Homesteading - Real Strange and Downright Scary

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Welcome Steemit friends, even though it is Love Friday, I thought terror would be good for my first post today. I can see that oh so many people were so terrified of my last post that, they couldn't even read it.


It was in the week between Christmas and New Years of 2007. I was off work for the holiday, which was good because it snowed like we would be buried alive. As an added bonus, the temperature moved to thirty below Fahrenheit.

I was sitting in my house, the wind was howling outside and I had made the mistake of thinking it would be possible to survive the winter without insulating the walls because I had never been through a winter here before. So, as the cold began to creep forward or downward, we lived in what was basically a greenhouse at the time.

After all, we lived south of Salt Lake City, not north and just a little ways south is Arizona where hot is not the word for it. Who would have thought that south would be even colder than up north?

And oh was it cold. I ran off to the Home Depot and picked up a truckload of insulation, a stapler, and whole load of 7/16" OSB Wafer board. My Christmas vacation was about installing insulation and covering it with OSB.

I was working fast too! I was so motivated you just can't hardly believe it.

When they say that two people can survive the cold by getting together naked under blankets in a bed, they are not kidding. And you thought Fast and Furious was a street racing movie or a guns to Mexico secret program. Fast and Furious is a way to generate heat so the bed warms up enough so that you can fall asleep.

The dogs helped. Everyone was so close together, including the dogs and under all the covers stuck together like glue.

Homeownership in the wild, vacant, open prairies of the American West. It is worth having for the solitude and because somehow you got here and are stuck.

The absolute first strange thing I noticed did not occur here. I was living in town and had no plans to move here. Instead, I wanted a commercial greenhouse business or a feedlot. I could not decide.

I was renting a mobile home and sitting there at my computer writing a DirectX 10 model drawing program. While I was compiling the huge program which took about half an hour, I was reading the news.

The news was about corporations and how they were against Christianity, or even religion and how they were going to seven day a week schedules. I made some comment like,

"Dear Lord, why do let these corporations exist, they don't want to obey any commandments and..."

"I don't know, I never really thought about it. I'll have to give it some thought." I heard back from somewhere in the room and there was no one else in the mobile home. At first, I sat there in shock. The next thing I did was get up and look around. I walked around the home looked out the windows and then walked around the outside of the mobile home. There was no one around.

Just so you know, I later came to the conclusion that I was bugged with a microphone/speaker combination but at the time. It was really freaky. In fact, when I think about it, it still is.

What had happened prior to that?

I was out on my property and uncovering a spring on my property. I had found a source of water bubbling up and I was digging it out. I was down in the hole, which was big, real big.

I was taking a break and looking off to the west, standing in the hole when I saw this:


The drawing is larger than what it was that flew all over the sky. The craft was readily visible as a black trapezoid. It flew fast and zipped around in all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers. So I sat there and watched it for an hour or so. I said to myself,

"Great, we bought property next to some sort of defense project test center and security is screwing with me."

It was the fall of 2006 when I was digging and saw this. I began to make some smart ass comments in public online venues about what happened to me and what I saw.

Sure enough, there was a news story on the new drone on television. It was not visible to radar because it was made of nanotubes and Buckyballs, carbon molecules of incredible strength and almost no weight. I tried to find an official photograph of it but apparently the whole project was scrubbed or something.

Top Secret Security people can take revenge and what happened was I had a series of identity thefts from hell. So, we moved out of our mobile home to this place, which was not built yet.

So, while I was putting in the insulation during Christmas week vacation and it was freezing, EMP ran all over the walls of the inside of the house. Electro-magnetic Pulse is something that destroys electronics. We lost a lot of computers, televisions, phones, car parts, electronics, batteries, inverters, and generators(23).

In addition to the EMP, one night while I sat in the house, there were seven separate blasts of loud sound in the key of D so loud that it shook the house. I did not know there were any stationary tornadoes around yet.

Each blast of sound was so loud and lasted about a minute. There was a pause of about a minute in between each blast of sound. This, whatever it was happened twice over Christmas week. I went outside and saw nothing. It was snowing hard so, it was impossible to see very far.

Again, at this time, I thought it was some sort of research project and I contacted the DOD, Department of Defense. This is how I came into contact with a Senator, who I will not mention his name because since I said I hated him in another post, my Steem transfer was mysteriously halted.

No, I will wait until later. Sheldon Cooper, a character of the Big Bang Theory says, "Revenge is dish best served cold."

So, before I get myself into any trouble, it should be noted that I already documented all of the events and oddly, the Department of Defense had no idea of any of this except for the black trapezoid shaped drone.

Now, in August of 2007 there was a massive wildfire here that lasted weeks and burned the whole area for about a thousand square miles. I was not here when it started and was on the other side of the United States. There area where my house is did not burn. The fire department saved it and much thanks to them. But all around the house, which was only a shed at the time, it was burned.

Huge rolling clouds of dust and ash blew at heights of a mile until things started to grow back about a year later. So, there was no way I really wanted to live here during that but...that is why this is a cross between a horror story and an adventure beyond what most people ever experience. I hope you never do.

Well my Steemit friends I hope you enjoyed this moment of reminiscence on my part. If you can't tell, this is the opening book for the Song of Angels series I wrote. This is the book of evidence for why the story was written.

Previous Parts:

Homesteading Part 1
Homesteading Part 2
Homesteading Part 3
Homesteading Part 4
Previous Chapters:
Homesteading - 1st Evil Paranormal Experience
Homesteading - 2nd Evil Paranormal Experience
Homesteading - Real Strange and Downright Scary

Image Sources @jeff-kubitz
Written for Steemit: Copyright © 2017 Jeff Kubitz - Homesteading - Real Strange and Downright Scary - et al. All Rights Reserved.

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P.s. FYI, I've posted the beginnings of disclosure - my story, on my feed. I've stopped writing here recently tho, because I've picked up some energy vampires and interference.

Salt - Use some salt @mymoontao. Holy Water. I would like to read your feed as to what you are disclosing. I have had terrible internet since my last post and could hadly write this. Please remind me when I get my internet back to full speed in about 5 days okay?

Also, remember I am a veteran and am certain our government does not know, or did not know about this. As to whether or not it is finished...there are some people, a lot of people that do not know what you are talking about. I do from personal experience. So I am interested in the story you have to tell - let me know okay?

Very scary keep writing

I really like reading terror dear friend @ jeff-kubitz, thank you very much for another magnificent amterial
Have a great weekend

Thanks dear friend @jlufer. Have a great weekend yourself

OMG... a kindred. I have many similar experiences... Thanks so much for posting this. The whole paranormal side of 'our' lives is a huge, huge story and awakening for the world.

I lived in Salida, Colorado which, I understand is very close to 'Area 52' (and the San Luis Valley of UFO fame, etc)... then we ourselves homesteaded with an off grid solar home we did most of ourselves. I'm sorry to say we lost that place, long story, but I am not there now. I can totally relate to insulating in the cold like that... we had a similar experience with greenhouse and also insulation of our foundation under a modular house. I'm in the Colorado mountains and it was COLD!! We also had so much snow that year that the cars got burried up to the windows, it was unbelievable.

Yes, homesteading is not always a successful event my friend @mymoontao, we could really use some rain while Brian Makes big cloud off to the south and it is a long ways away

Hello my friend . New information . Thanks for sharing

Thanks my friend @mars9

Wow! I'm sorry I missed this prior to the 7 day deadline. Great sorry! I'm gonna have to go back to read the rest! Following for sure, for your new posts!

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