The Reset Button of my Life – My Recovery Diary 2017 - Part 9

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The Yacht harbor of Portoroz. Receiving of our boat, August 13th 2016.

On the beam wind - we are sailing from Venice to Portorož. 24 August 2016. (Video length: 15 seconds.)

I do not have much time to reminisce about the last sailing trip. I will never forget it though.

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Dieser Artikel ist auch in Deutsch verfügbar.

Today is Tuesday, January 17th 2017 - 8 days to stem cell transplantation

Today is a very emotional day. After breakfast I say my good-byes to Khira, then my wife takes me to the University Clinic in Dresden. I will spend the next approximately 6 weeks in the isolation ward there.On January 25th 2017 they plan to do the stem cell transplant. This procedure and the preparations for it will be very exhausting for myself and my body. Besides, it is like playing Russian Roulette: about 10-15% of patient pass away during this procedure. Due to infections, rejections or other complications. Since I am relatively young and allover healthy (heart, liver and kidneys), the lethal risk is smaller, as the doctors assure me.

Arrival in the University Clinic Dresden

My home for the upcoming weeks. Single bedroom with a desk, bicycle ergometer and TV.

At 10:30am we arrive at the reception. After all required formalities are taken care off, I can go to my room. Not only the ward is secured by a lock, there is also another air lock right in front my room.
In the room a special AC Unit provides sterile air and a slight pressure so no germs can get inside. The windows are sealed. I am positively surprised by the room. Almost like a hotel.If you don’t look at the wall across.

The wall above my bed

The examinations begin right away

A few pap smears, blood withdrawals and EKG.

Over and over again they take blood...

14 tubes

EKG - my heart is fit

I finally get some food: fish with spinach and mashed potatoes. After eating I say my good-byes to Sabine. She was with me until now and is now going home. Luckily, there are phones, so we can stay in touch.


After Lunch I am getting tired. I need a nap.

Educational Discussion

After I wake up, Dr. Thomas Krueger comes by my room. Detailed educational discussion. I pretty much have two options:

  • Option #1: I deny the stem cell transplant. In that case, they will continue treatment with Vidaza, I have to continue to take anitbiotics and anti yeast infection pills and will continuously receive blood cells. In the past few weeks I learned that the life quality suffers under these circumstances. But that’s not all. The repeated takings of medications will lead to damaging my organs such as kidney and liver and lead to serious issues. And due to the numerous erythrocytes IVs the iron storage disease lurks around which can lead to death.
  • Option #2: I agree to get the stem cell transplant done. That means the day after tomorrow they will start me on a strong Chemo which will last a few days. The goal is to kill all or most of my mutant stem cells. Unfortunately, during this procedure my healthy cells such as hair root cells and mucus membrane building cells will die too. Actually, all cells which divide on a regular base. On January 25th is Day ZERO. On this day I will receive healthy stem cells from a matching donor via an IV. The stem cells automatically wander to my bone marrow afterwards. That’s how smart they are :) It’s going to take 14 days to 3 weeks until those stem cells are grown into my bone marrow and start producing blood and immune system cells.
    You can either die from it or get better. I pick the last one.

My bulletin board

daily training to gain strength

With this Recovery Diary I want to not only write about my progress (or regress). Most importantly, I want to reassure those who are in a similar situation. No matter if it is yourself, a member of your family or a friend who is affected.

To be continued...

You can find the previous articles here:

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