@intelliguy flips out on the cheese discussion with a comment to @clio

in #life6 years ago (edited)

YOU EAT CHEESE? You like CHEESE? --- I just ranted about cheese and had to re-post it myself to my followers.


@clio is a very educated person. She wrote a very well crafted blog post... about a meal she had in France. She was kind of enough to show pictures of the meal and explain things...

I enjoyed her blog post, which was this one:


...until I saw pictures of the cheese....

Here is what I wrote as a comment in response:

You know, in North America, there are two types of popular cheese:

  • "Cheddar" (orange colored cheese) They try to call it "American Cheese".. (as if we are the inventors of cheddar)

(Fun fact: Cheddar was actually created in Somerset, south west England and NOT the USA)

  • "White cheese" maybe Pepper Jack, Mozzarella, Provolone, or Marbled

...thats only 5 common cheeses...

People do see blue cheese, but most people stick their nose up at it... That's a special person that wants that terrible, smelly sharp stuff...

Swiss is known, but not often bought often that much either.

Now I look at this picture:


I find myself drooling with interest. What are those "artisan" cheeses that visually must hold so much flavor to them?

...omg. People outside of North America eat well. Here, we must have lost our sense of taste.

Infact... I don't see any plastic wrap over those cheeses. I don't see them processed or individually sliced.

These are hunks of cheese that are only 1 step away from the way they were made, preserved and prepared... I can almost smell how good they might taste.

What you have there... is cheese to be enjoyed, treasured, and respected for the flavor they have...

What a concept!

IF YOU EAT CHEESE -- AND ENJOY CHEESE --- You need to question yourself a little here...

I love seeing this stuff.

Cheese is everywhere. JUST NOT REAL CHEESE. :)

You want cheese in North America on your burger, OR your pizza? What do they ask? "Do you want extra cheese?"

Do you know why you need "extra cheese" offered in the USA ??

  • Because most popular cheeses don't have enough flavor on their own, so you always need "extra"

In Europe, you don't need "extra" cheese. It's like money. There is no such thing as "extra money".

There is quality cheese, and non-quality cheese.


The artisan tasteful cheeses Europeans eat is completely different than the packaged and processed "American Cheese" most U.S citizens are used to eating.

  • "Extra cheese" in Europe is not needed as badly as it might be in the USA...

  • Cheese is one of those things in life that are very misunderstood. :)

So that's your lesson on Cheese, and my rant on it. Vegans, I apologize for talking about cheese in the first place....

...but cheese and its roots and quality has become one of life's most misunderstood mysteries here on earth. :(

So the next time you are asked... "do you want extra cheese?"

Think of this picture:

...and "just say no..." I'd rather have less cheese BUT a quality cheese on my burger or pizza instead. :)


Ahhhh cheese. Coming from the same background as @clio, you have no idea how happy cheese makes me. I ate vegan for a while just as a experiment and the 1 thing I actually missed was cheese!

The cool thing about cheeseplatters is that in general you dont gave to eat any bread or whatever with it. Just neutralizing the flavor aith some bread before you go on to the next is enough. And enhancing the flavor with some red onion compote, or a homemade jam. God Im hungry already. Id recommend that to anybody who finds the blue cheeses a bit too much: try a piece with some compote on it. Ground breaking.

Also italian cheeses...more salty, more tough. The bombbbb

Cant wait to see more on the Swiss cheese aspect ;)

Ps..is cheddar even cheese? Ever tried to set it on fire? Try it.. it just burns like plastic (and yes i took the plastic off lolll)

I really liked your post. It's been a few years since I was in the USA for the last time, but I'm always surprised about the meals in general (so big!) and the cheese in particular. Especially the orange Cheddar, the square slices in plastic, it does not look like cheese and does not taste like cheese. I loved the fruit pies and I enjoyed the American breakfast and refilling the coffee, but I prefer French cuisine.

In the Netherlands, we also have excellent cheeses, but in France ..... The choice is overwhelming. I admit you have to get used to the blue cheeses because they have a strong taste, but if you're used to them, they are very tasty.

I don't go to the supermarket today and tomorrow we will drive back to the Netherlands, but once we are back in France I will make a post about the French cheeses. Supermarkets here in France have aisles full of different cheeses and then there is, of course, a huge fresh department. BTW, it is polite to take a few slices of some of the cheeses from the plate, not to eat everything :)

How interesting this post because yes, cheese is a common theme among thousands of people and that is the culture that is all people eat cheese every day, for example in my country Venezuela is always eaten every day as breakfast and dinner with the famous arepas that I recommend you try sometime in your life. But if cheese is something very common in our lives whatever the presentation that is always on our tables and my favorite is parmesan, now let's talk a little about cultures in my country the typical cheeses here are the llanero that is hard white and very salty as well as guayanes cheese that is like a mozarella but softer and semi sweet and salty. A big hug I send you from Venezuela is always good to exchange information between cultures and I hope I have provided you with good information

You have a great comment @musicayfarandula problem is I can't upvote it, because you didn't upvote this post either. (I always check who votes the post, before I upvote the comment). Maybe it was a mistake?

apologize friend the error was mine and vote your publication I loved the content that caught my attention to tell you what I had in mind and pass the vote by stop but already vote your great publication

Upvoted! (by the way, there are a lot of people who come by, purposely do not vote the post, and want votes for their comments. So now I have to keep checking)

I’m a rather plain person when it comes to cheese. Just want some cheddar on hamburger or in ramen noodles. Some of those cheese on that plate looks like a horror show of forgetting something in the back of the refrigerator for 6 months.

That is only because you didn't smell it, and dared yourself to try it.

Good cheese doesn't need to be paired with anything... it can stand on its own. That is why France serves a cheese plate,sometimes as an appetizer, or a dessert. It excites your palate and sends endorphins to your brain. It is too bad most North Americans may never enjoy the different experience that quality cheese can bring.

This is why you hear about "fine wine" and "fine cheese" shows... both of them can bring a colorful taste to your tongue that brings a harmony of beauty in your mind to taste when done right..

...something unlike you'd get by asking McDonalds for double cheese on your burger.

I like the ones with edible packaging it grows around itself ... cheese is a solid source of protein + several minerals and vitamins. The fats are an ideal energy source for healthy humans. I love cheese ... we don't have enough here in Thailand :)

I love cheese and I do love the quality ones

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Awesome! I've begun to love cheese. I watched a show on PBS semi recently. One guy talked about limberger cheese (or a similar smelly variety). He said once you put it in your mouth, somehow the taste combined with the smell that went from your mouth to the back of your nose makes for an amazing cheese.

It got me a little excited to try it, but it is still hard to get past the initial smell. Haven't tried it yet, but maybe one day.

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