The Difference Between Healing Sticks and Magic Wands

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Healing Sticks


My personal healing sticks.

There are those that may not know the difference between a healing stick or a magical wand. I know when I first started practicing energy work there was a part of me that was uncomfortable with the idea of using any form of stick or wand. Maybe it was because I was raised watching all those cartoons or movies that depicted an object that is being held in the hand as a form of witchcraft or dark magic.

Well, Eagle Spirit is here to save the day and help those that are interested to understand the difference. As I have mentioned before in my writings, there was a long time that I did not accept my abilities and was a very conservative person for most of my life. I blocked out the medicine (healing) aspect of my lineage and this in turn caused quite a bit of pain and insecurities.

The one thing to keep in mind when I am teaching or speaking is to understand that what I present are powerful objects and that whomever is holding these objects, whether it be the medicine pouch or sticks can be either light or dark. When the people of my community speak about light and dark some believe we have a mixture of both and it is all about balancing the light and dark within us.

There are others that are of the belief that some are just light or just dark and no mixture of either. I tend to go with the fact that we have the ability to have both and some may wish to go lighter or darker depending on their life experiences. Some love to just be light and some love to just be dark. Like everything else in life we all have a choice. It took me a long while to ever admit to myself that there might be some darkness within.

It was only after years of dealing with my shit as I say and letting go of a lot of negativity that I began to see and admit that I do hold some dark and it is with this balance that I am able to help others. I am in no way, shape, or form saying anyone should be one way or the other. It us up to our own soul to decide on what path is best for them. This of course is called Free Will. We all have a right to choose and I am a full supporter of one's rights.

Now that I have given my feelings on what I am about to share with the Steemit community, I will start to share what the basic meaning of a healing stick can be made of and how they can be used.


My ancestral healing stick.

The ancestral healing stick I am sharing above was handed down to me by my great grandmother through my father. She was a medicine woman from a long line of medicine people. The beaded detail also includes our family eagle symbol, with an amber crystal on one end and clear quartz crystal on the other end.

The crystal meaning when associated with a healing stick is the capability to open chakras, assist in unblocking energy, and assisting the flow of energy through a body. The benefits of this is when energy is flowing smoothly a person is able to heal much quicker and process negative energies at a faster rate.

The clear quartz is said to help see a disease or blockage, I'm not quite there yet in my medicine practice but it will come. The amethyst is said to bring healing and comfort for both the person holding the stick and the one being healed.


My selenite stick.

The selenite healing stick that I use is a high energy stick that some refer to as "angel crystal." If you read my medicine pouch post then you know how much I love this rock. Selenite is said to be of the angels and clears away negativity in an instant. The stick never needs to be cleared or cleansed because it does that on its own. I use this stick to clear many of my other stones since it is that powerful.

During medicine work I have cleared auras and assisted people in letting go of their past. When I do home blessings then I may use this to assist in ensuring whatever negativity may be lingering is gone. I have also been able to clear lands with my selenite stick.


My laser healing stick.

There are some crystals that just call to you and want to be your friend. Well, this one I picked up in a lovely shop in Saratoga, New York and when I saw it in a locked case I could not believe my eyes. There were many to choose from but this was the one that brought instant heat to my hands and wanted be with me through my medicine journey.

According to the shop owner this baby was dug out of a cave in some far off land that I can't remember right now. It could have been Tibet, Africa, or South America. Either way I believe it and after using this laser wand on people who had a hard time walking and to see them walk freely after using this on their feet, I found this to be a very useful tool and friend.

Apparently, the one being healed feels an electric white sensation through their body that energy travels straight to their ailment. Who would've thought? I wouldn't have! Let me not forget to mention that a stick on it's own may not work, or without someone who has a gift. If you recall that I mentioned I have Native American lineage, I am a Reiki practitioner and teacher. All of this adds up to, if you use something like this and it doesn't work for you, do not come back saying Eagle Spirit told you this is what will happen when you use these items. Yes, that was my disclaimer.


My generator crystal stick.

This little stick packs a powerful punch and helps to massage people in those tough stress spots and pressure points. It helps to keep energy flowing and relax anyone that is under a huge amount of stress. Sometimes to the point where they are visibly slouching or feet are curled to the point of trauma.

The energy produced from this crystal is amazing in that it focuses and intensifies the flow of healing. This really helps with those hard to reach places or if someone does not want a hand to be laid upon them, but is accepting of a crystal.


My petrified redwood stick.

If you didn't get a chance to read my blog on my trip to the petrified redwood forest then you may want to go back and read it. I did not share my healing stick in that post but this is where I will discuss it further. In my previous post I discussed the factors that create petrified wood, and what may be contained within this stone.

There are many silicate minerals usually quartz that make up this stone, fossils, copper, iron and manganese. All of these properties make up for a very strong stone. The result is an almost immediate grounding, after all it is an old tree that is now a stone.

This helps with those that have extreme amounts of anxiety, fear, panic, and a feeling of total loss. The energy from the stone helps with stability and calming anyone who holds this in a healing session. Personally, I have used this during meditation and it assists in guiding the way and lessening any anxiety life may put in our path. It is a treasured piece in my collection and more so because my mother bought it for me.

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Magic Wands

We have all seen magic wands and sticks in the movies like the one Gandolf is holding above, and I can only say that I have only held one magic wand once. The magic wand belonged to someone else so that should have been a warning. Basically, the wand zapped me.

Whether you believe in magic or not, the movies describe magic sticks and wands fairly accurately. The purpose is similar to a healing stick in that it is a tool that moves energy. Mostly to work with spells and magic.

Just as I mentioned earlier, these tools can either be for light or dark and whomever is the bearer of these tools is what energy flows through them.

Whether one uses a healing stick or a magic wand either tool needs to be activated with one's own energy. Of course, I have picked up a hand made unactivated wand but they are not my tool preference. Spells and magic is really not my thing.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop me a message below. Peace.

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Image Sources for Gandlolf, Harry Potter, and Witch.

All other photos are the property of @eaglespirit, do not use without permission.




This piece is amazing and full of your thoughts on the wonders that science cannot explain now.

My matriarch was sensitive to these energies and she often had healing quartz that she held in her hand. I remember her telling me one time that it will not work on me because I don't have the talent for it. Well that crushes my dreams of being a wizard lol

But I believe in what you say because science cannot explain everything yet. There are far too many things that defy logic or measurement.

Thanks ES for sharing this and I laughed at your disclaimer,

Hey Mave! Thank you for sharing about your matriarch and those ole ones boy, they just tell it! Hahaha
Thank goodness no one ever came at me like that ... they mostly look at me and know, so I often get the term sister or you have the gift.
I’m sorry you were crushed but maybe you feeling the wizard thing was it ... lol
I’m not certain but wizards are typically black magic. You are much too good, Light, and beautiful for that. :p
You hit it straight on point regarding things Medical cannot explain but some like Dr Oz are starting a new trend here and I am one of the first to be allowed in the operating room because of him.
I really loved hearing about your matriarch holding the crystal!!
Glad you laughed about the disclaimer, you know how people are!? LoL

Thank you for always supporting me. xoxo

This was a beautiful read.
I have just stopped pushing away the fact that I am a healer.
Info of experience is power, thanks for sharing yours.

Thank you for your reading and commenting. I appreciate your thanks and yes pushing it away can be more painful than just giving it. :)


I am reading some comments and I am glad that there are fellow reiki people that read your post. It is great to connect with same people.
I am thinking that it must have been a bit hard to come by those healing sticks, I can't find those here. I have no healing powers but just saying.
Are you coming to Canada anytime soon? Come my way and do some healing on me?? :p

Yeah I think these sticks drew some in and I had only seen one person before so that was a nice surprise to me too as far as readers! :)
What’s amazing about Reiki, energy work, or any type of healing is that tools just come. The right place at the right time and they’re just there. :)
Lmao regarding coming to Canada, you never know!!! :)

I will find me a stick of some type of property so I can lure you in to Canada. Like an invisible rope around you waist and I can tug on it :p

But then you’d have to give it up, NdNs love gifts 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is a FUN, interesting, and important piece. I love your writing style, always enjoy your blog, and this was an engaging read first thing in the AM. Learned some things I didn’t know, too. <3

Hey Lily! Did I ever tell you that’s my favorite name ever? Ever.
Hope life’s is treating you well and you are enjoying life. :)
Thank you for stopping by and reading, glad you enjoy my style and blessings to you today!


Those are beautiful. I'm also a reiki master, but I've never worked with sticks. It feels like a really lovely energy.

Master Teacher? Yeah sticks are interesting. I prefer my hands but it’s different for sure and seems to help people. Thank you for stopping by and showing support. :)

You know. It's weird, but I'm honestly not sure. A friend gave me the attunement when I was staying with her when I took my son to his grandfather's funeral. It was sort of a tumultuous time and the first time I had seen my ex husband in many years. I know she gave me a bunch of materials when she did the attunement and told me to just read them, and I know they included lots of info about teaching. I've only taught my children, though. I see myself as a teacher, but I don't know if I'm "legit" per se. I love how powerful it is. I did a lot of reiki when I was pregnant with my older daughter, and she was just born with it. Her channel is so open and clear. She's a powerhouse.

Didn’t you get a certificate and hopefully it would say on that. Also it would or she would have said you can “teach.” All symbols would come together and you would have been trained Tim teach. It is different than just the Master. Sounds like you are a master but not a Master Teacher. But only your friend who attuned you and your cert would say for sure. Not many people take on the Master Teacher role or go past level 2. Master Teacher is usually a year or More of training.

I did, but all those kinds of things have been packed up since we moved down to Belize, and I'm just not 100%. I definitely remember reading about teaching. I should just ask her. I haven't talked to her in a long time, but lord knows when we will finally settle down enough to actually unpack everything. I definitely didn't do anything for a year. That's for sure.

I made a wand for my youngest from the wood of her birth tree, the Hawthorn, it is always best to allow the tree to give you the wood itself so always ask first and wait for the fallen branches or twigs. I love that you share your knowledge with us @eaglespirit thank you and much love xx

The same tree that you buried the placenta? Sounds like a very special tree! :)
So if you don’t mind sharing what do you use the wand for? is it more for spells or do you just keep it as a momento? What did you do to make it a wand, was there a special treatment, decoration, etc? Sorry for all the questions, this is interesting! :)

Nice sticks, very impressive!!!

Did you ever work with Black Tourmaline?
(I love that stone)... =)

thanks, glad you liked the sticks!

yes i have worked quite a bit with BT, it's a great stone. :)

Cool, not many people have heard about it.

i prefer onyx, but because i had a hard time finding some small pieces for my medicine pouches i found black tourmaline years ago. i found more power (for me) in the onyx and i only use Raw stones because they are the strongest. :)

I love raw black "TM", there is something almost extra terrestrial about it, the way it looks, the static electricity it accumulates and the general vibe, never had any similar experience with any stone. Had som black polished onyx, but I did not feel a strong connection to it or understood how and what it could be used for...
I think you are right about the rawness for sure.

cool, each stone is so different for everyone ...

Very interesting stuff here, so which wand can you use to grant me more followers and steempower?

glad you find it interesting, no wand just work your A$h off everyday like I do! Buahahahaah

Wow love to know more about this! Very interesting lovely!!

Oh thank you so much!

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