A truly free existence. Is it possible?

in #life7 years ago


The older I get the more I see how the "land of the free" is not a true description of how we live. In my 37 years I have seen a transformation in this country. I have seen a population that relies more and more on the government and expects the government to solve their problems. I see the cost of education increasing at an astronomical rate which leaves many young people saddled with debt just as they enter the "real world." I see the government forcing healthcare on us which has increased costs, reduced options and left us in a terrible mess. I own a small farm but really it feels like a lease, yearly property taxes will never go away and if I choose not to pay them then my paid for land gets transferred to the government. The list of how we are taxed, compelled and governed could go on for probably 100+ pages.


Why do we work to have the government take 1/3 of our earnings with some of it promised back in some form in our twilight years by programs that are insolvent? Why do we strive to buy and then lease land and homes? As adults why can't we do as we please as long as it brings no harm to another person? Why do we have to fight and spend millions to keep some diluted form of what the constitution delegated as rights? When are we going to say enough already?


Have you ever thought of releasing this burden, breaking from these chains? Have you considered what it would be like if your town was occupied by like minded people? What if the corruption, government interference and nanny state were no longer an issue? Would you leave your country and take your family to somewhere that was truly free?


What if this place does not exist but it was a possibility? Would you want to be involved in such an endeavor? Would you fully support the creation of such a place? This may sound like fairy tales and unicorns but individuals that understand what I am saying can also feel their soul yearning for such a place.


Tell me what you think. Leave a comment, dwhntx on discord and hangouts. This is not a hypothetical, if we want this as a community then we can make it happen!

If you agree with this possibility then upvote, resteem and comment!


These are important issues - To your Questions asked....YES, YES, YES

There's indeed work required here ...and it's the work of the majority of the people from country to country...throughout the world deciding no more to support 'minority' rule by aristocracy scum. Perhaps the irony here is that it's matters of education and organizing direction.

Community living is another cool point that supports having more free time...having a big enough property gives everyone their private space...and the land can be worked and played on effectively. "Field of Dreams"

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Thanks for Playing with @worldclassplayer

I totally agree with you. So many people want to just settle and go along with whatever. I want to be as free as possible and have the same for my children. Thanks for the upvote!

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 10.93 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @dwhntx.

I Thought all countries is the same..

May be to day we are in different kavling Area.. What actually we need from the Government is.... They must stop corruption.. They must care about people's healthy and their free home land.

To a certain degree all countries are the same but vast differences do exist. Corruption, croniesm, self interest are things that seem to creep into most politicians core values or perhaps these people are already that way and that is why they are drawn to power.

People must controlling the constitution of the country.. So.., in the election day, our people have to know who is good politicians.. Then they give their vote for the right one..

Good politicians will make good regulations to the country people.. 😊

We have politicians that appear to stand for one thing and they keep this appearance for years even before they are put into a corner on a certain vote. Take Obamacare, several times Republicans voted to fully repeal Obamacare but it was a symbolic gesture because the vote didn't matter. Now that Republicans control the house, Senate and oval office they can't/won't repeal it. Politicians make me sick, a lot of them are truly wicked people.

Yeah.. It's same, we are all fell sick to politicians.. Even in my country here.. There is very big corruption in here.. They did togethers in parties.

They dont care about Sociaty.. Huffff.. I dont want think about it.. Now i wanna learn about steem.. How can i be like you.. I am not good at all in this..


The smaller the state, the less oppresive. Not because it is not as mean as the bigger one, but because it has less resources to use against you.

I imagine microstates like Lichtenstein, San Marino, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, must be much less invasive like macrostates like France or superpowers like the land of the free.

On the other hand, I live in a place that somehow contradicts my theory. A small country that has a huge and ever increasing grasp on us tax cattle. Sure, no wars, which is great. But the size of the country seems to fit as a glove to the opressive structure built upon it.

That sucks that your country is doing that to you. I would think being small a movement could be started rather easily to fight back.

Here in the United States I live in the second biggest state and we are one of the freest states. The federal government is still a huge problem but that's like David versus Goliath.

I did exactly what you say, in 2004 . I started a political party and ran for president. I am not kidding, I can´t believe it myself I actually did that. I regret it know, though. Spent my savings, destroyed my professional image. It is definitely NOT the way, really. The way is that of Harry Browne: you got a motorboat, they got a transatlantic. Move fast, stay out of the radar. They cannot catch you.

Speaking of freedom. I have been playing around with bitconnect and it could be an awesome way to earn passive income. You can get more info at http://www.bitconnectreview.org

i like your post my friend

Thank you.

I like the way you think and im totally with you with regards to governments , taxes and the rest of this authoritarian bulls**t. But this vampire squid has its tentacles into every corner of the globe. We need the general population to awake to this scam and to change it the Ghandi/lennon/ MLK way . We need to create our own system that simply by- passes the collectivist parasites, renders them pointless.It would only take 1 town of like minded people to show the rest of the world how it could be done and the collectivist power base will melt away . But you are facing the apathy and indifference of a population seduced by the few crumbs from the collectivist dining table, the population of my country even have a very strange habit of worshipping at the feet of the very symbol of their slavery , im talking about the royal family .
Perhaps we need to form a group of like minded people on steemit .
Great heartfelt post , upvoted!!

I agree that it is nearly impossible to flee anywhere and escape. My thinking is that regardless of the politics, or whatever is going on, a safe zone could be established. Private property that is owned by a corporation and it's shareholders. On this private property would could live life as we please, as long as property taxes are paid and we don't give the government a reason to mess with us. Vast areas still exist in the United States where local government is almost non existent.

I agree with you that people need to wake up but most of them don't want to. As long as the beer flows, football is on TV and they lose their rights at a slow pace then they won't care. Many people just want to live a simple life and believe that everything is ok.

I never understood why people are so fascinated with the royal family. Or even look at Venezuela, they worshipped a fool that led them into the mess they are in now. That fool promised them free this and free that before the house of cards collapsed.

I am all for creating a group here on steemit, I think that is a great idea!

Thank you for a great comment.

Really appreciate it! Going to respond to your Kings Coin tomorrow. Too tired to give a 100% cognitive effort on a comment, almost midnight here.

Yeah this is freakin epic so....... :)

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Go for it! Thanks!

Heck yeah congrats again. This is the type of I content I live for... literally haha :)

Awesome! I really think this is something people should be considering but I don't know how open people are to it. I'm stocked that you get it!

O yeah buddy I just have a different perspective. I have spent the last ten years of my life connecting people "who get it" and don't worry there is a lot of us ready when the times comes. God bless :)

So how are all these people networking?

Offline and online. As effective and efficient as we can. and did you see you made the @ocd post congrats :)

I did. That was very cool!

Does a forum need to be setup or anything like that? I would really like to see a group like this communicate and grow.

How awesome would it be to be TRULY free! Life changing!!!! - I often think about how exhausting this rat race is... but onward we have to go for the meantime anyway... whilst we plan our way to complete freedom ;)

Congrats on your spot on the OCD Daily Issue #30 I am also super grateful to have even been nominated :)

Looking forward to reading more from you!

Thought you might like to check out my latest post too... https://steemit.com/life/@jaynie/unapologetically-me

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