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RE: A truly free existence. Is it possible?

in #life7 years ago

I like the way you think and im totally with you with regards to governments , taxes and the rest of this authoritarian bulls**t. But this vampire squid has its tentacles into every corner of the globe. We need the general population to awake to this scam and to change it the Ghandi/lennon/ MLK way . We need to create our own system that simply by- passes the collectivist parasites, renders them pointless.It would only take 1 town of like minded people to show the rest of the world how it could be done and the collectivist power base will melt away . But you are facing the apathy and indifference of a population seduced by the few crumbs from the collectivist dining table, the population of my country even have a very strange habit of worshipping at the feet of the very symbol of their slavery , im talking about the royal family .
Perhaps we need to form a group of like minded people on steemit .
Great heartfelt post , upvoted!!


I agree that it is nearly impossible to flee anywhere and escape. My thinking is that regardless of the politics, or whatever is going on, a safe zone could be established. Private property that is owned by a corporation and it's shareholders. On this private property would could live life as we please, as long as property taxes are paid and we don't give the government a reason to mess with us. Vast areas still exist in the United States where local government is almost non existent.

I agree with you that people need to wake up but most of them don't want to. As long as the beer flows, football is on TV and they lose their rights at a slow pace then they won't care. Many people just want to live a simple life and believe that everything is ok.

I never understood why people are so fascinated with the royal family. Or even look at Venezuela, they worshipped a fool that led them into the mess they are in now. That fool promised them free this and free that before the house of cards collapsed.

I am all for creating a group here on steemit, I think that is a great idea!

Thank you for a great comment.

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