KID'S TRAIN - Free, Interactive, Strengthening, Team Building, Life Changing Fun!

in #life7 years ago

Anyone who knows me, knows I love kids.

Some of the very best parts of my day are when I get to get into that beautiful space with children, where everything is magical, anything is possible, and where laughter and creativity rule!!!

I especially love playing with these two gems - @qiqi-power and @noki-power.  They are free children growing up in the @gardenofeden.  Their father, @quinneaker, created the @gardenofeden as an example of responsible, inspired, engaged, free, holistic, and "living the dream"  living.  If you want to get a glimpse of his empowered children, check out their blogs. 

 @noki-power's introduction post, and @qiqi-power's introduction post

Our kitchen is very large with a couple of seating areas, and an island down the middle.  The configuration  makes for a really great race track, a perfect route for a good game of chase, and has little cubby areas for an impromptu game of hide-n-jump-out-and-scare. (Those are our kids favorite indoor games of all time, even our one year old Qinoku loves it!!)  We practically live in this area of the house during the winter, as the only heat we use in our home is in the adjacent room to the kitchen we call the stove room. (We heat sustainably using discarded wood.)  The rooms are completely open to one another, so there is room for us all, our cooking on the wood burning stove, feasting, toys, computers for steeming, juicing, vinegar making production, vats of homemade kimchi, and all kinds of craft projects, dancing and communal play.  

These photographs were taken in the evening, the lighting really sucked and really, so do these photographs.  But regardless, I think this is a post worth making and reality worth sharing.   I'm grateful the squeals called me into the room just in time to snap a few photos of this creative play.

Here's the Locomotive Heath.  
He's pulling Lelu,
pulling QiQi,
pulling Caboose Noki. 

The go around the track,
Hauling each other,
One attached to the next,
Giggling and shouting "Hold on--don't let go!"
"Never let go"!  "Faster! Faster!"


There was not a single toy needed for this game. 

No rules.

No uniforms.

No special equipment.

No waiting for recess or designated play time.

No age segregation.

No coaches, teachers or monitors.

They're getting stronger.

Using their imaginations.

Engaging inspiration.

Connecting with each other.

Working together and building a team.

They come up with ways to alter the game.

They experience both sides of the fun, 

And adjust their roles as the need arises.

They test their critical thinking skills.

They exercise their leadership mastery.

They trouble shoot and come up with solutions.

all the while changing someone's life.

Heath really loves to play with these girls, and they really love to play with Heath.  

Heath lived homeless for 15 years.
He came to the @gardenofeden about 6 months ago.
Heath was a very angry, frustrated, sometimes belligerent, recovering druggy and alcoholic.
He tried to be calm, considerate and an integral art of the community.
But he just couldn't do it.

Heath also has a mouth full of mercury fillings.
He is being poisoned everyday by these toxins that have been in his head for decades.
Mercury can do some really horrific things to your body and mind.
Homelessness can make you feel alone, defensive, afraid, closed off, unworthy and unwanted.

Since coming to our community,
Heath has had a dry, safe, comfortable, teeny tiny home of his own.
He has as much food as he wants, whenever he wants, and of any caliber and quality he wants.
He has friends and a family.
He is a contributing member of our community, taking on the responsibility of keeping our dish reality in flow.
Heath has begun the safe removal of his mercury fillings.
He laughs way more now than he grumbles.
He admits when he's wrong and makes amends.
He gets to use his very potent creative powers.
He celebrates his birthday everyday.
He gets to play with the children, and his heart has lightened by being with such joyful spirits.
He can be himself, and be loved for it.

I hope you get a taste of the magic that is happening at the @gardenofeden.
Not only are we holding space for those who are hungry, in need of love and support,
But we are also holding space for a new generation of empowered geniuses that light up our life by their presence.
We are bringing worlds together.
We are bridging generation gaps.
We are helping to heal others while we heal ourselves.
And we're doing it together.

Who could ask for a more beautiful life of service than that?

The life at the @gardenofeden is the vision of Founder @quinneaker.  
He has dedicated his life to creating something he has never seen before.  
Indeed, none of us have!
The @gardenofeden is almost a decade in the making already,
and the dream is of expansion to give opportunity for hundreds of others to create the life of their dreams too.
It would be awesome to have you be a part of it.


"Thank You For Being" @quinneaker post
"Thank You For Being" @qiqi-power post

A taste of @quinneaker's perspective on parenting and education (which is, of course, the foundation for his children's awakened presence.


So much fun!
Love you Shellie!

You are so much fun. I'm so grateful for you sweet Noki!

This is a great post! One of the many multilayered moments in the full spectrum life @gardenofeden.

True that!!! I love how our everyday lives are filled with moments like these. What seems so simple, is also so complex. Life at the @gardenofeden is always an amazing adventure!

An amazing adventure indeed!!! So beautiful <3

Love this post!
One of the most valuable contributions you make to the world and to Steemit!

Blessed by the opportunity to be a part of such magnificence! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, @quinneaker! <3


Lelu was just telling me last night all the Spanish she has learned and what a great teacher you are! 💖

She has learned a lot, but hasn't been around very much lately while we have been singing and playing in Spanish. There are indeed so many opportunities in paradise!

She sang an entire song in Spanish last night while drawing. I guess I better get on the boat and learn Spanish! :-)

She'll be singing circles around you. No time like the present!!!

I am an occupational therapist by trade and one of my passions in life are my kids and working with kids- their energy, spirit and take on life is exemplary and the luster we lack as adults.. thanks for sharing!

They truly are a divine gift. It seems rare that people really recognize and honor them for who they are, and accept their example to shine brightly. I loved reading your comment @stephanation. Thanks for taking the time to connect.

People are usually happier when they have less. I love your game without needing toys or anything else.

Life's simple, inspired pleasures are the best!! Thanks for visiting my blog @doctorcro.

I love to have kids around me especially when playing hide and seek with them.. kids are good to be with because they don't keep malice with you even if you offended them..

Kids are definitely more in the moment than adults, enjoying it, engaging it, and letting go of it when it isn't as ideal as it could be (that is of course, unless they continually get abused and are scarred for a lifetime). We have much to learn from children.

It is beautiful to see how you guys are creating real change in the world. Often people talk a great game and have lots of "plans" without anything actually happening at "street level."

Thank you for BEING the change!

Bright Blessings!

So glad you can feel the power of BEing and DOing something that really makes a difference. It feels good to be in service, and to have our efforts provide something of value. Thanks for your comment @whitelightxpress. I appreciate your appreciation.


Oh soooo much love! <3

@everlove Another great job. Hope we can work together on a project at some point. Keep up the good work.

There's no time like the present!!! <3

If you have Twitter please follow me so we can direct message and talk further in depth. My Twitter name is JR_Steemit. If you do not have twitter we can figure out a different way.

I don't have twitter. I attempt to spend as little time as possible on the computer. Steemit is more than enough for me!

I am on Steemit Chat though, so you can reach me there if that works for you.

Yes that works I will message you there. Whatever is easiest for you.


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