Quitting Smoking - 48 Hours in and the struggle is real

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I am at the 48 hour mark for no tobacco, and I hate people... Well not you people, after yesterday's comments and votes I feel pretty cheery overall about the whole situation. Haven't killed or maimed anyone as of yet either. 

So I went about cleaning then putting away all the ashtrays around the house. OMG they are dirty things didn't realize how bad they smelled. Had to do about 6 loads of laundry to get the smell out of my cloths. Will have another 6 or so to do tomorrow. 

I had to acquire some of that stuff... It will make anyone calm no matter what they are trying to kick. A little dab will do wonders. I try not to do too much because I want to keep busy and this stuff slows a fella right down. 

Still can't watch movies or too much TV, damn smoking is shown all the time. Makes me want to smoke so bad. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy a little TV within a few days, when the cravings calm down.

I used to live on a diet of mainly coffee and cigarettes, with one meal about four days a week. Now food is my new friend, eating about 5 meals a day atm... I'm gonna have to relax the eating or I'll go from a clean 165 lbs to a mean 200 lbs real quick. 

I just have to keep busy, keep steeming on, keep up the willpower and I can continue to quit. If anyone has any suggestions for what helped them stay off the smokes, please leave a comment below. Thanks everyone yesterday for all the comments and upvote love, It's helps keep a fella relaxed and gives me something to look forward to.

(Source 1, 2, 3, 4)


My Suggestion

It's going to sound a little crazy, but I'm being serious when I say, sit with your anger and give it permission to give you its all...

Let it consume you. Don't even allow yourself to be a person experiencing anger. BE the anger. BE the pain and suffering.

While you're at it, BE any and every fear inside of you. Allow it all to consume you....

...and see what's left when you surrender to all that's bad and painful and scary.

See how strong you become when you can look life in the eyes and say "give me all you've got, son...just try me..."

You'll notice that you're anxiety melts away, your nerves settle, and you're overcome with stillness (calmness, levelheadedness, general psychological strength).

Make no mistake about it, you have all the willpower that you could ever need to make any change that you desire. You just have to find the strength to do it. You have to find your center.

Wow... just wow... This is some amazing advice, I had to do that when I first gave up marijuana for a year. Let everything consume me and then defeat it within. I was hoping to avoid it this time with the tobacco, so I don't hurt anyone in my anger. But I fear eventually I will have to do exactly this.

I could never put into words what that mental struggle was like, well said my friend.


I've had my fair share of struggles with addiction and emotional issues in my past and I've found in my experiences in dealing with them, and eventually overcoming them, that the most effective and lasting (truly permanent) way is to get to the very root of the problem and cut it at the stem, so to speak.

The strongest mental frame that we can approach any problem from, regardless of its nature, is that of having the strength within ourselves to overcome them (heal ourselves from within). It's the most effective because...well,...because it's the truth.

When I worked for NBC I had a personal coach who tried to help me quit. Here are some things that she suggested: Eat hard candy that you dont like, let everyone you know that you quit, drink lots of water, sunflower seeds and whatever you do DO NOT SMOKE another one just to easy the pain. Just one will get you back to smoking. I proud of you keep it up!!!

Thanks! I have some old hard candy, about 10 pounds of the stuff. I got rid of all the smoking stuff like rollers and tubes.
As long as I can keep myself from going to the store and buying some I should be OK.
I warned everyone I could what I was doing, and how it may be a good idea to keep some distance. So far so good.
All the steemit love I'm getting on here helps more then I ever imagined it could.

If you reach the point of absolute madness AT 5 to 7 days buy an ecig, ecigs take the highs and lows out of the nicotine hits. ecigs balance things along a more even trend line without those massive highs and withdrawal lows.

I have been clean since July . . .

Good luck, call me anytime ! ! ! ; )

Assuming I am online : )

That's some good advise there @crok, I have a Pioneer4you IPV 3, 165 watt with a Uwell crown top. Without that thing I'd likely be in jail already.

kangatec, Kangatec; KANGATEC : )

If your gonna do drugs at least try and make them healthy drugs LOL ; )

Still hanging in!!!

Last time I tried, I got to about two weeks before my mom came to visit and brought me a carton. her words "if you don't, a lot of people around you might not survive"
Just know that you have positive support in your steemit friends!

Grandma already tried to buy me some, I said no thanks, if you insist on giving me money I'll spend it on crypto. I think she thought crypto was some type of drug though... LOL

I don't even know you but can't help feeling proud of you! Well done. I was cought in a weak moment of 'I want a cigarette or a chainsaw!'

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Thank you very much project better! What an awesome bot.

I quit 4.5 years ago after smoking for 35 years! I started when i was 13! I tried many times but always failed! This last time i was able to use a government sponcered program, that paid for 3 months worth of gum or the patch to anyone that wanted to quit! So i took the chance while it was free! AND THE GUM THRIVE, REALLY WORKED! It allowed me to slowly cut down, and really helped with the cravings! Also my boyfriend never smoked except weed, so that was an added bonus! After the first 2 months , THE WORST AND HARDEST PART! I found it much easier! And after going that far , theres no way i would start back up now! I worked too hard for it! So good luck to you! Just look at this as 2 months ! And you got this! I still chew regular gum, but i like it! And its much better then smoking! Im actually breathing much better then i ever have! You CAN DO THIS! DONT GIVE UP! ♨♨♨

So much encouragement from the community today! That's awesome that you have been able to keep it up this long after 35 YEARS! I was on 9 years of smoking. Started at 21 and I should of known better... Finally have the ambition to give it up, then spend some of my savings on crypto

Yes! For sure, i mean at 10.00 dollars a pack i was spending 70.00 dollars a week on smokes! It was at the point where i couldnt afford groceries! And had to go to the food bank! 280.00 a month! Thats when i quit!♨ 👍♨

I just didn't eat, all calories came from the cream and sugar in my coffee.

Hey first of all good job on the 48h! I stopped smoking 4 years ago. I quit cold turkey. I remember thinking life would never be fun again without the smoke. This feeling lasted for about 12 weeks. It's tough you need to hold on. After it gets easier but the craving will be there for at least 6 months.

The good thing is that now, 4 years later, I never think about smoking at all. I don't miss it ever and I consider it one of the better things I have done for myself. Keep it up it's worth it in the end!

It's nice to hear that at some point I may stop thinking about them, it's crazy how much I think about them now that I don't want them.

Yup. I wanted to kill everyone about a week ago. I'm better now but still craving. I think I will always crave a smoke.
I use sugar free lollipops. It helps with the hand to mouth motion.

Still haven't killed anyone, it's tempting though... they may have cigarettes... and I could take the cigarettes... LOL, but I just vape and dig into the willpower.

No vaping for me. I quit cold turkey and so far everyone's still alive here. My husband was going to chain me outside like a rabid dog if I didn't have an attitude adjustment soon. LOL
I must have given him the hairy eyeball of death because he found another place to be in the house for the rest of the day.

I've had to do the run and hide before, sometimes a man can't help but say the wrong thing, at the wrong time. Not because we don't know better, but because it sounds way funnier in our heads.

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