At the Airport to My Destination, Thank you Steemit! | Opinion

in #life7 years ago

With Steemit, I gathered funds to migrate from my country | Opinion

I bought my ticket, but one of the hardest experiences of my life is coming. Say goodbye to my family T,T

For those who are not Venezuelans, this is a fact that often happens in airports, as the situation of the country forces us to do these farewells in a massive manner, which makes the farewell in an airport being an act as depressing as a funeral, for the traveler as for those who accompany you to the airport. As we are not a culture of being photographed in tears, I do not have photos of me crying, but that day we cry like never before.

You have to show the best face.

The part where they check in and see for the last time your family was something very hard that left me devastated, I still have not overcome, leaving your family and your whole life behind. Some choose to say goodbye in their homes to avoid the harsh situation of the farewell at the airport. This division of families is a normal thing currently in Venezuela, is so common, that when I said my friends that I will left the country I find out that 4 friends will go to the same country, the same day, in the same flight.

O.O! Incredible, I went to a the new country with my friends !.

And so I arrived at the airport of Ezeiza.

Thank you very much to all those who supported me (without knowing it) in my trip. Thanks to all those who in my previous history made donations:D. Thanks also to the people of the Cervantes Project (Pablo @pgarcgo and Manu @gargon, and to all #Steamguild) who supported me and many other users of the platform. Thank you all for this experience!

You can read more tips in my opinion section.
Are you an influential person in Steemit? | Opinion
Things that Influence Users to Read Your Post | Opinion
Tips for Creating Popular Post | Opinion
Evaluating Steemit with my goal to Emigrate | Opinion
So I met Steemit and I arrived at my destination | Opinion
With Steemit, I gathered funds to migrate from my country | Opinion

m645 25417


Congratulations @hykert. I salute you for reaching your goal to emigrate. And for all the steemians and others who, assisted him in his goal. Thank you, good job. This is an excellent example of helping others and building the Steemit community :)

Thank you!

You're most welcome. Best wishes on reaching your goals :)

Thank you! :D

You're most welcome. I really enjoy seeing you reach a major goal. Uplifting and exciting. Steem on :)

Muchos exitos por allá amigo y que tengas una nueva vida en esa nueva tierra! Saludos.

gracias :D

Leo tu blog sólo desde unos dias, pero creo que es maravilloso que has podido emigrar gracias a steemit ! Mucha suerte en esta nueva ruta de tu vida.

Gracias por tu cometario. Gracias por tus buena vibra. Saludos! :D

De nada! Es increible ver que alguien esta haciendo sus suenos la realidad :)

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