Evaluating Steemit with my goal to Emigrate | Opinion

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Spent half a year in the world of cryptomonedas when I met Steemit, drawing my attention when I checked the volatility of the coins [coinmarketcap.com] (www.coinmarketcap.com) that changed from a 2-digit post to the first Positions. This surprised me and made me curious to know what it was about and boom! ... I met with Steemit when they had post that they had a profit of up to 5000 $ BD, surprising myself and saying to myself if they can, why not me?:D.

A Gift Drawing :D

However when I decided to post I did not make any profit, my goal was always to emigrate from my country (Venezuela) so after 2 tests on the page I decided to publish my first post with the intention of collecting funds to leave my country [My first Animation : "Stick Figthers" funds to emigrate from Vzla (https://steemit.com/video/@hykert/my-first-animation-stick-figthers-funds-to-emigrate-from-vzla), I did not get good results, This would not stop me and I devised a plan to evaluate how the page acted or rather, the users of the page, I published approximately 100 post with little relevant earnings, but this helped me to create the following method of work:

-Post in 2 languages.
-Post on the schedule from 6 pm-9pm.
-Publicate Monday to Friday (At least this works with me and the weekends I did not obtain good results)
-Comment other people post.
-Use the chat.
-To be constant in the publications.

  • Do short post.

You can see more tips that you can read in my opinion section.
Are you an influential person in Steemit? | Opinion
Things that Influence Users to Read Your Post | Opinion
Tips for Creating Popular Post | Opinion

After that series of tests I decided to publish my own content (since the ones made before was investigative publications), illustrations, animation and comics (And now Opinions xD).

Continues> Publishing Content and Collecting Money to Emigrate from My Country
l800 29317

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 58979.17
ETH 3236.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.33