The Reset Button of my Life – My Recovery Diary 2017 - Part 4

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt.

The dream of my own yacht. Cala D'Or, Mallorca in June 2011.

Owning my own yacht was just a quick thought. The costs of the acquirement and maintenance are just way to high, but just being able to rent a yacht during vacation once or twice a year!!
I began working on my vision.

On 06.14.2011 I started the interactive online course to obtain the required theoretic and practical knowledge. I studied for the test to obtain the Sportbootfuehrerschein-See (SBF-See). The material I had to internalize was indeed very extensive, especially when you have to start at ZERO (like me). I appointed in written form: I would study 3-4 nights per week for about 3-4 hours. The TV will stay turned off. In the following days I ordered more study material online:
Testing material for the SBF-See for practice and navigation aid. I studied hard the following weeks. Ultimately, I was used to passing exams at the first attempt. Everything else is just a waste of time.

Navigation aid and testing material SFB-See.

Theoretic and practical exam

Alongside, I had to find out where I promptly could take the exam. I also needed a 'driving school' where I was able to get practice for the practical part of the exam. You can't do that using a computer. The online course was very helpful with that. A list of boat driving schools next to locations of testing and possible dates where found in the secured part of the website.

Now, I was able to continue to plan (in written form):

  • a one day intense practical training (with a personal trainer) in the "Segelschule" (sailing school) Braun, Berlin Koepenik (Germany). Date: 07.23.2011
  • Book a hotel. Hotel Spree Idyll from 22 - 23 of June 2011. My wife Sabine, my daughter Julia and our lab Khira will join me for this quick trip and spend two beautiful days at a Berlin lake.
  • The theoretic exam SBF-See in Gruenheide, "Haus am Werlsee" on the morning of July 23rd 2011
    practical exam SBF-See on the River "Mueggelspree", Berlin Koepenik on the afternoon of July, 23rd 2011

A small snack before we are headed home. The young lady is my daughter Julia and the lab is our Khira. My wife Sabine is behind the camera.

The first stage is complete!

Time hop. 4th quarter 2015: Anticipation.

Every year in the fall we usually plan the next trip for the following year.
For myself, I claimed a week of paid time off around Fathers Day in May 2016.
Sailing practice in the Tyrrhenian Sea :-) only friends, no wives. We had planned our common 14 day vacation with two other couples for August 2016.
Us, that is, Carmen, Carsten, Grit, Ulf, Sabine and I. Us three men are all enthusiastic sailors, the wives come along, but don't just want to sail. So we split up the two weeks as followed:
August 13th - 19th relaxation in a country home in Tuscany, Pescia, Italy. On the agenda, among other things, we planned excursions to Pisa, Lucca and Florence. The second week, August 20th until August 27th 2016 we will rent a yacht, an Elan Impression 45, sail the northern Adriatic Sea and explore Venice by water. A detailed travel report will follow.

The "Elan Impression 45 Histria" in the gulf of Venice.

An honorable day is ahead

On 12.22.2015 my wife Sabine will celebrate her 50th birthday. This requires a very special gift.
Together with my two daughters and sons in law we came up with a very special surprise: We are all taking the week from July 2nd until July 9th off work. I will secretly rent a house boat, of course without Sabine's knowledge. Big enough for 7 persons with three sleep cabins and two plumbing units (bathrooms). Seven person who will be: the birthday child Sabine, our daughter Susann, son in law Johannes, our daughter Julia, Markus, little Lotta and I.
The gift certificate for this common family trip on the water streets of the Netherlands and a final common excursion to Amsterdam will for sure be a successful surprise for my wonderful wife and mother of our children for her upcoming round birthday. I know Sabine has always dreamed about a vacation on a house boat.

Vacation photos Netherlands, July 2nd until July 9th 2016

Johannes is looking ahead on the bow

I'm so Happy

Lotta as a pilot

On the Ijsselmeer

Sundown on the channel

Water gate in Sneak

Three generations taking a nap in the parlor of the house boat.

Marcus and my daughter Julia. The parents of Baby Lotta.

Flower market in Amsterdam.

The valley of the dark shadows

A few days after our return from this vacation I visited my family doctor. I wasn't feeling well at all and had chest pain even during little exercise. The Doctor examined me well and even did an EKG: my heart was fine. The lungs too. The nurse drew a couple of tubes of blood and I was told to come back the following week. However, the next day my phone rang already. I was supposed to come back immediately and pick up a referral to go to the hemic diseases department of the Kuechenwald-Klinikum Chemnitz. My blood count wasn't right at all.

The next day I was hospitalized. Again, blood draw, EKG, CT of my heart and lungs and most uncomfortable: a bone marrow punction in my iliac crest. The following day a doctor explained:

  • I don't have enough erythrocytes (red blood cells). My oxygen transportation capacity only is at 60% of the minimum merit of a healthy human. The chest pain is caused by the coronary blood vessels which under stress suffer from acute lack of oxygen.
  • I don't have enough thrombocytes (blood plates). Just a small injury can cause a major blood loss. Aside, there is a possibility that I internally bleed to death.
  • I am massively missing leukocytes (white blood cells). I have to be cautious about germs and reduce contact with other human beings to the essential.
    Without my immune system a harmless infection could turn into a deadly pneumonia.

With a worried look on his face the doctor declared the diagnosis: High Risk MDS RAEB-II, 20% blast cell content in my bone marrow. I couldn't do anything wth that and began googling. What I discovered was devastating: in this state the statistically expectation of life was only 1-2 years. At this point I had reached the temporary rock bottom of my life.

Today, it's Sunday the 8th of January 2017

This morning I have gotten my ambulant transfusions in the Kuechwald-Klinikum Chemnitz. Sunday afternoon and evening I will spend at home with my wife. I am writing this article. I am doing good according to the circumstances. I am happy and satisfied. MDS can kiss my behind...

I have cancer. A special kind. The blood forming stem cells in my bone marrow are infested. To be precise: On July 29th 2016 I was diagnosed with high risk - MDS RAEB II.
Without the help of modern medicine an absolute deadly illness. As long as I am able to, I will continuously write in my Recovery Diary. In case my condition gets worse, you may have to wait for a sequel for a couple of days.
With this Recovery Diary I want to not only write about my progress (or regress). Most importantly, I want to reassure those who are in a similar situation. No matter if it is yourself, a member of your family or a friend who is affected.

continued, Part 5: The sea calls! - It goes to the South!

You can find the previous articles here:


All my respect for opening your story here.

Thank you. It helps me to process it better.

Great stories!!! Up-voted, followed and resteemed! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

Many Thanks. I will continue it every two to three days.

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