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RE: A truly free existence. Is it possible?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The smaller the state, the less oppresive. Not because it is not as mean as the bigger one, but because it has less resources to use against you.

I imagine microstates like Lichtenstein, San Marino, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, must be much less invasive like macrostates like France or superpowers like the land of the free.

On the other hand, I live in a place that somehow contradicts my theory. A small country that has a huge and ever increasing grasp on us tax cattle. Sure, no wars, which is great. But the size of the country seems to fit as a glove to the opressive structure built upon it.


That sucks that your country is doing that to you. I would think being small a movement could be started rather easily to fight back.

Here in the United States I live in the second biggest state and we are one of the freest states. The federal government is still a huge problem but that's like David versus Goliath.

I did exactly what you say, in 2004 . I started a political party and ran for president. I am not kidding, I can´t believe it myself I actually did that. I regret it know, though. Spent my savings, destroyed my professional image. It is definitely NOT the way, really. The way is that of Harry Browne: you got a motorboat, they got a transatlantic. Move fast, stay out of the radar. They cannot catch you.

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