The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck - My New Tarot Cards!

in #life7 years ago

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The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck - My New Tarot Cards!

Last week I saw these cards on @intuitivejakob's post and I fell in love.
Jakob told me what they were and I found them on Amazon, but I was logged into The Husband's Amazon account by mistake so I didn't buy them. I left them in his cart as a reminder for later, but of course got too busy and I forgot to get them later.

The Husband surprised me by getting them for me and they arrived yesterday!
I was so excited and I spent all of last night getting to know the cards.
The purple design on the back of each card is so beautiful. Purple to me symbolizes spirituality, intuition, and connection to the Divine and that's what attracted me to the cards.
The actual artistic design of each card is amazing. The colors are so vibrant and stunning.
Unfortunately, the pics I took here did not capture how beautiful they actually are.
I'll try to get better pics in the future.
The only other decks I have are the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Cicero Golden Dawn so having these new colorful and beautiful cards are inspiring!
Thank you @swelker101! (The Husband)


The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck was created by John Holland and it has a very similar layout to the Rider-Wiate-Smith (RWS) deck with a few key differences.

The Major Arcana

This deck includes all the Major Arcana (0-21)
The cards have the same symbolic meaning as RWS, just with different names.

Major Arcana.jpg

The Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana in this deck still has 4 categories that represent the elements (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire), but only cards 1-9 for each category. There aren't any court cards.

minor arcana.jpg

The Earth Element category is called Physical

The Water Element category is called Emotions

The Air Element category is called Mental

The Fire Element category is called Spirit

The Chakra Cards

The biggest difference is that The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck includes cards that represent the 7 Chakras.
The Chakras are our energy centers.


The Base (Root) Chakra represents the physical and material issues. (Earth Element)

The Sacral Chakra represents emotions and desires. (Water Element)

The Solar Plexus Chakra represents power and confidence. (Fire Element)

The Heart Chakra represents harmony, compassion, and healing. (Air Element)

The Throat Chakra represents communication and creativity. (Sound Element)

The Third Eye Chakra represents intuition and higher levels of consciousness. (Light Element)

The Crown Chakra represents our link with the Universe, the Divine, and higher consciousness. (Thought Element)

My 3 Card Past, Present, Future Reading

After studying the cards, I meditated while shuffling them for a pretty long time.
We are still getting to know each other, but I wanted to do a reading for fun.

Past - Power
This is the 8th card of the Major Arcana

Present - Positive Movement Forward
This is the 8th card in the physical category

Future - The Waiting Game
This is the 2nd card in the spiritual category

This reading expressed to me that I have struggled yet had the strength to endure the difficult times of my past.
I have been working with the Earth Element for over a year now, so I'm not surprised to see a physical card for my present reading.
My foundations were broken, they fell apart and crumbled during the last few years, and I've been working hard to solidify them to create a stable foundation to move forward in my spiritual journey.
My Past and Present cards were both the number 8.
Numerically speaking, the number 8 represents strength, control, and materialism.
My Future card was a 2 which sybolizes balance, reflection, and diversity.
My Future reading indicates that I will face choices and decisions as I wait for my hard work to pay off.


Thanks for stopping by!


I fell in love with the artwork last week when I saw these on @intuitivejakob's post also - now I want to propose to the deck! LOL!

I didn't realize this deck was closely related to the RWS deck (which is the only deck I've worked with), which makes it even more appealing to me. And those Chakra cards... swoon

I think I need to tell my hubby about your hubby's awesome surprise (then add these to his cart, just in case he doesn't get the hint - LOL).

Wicked awesome addition to Tarot Tuesday, @isaria - thanks so much for jumping in! Bright blessings to you!

lol I can't stop looking at these cards!
I'm pleasantly surprised that they are related to RWS as that is the deck I am used to as well.
Just put them in your hubby's works like a charm!
Blessings to you as well!

That's the plan - LOL! 😊

Hey @isaria, what a cool post! I am so happy that very special deck made it to your healing hands. Way to make her shine as always, @swelker101!

This deck has held sacred meaning for me and I have been so fortunate to have it in my prayer space.

Interesting reading for you, too. Reminds me of some of the things I've been witnessing in my practice as well.

I have been cleaning all of the corners of my home and ashram in preparation for this eclipse and will be doing a Tarot Tuesday reading soon, too. Can't wait to see what comes up!

And thank you so much for the generous shoutout, my friend. So kind of you. 💘

Thank you! I love this deck so much. I'm so grateful that we met. <3

I am so grateful for you, too. 💫

New tarot cards are always so exciting and inspirational. I have two main decks...but find my motivation for using them blocked as of lately. They haven't truly spoken to me on awhile...something feels a complete refresh and reset seems to be in order.

I have nothing to base this on...but I like to think that different cards attract different frequencies of energy...and thus different messengers...or maybe the same messengers that now have the ability to guide us in an entirely new way...perhaps with different interpretations.

I always come back to my old decks when they feel right again...sometimes I think they have invisible intentions and purposes to be used during certain times or challenges only. I have yet to find the one that will carry me through everything.

These ones are particularly interesting because of the chakra. You have suddenly made me very enthusiastic about finally getting a new deck! Ordering them online is tricky for me...because I like to hold them and get an intuitive sense if they are right. Commercial images and descriptions also don't often give me enough information and clarity.

These look really perfect though! Thank you!
Seriously considering buying these exact ones. <3

I know what you mean. I never even touch my Golden Dawn Deck....I don't feel anything from them.
I instantly felt a connection with these cards though. There really are so many beautiful cards out's tough to choose! Did you see my post from Monday? I was writing about my personal mantras and I mentioned your Relax, Release, Refresh, Refocus mantra. <3

Connecting with the cards is really important. :D
I did check out that post...and totally meant to comment on it....I have air for brains sometimes. So glad you still find that mantra useful! <3

these cards look really awesome, and I think I ned one of these decks! This would make card readings a lot easier for me to understand!
I have 2 decks of oracle cards, but I've never understood the tarot decks.

Yeah these are really very easy to work with...and they are so beautiful!

Mmm, new decks are so fun. This one does look beautiful, with as much care in the art of the minor as there was given in the major.

We should do a card a week general interp, each either pulling from our own decks, or one person pulling and then everyone else share the equivalent card in their deck. Almost a comparative tarot :)

I've been playing with the Maroon for the last couple years...

Oh wow those Maroon cards are beautiful!
The comparative tarot idea sounds cool. I know the Tarot community here has been using the tag tarottuesday so Tuesdays would be a cool day to do it!

I did find the tarrottuesday from your looks like fun :D I started the card a day (if I can keep up with it we will see) and I added a comparison card today. Jump in if you would like and we can cross link so people can find the other decks :) We can definitely do it on Tuesdays though if you want!

Those look totally cool! So bright and beautiful. My sister was learning how to read tarot cards, but unfortunately she moved before she could read them for me... :(

We might do some tarot readings on the Darkside show, you should check it out if you can!
It's on MSP-waves radio Saturday nights 7-8 CST.
Are you in the Minnow Support Palnet Discord?

Yes ma'am! Sounds like fun!

Yes!! Incredible reading and beautiful cards! I love finding more tarot friends on Steemit. I may have to grab that deck as well!

Cool thanks! Nice to meet you!

I have not seen this set before, the cards are beautiful!

The nicest deck I have is my Osho Zen Tarot.
The best book I have on the tarot is The Wisdom of The Tarot by Elisabeth Haich.

Always fun to see a reading. Thanks for posting yours :)

The Osho Zen cards look nice!

so a good husband so sometimes makes us even more loving even until we sometimes feel guilty for ever hurt him even with little things

cuddle attack gif

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