What To Do When Your Dreams & Goals Are Scary

It's All In Your Mind

Jumping allows you to look fear right in the face and say "Look at me now". It allows you to push past barriers you never thought were possible to get around. This is what most people fail to do. They fail to jump and take a leap of faith. Is it scary? Yes. Could it backfire? Yes. Would you know how far you would've gone if you never jumped? NO. Absolutely not. Don't live with regrets. Follow your energy and do what you really want because the world needs you. It is your time to JUMP! Peace to the world.
What's one thing you are afraid to accomplish?
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It's always and will always be a matter of mindset. Nice blog.
I agree with that and thanks for stopping by.
You're most welcome @humanearl
Some of my dreams are little bit scary at the moment! At the frustration stage of leaving the job and to be a full time STEEMIAN! Still not decided!
Ah. That's a good problem to have I would say. There's so many factors that may go into that decision for you so I can't tell you what to do. If you can pull it off financially then I don't see why not but it's your call.
Just understand where you are and what you can handle. I wanted my wife to quit her job so that I could start attempting to post 2 times everyday but we recently just made a decision for her to simply cut back her hours which will still help me get at least 2 extra posts out during the week.
This way she still brings in her money while I am steadily growing my blog.
Whatever decision you make just have faith and confidence that it will work itself out. If you still need help talking it through then let me know.
I agree with @humanearl simply because the suggestion is reasonable and sensible.
@theguruasia, you've your decision to make, do not rush, take your time to give the matter on ground a deep thought and proper evaluations. Talk about it to trusted and matured friend, you know why? As written by a book of wisdom:
I wish you all the best🙂
Your are right fear is the nasty thing that keeps us away from achieving brilliant feats. Keeping it at bay we can accomplish amazing achievements.
A bird can only learn to fly by jumping out of nest. His first flight is the most difficult afterwards flying doesn't know fear. Same is with us, first step or jump is difficult but after that nothing can stop us from achieving our goals.
Thank you for motivational and encouraging post.
Wow bro. What a great analogy with the bird. I never thought of that with that in mind.
The bigger the dream the bigger the impact of the possible failure. I have accomplished many dreams I never thought I would by using this attitude. Lets say your dream is to write a book. You have that dream because you haven't written a book. So if you try and fail you are no worse off than where you began. So you really have nothing to lose. Even in failure you learn something about yourself. Maybe you learn you are not a writer, but at least then you know and you dont spend your life wondering. One of my dreams as a younger man was to own and ride a motorcycle. The owning part came much easier than the nerve to actually ride it but after 4700 miles in the saddle it has become my favorite thing in the world. I have a patch on my Riding vest that sums up my approach to dreams well. It says, "Fear is Temporary, Regret is FOREVER"
I think people are afraid of the thought of failing more than a big dream. That is one powerful quote my friend. It speaks volumes.
Actually I am not afraid to the accomplishment that can provide me a better future. At the moment I am afraid of the results of everything, maybe it depends on our actions or anything that abrupt our decision making. Maybe that is my greatest fear , to accomplish there high expectations(my parents)😧😩.
We are all guilty of this at one time or the other...it is better you tried and failed than not trying at all. There was a biz i tried to set up by december (2017), i won't say it went down the drain, but it wasn't exactly what i envisaged. Fact right now is, i have another biz i wanna run, bigger and scarier, but i gotta do it. I failed at the other but gained more experience for competence and competition. So in actuality, did i really fail?? Because i personally do not think so!
@humanearl says it all...it is all in your mind.
Being afraid of the result of something can actually hinder you from doing that thing...The basic hindrance here is fear and I think that's what we all need to fight off.
Thanks brother for your advice 😇
@sistem...you couldn't be more right. Fear would never take any one anywhere. Thank you for putting all these in a nutshell
@sistem Thanks for the insight there and helping with that.
@slimsieris The bigger and scarier the dream the better opportunity to work your faith muscle. I started a business about 2 years ago and I failed. I got seriously burned out from overwork. But I am back stronger than ever. Doing what I enjoy. What big idea do you have if you don't mind me asking?
"But I am back stronger than ever. Doing what I enjoy."...i can't wait to say this about myself. I love steemit, but there are still other things i wanna enjoy doing...like biz
I'm looking at dealing with goods now, on a wholesale basis. My December biz was totally on a different line, although i have planned to incorporate it with this one sometime in the nearest future. I had done some survey for over a couple of years, but whenever i wanna start, it really gets scary....and drawing from the result of the past, i'd get extremely discouraged. Your post says that's not healthy, and really @humanearl, i am going to take this transition step. It is either i take it or i take it haha.
How about you sir? Apart from steemit, what do you enjoy doing?
The conviction of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen, so is faith defined by a book of wisdom.
For a goal held in mind to be achieved or attained, it is wise to jump in faith right on the proper track without fear...
Timely words of wisdom coming from @humanearl!
Once again, I express my heartfelt gratitude on your visit to my blog.
Grateful heart.
Thanks for your gratitude. It's all good. I love that statement on faith. Simple but yet so powerful.
Thanks for your compliments sir!
Most people don't push themselves enough although they certainly have the ability to succeed. It is all about taking that extra step which other people are too idle to take. So today promise yourself to take that extra step and achieve greatness.
Word. This is refreshing to hear.
OMG, I just discovered your blog thanks to @valorforfreedom and I gotta say I feel connected to you right away. I was just haunted by bad dreams as I had my spiritual most incredible time of my life at the Anarachapulco event in Mexico. Even your last photo here of the desert resembles my desert journey video thumbnail in so many ways. I totally agree with your message and I am putting out a video about my spiritual believes today that explain the foundation to why what you say is so true.
i don't know anything about you yet but I already know that I did find you for a higher reason. Let's be the creator of our creatrix!
@flauwy Man I've heard so many good things about you. Nice to finally meet you.
Glad we have some things in common and you're welcome to comment here anytime.
I will have to check out your spiritual experience video
Yea taking a leap of faith is very important . Many things we could have achieved but were too scared to try. Life itself is a risk. The fact that you never know what's gonna happen the next minute you leave you house yet you leave is you taking a risk. The only difference between you leaving your house on the morning not knowing what would happen and you failing to attempt that feat is simply the presence of fear. When you want to leave your house in the morning, you have no atom of fear and so take that risk with joy . But when fear creeps in, you find yourself not being able to do that which you would easily do on a normal day. So I think we should try to fight off fear at all times and tell ourselves we can do it even when our whole being disagrees.
Very well written @sistem, fear is the major factor that separates us from giving a shot at our dreams and goals.
Motivational speakers will say;
And without being further convinced, I have come to realize that most successful people on steemit are the risk takers. Am new to the system, but am willing to take the risk.
Thank you @humanearl for sharing, at least, I got reminded of my dreams yet again.
@sistem Great way to put it. Fear is a monster we must learn to conquer.
There is no having second thoughts when you know what exactly you should do. Having second thoughts will make you procrastinate and eventually, you might not get anything done until it is too late. This undoing might later create a loophole that allows for regrets. Do what is right at the appropriate time.
It's not like what I am afraid to accomplish, it's more like what responsibility I'm afraid of. I fear that my church leaders might make me a leader too someday. I'm afraid of that responsibility. I believe in efficiency, commitment, accountability and in being blameless in that kind of office and I'm not sure I can be all of that.
That is a big responsibility and being a church leader is a great calling. But you have to speak with God on that. Sometimes people may appoint you but it may not be God's will. But maybe being a leader in that regard will be something God puts on your heart.