean there are tons of fish in the sea.

Sounds to me like he will probably never start this process of changing on his own, he needs a push of the ledge so to say.. - Think about Bungee jumping.

If you're not happy with the current situation, let him know that there are two options where the other one is him continuing on the path he's on but alone or you two, together, start working towards his goals, whatever they may be. It's all about babysteps and you need to be there for him - There's reason people pay for personal trainers. Since he has developed a habit, it's even harder. So push a bit harder.

Since he is talking about doing videos to youtube about games, why not start making videos but not upload them anywhere etc? This way his skills would improve and it would be a step forward. Who knows where he could end up with good editing skills? If this is too much of a step, he could just try to edit some random videos from the internet. There's always a way.

Also there is this one guy here in Steemit making those kinds of videos, Only one guy, so I'd say there is a vacuum right now. Also steemit, thanks to how it is setup, offers a quite troll free environment compared to youtube. Just disable comments in youtube and he'll get positive critique, which we all need from time to time.

I tried to look up this video of Casey Neistat which I remember watching, he's a videoblogger on youtube who has made it big over there. Sadly I couldn't find it but in it he was talking of his journey to fame and money. He had blogged for years and really didn't gather enough traction to live of it, but once he decided to fuck it and go all in, as in starting to make videos every single day, something changed and his channel started to gain more and more subscribers. It still took a long time but he is killing it now. So better start, like, today :)

This comment kind of blew up and I didn't even get to mention how Steve Jobs got FIRED from his own company. That must have hurt like hell, but he kept on doing what he had passion for and the rest is history. So even if you get struck down it is your choice if you get up or stay down. Yep, cheesy but isn't it true?

Okay, now I'm done. I hope you two can work it out! Good luck.

Wow I love your advice! Thank you. Those are some good mini steps I can push on him a bit.

I enjoyed reading this, especially your stream of consciousness style.

It definitely sounds like your boyfriend has some kind of depression. My overwhelming feeling was that for him to say, "because I'm scared," was perhaps scary in itself. It sounds like he has trouble opening up emotionally and those three words were a cry for help.

Did you ask him more questions about this fear? I am in a similar relationship where my wife earns the most money. I have never got on too well as an employee because I'm a daydreamer with few or very vague ambitions. I'm lucky that I now have the chance to explore different avenues, Steemit being one experiment!

I was raised to earn for the sake of earning. So anything that feels creative or enjoyable to me is scary because I was never really allowed to enjoy myself as a child. I feel scared of being inferior to others. I feel scared of letting people down with my work. What exactly scares your boyfriend?

I didn't . Me and him have had this discussion a lot. But he doesn't open up about it. This time I was really angry because no advice I seem to give him ever works out, Because he doesn't seem to listen. Thats why I tried the more "passive" , "backing off" method. But that didn't work either.

I feel like he may have the same fears as you. But it's perfectly normal to be inferior to some people! You'll never be the best at everything. I probably need to really discuss this with him, But he doesn't seem to even want to set up some sort of plan, Or baby steps.

It could be that you boyfriend is experiencing major depression. To start with, major depression is not the same as 'my roommate kicked me out, the cat was run over, I failed a midterm and lost my left contact lens all in one day' depression. That is common depression. It usually has an identifiable cause or trigger and is self limiting in duration. Major depression is debilitating, in part, because there IS no 'cause' and the activities that are helpful with common depression, such as getting out more, exercise and setting simple goals, simply do not work. There are treatments and some even work.

The most unfortunate thing is that both major depression and common depression share the same name, depression, and exhibit some similar symptoms. Consequently almost everybody think they know what it is. Generally they do not. If major depression had a different name, say Rolstrom Syndrome or some-such, I suspect that people would tend to be less dismissive or judgmental.

So now what. If you were to investigate the subject, a recurring theme for the partner of the sufferer is to understand that you are entitled to take care of yourself first. Without doing that, you can be of little help to your partner. That may include going your separate ways. Oddly, if that is the best choice for you, it is likely that, in the long run, it may be best for him too. (That is getting into the whole co-dependency thing.)

Similarly, if he has other desirable attributes, then accepting him as he is can still provide a wonderful life. Many couples are happy despite the fact that one of them has a serious disability. It is more challenging with depression because the disease is invisible and the two of you experience the judgmental behaviors of others.

Loving somebody for what you hope that will be, rather than for what they are, is a well traveled path to being miserable – for both of you.

He's had problems with the depression in the past, But he told me that he passed it, Maybe not? To be honest I don't fully understand depression. I've tried to understand but it doesn't seem to stick. I always offered my support with whatever he needed. But based on this post, You can probably see I've somewhat neglected my own needs, Which is about to change.

Thank you for your insight on this, I'm okay with accepting & loving him how he is, But I want to see him contribute more. I guess only time will tell what will happen!

One of the more entertaining aspects of major depression is that it does not immunize you from getting depressed. Why? Because they are not the same animal. It is quite likely that he has been depressed and got over it. We all have but that has little to do with major depression.

I will not describe the criteria for diagnosing major depression. Many have done it much better than I could. You might want to do some googling if you have not done so already. Identify what is best for you which may be sticking or moving on.

No judgement here. With love, good luck.

Fear is not an excuse but it may be a symptom.

"It's better to fail 50 times in a year then sit back wondering what to do."

Kaylin, also remember as I have commented before "you are the average of the four people you spend the most time with." It really does make you think about your friendships and relationships, just saying.

Additionally. He should be working a crappy job while he is doing a side hustle. Atleast that's my point of view from experience.

Lastly, I'm finishing up my first real estate book and though I have done alot of editing/formatting myself, don't be surprised if I try to hire you to do the eBook/Amazon formatting or whatever it is I need for it to be on there.

I love that quote!!!

Agreed! It has made me think about cutting him lose. Obviously my brain says yes, My feelings for him, Say no! I'm definitely trying to be mindful. I hope giving him a kick will get him motivated.

I completely agree with having the crappy job and the side hustle! Thats exactly what I did. It was hard work but It paid off. and it allows you to make nothing off your side hustle for a while, And yet still survive.

Lol! I would love that!! I'm so glad you are finishing your book, If you need any help be sure to let me know! Formatting is the easy part, I feel like editing is where it gets difficult :) .

Good, cause editing I'm experienced with and can do. Formatting not so much!

Lol Oh that makes it much easier! I'm the opposite. I think we'd make a great team on that one.

Sounds like you have a great perspective on life and a successful one at that. You're right. Life has it's ups and downs. But if you don't stand up, you'll never learn to walk. Your boyfriend needs a swift kick in the pants. Being afraid is just an excuse and a way to garner your sympathy. Perhaps, if he is confronted with an ultimatum, He might wise up. There was a proverb I learned when I was a teen. It said: True Love is like a bird. Let it go. If it IS true it will return to you. If not, it never was. I'm not a counselor and I'm not suggesting you break up with him. It just seems like this relationship is very one sided and he needs a motivator to carry his side. I'm an incurrable romantic and I hope only the best for the two of you. Remember also; in the scheme of things you two are young and have plenty if time ahead of you. It is true that patience is a virtue.

Wow!!! I love the quote you used!
I sort of gave him an ultimatum in a way, We aren't talking right now. I'm hoping it will scare him into doing something wonderful :)
Thank you for all your wonderful words!

I only hope my words are helpful, and do not cause undue heartache.

How do you get banned from Target? There's a story there.

this is such a great post

Thank you so much!

I hope you can better.

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