Oh the Torture! - Waiting to Find Out the Gender of Our Fifth Child - Our First Gender Reveal Party!

in #life7 years ago (edited)



Okay so since I can’t know anything about our gender reveal party I had to come on here and vent to you guys. I figured maybe together we could guess what type of party we will have and how the gender of our baby will be revealed.

So here’s the deal! We have three boys ages 1, 4 and 6 and one girl age 7. As you can see my daughter and I are totally outnumbered and we need some more girl power in the mix. My daughter and I have decided if we are having another boy we are leaving. We’ve already told the boys in the family

Hey, if another one of you comes out we’re outta here!

Of course they just laugh in disbelief. Okay well maybe it’s a fib and we won’t leave but we will be so sad. Now of course if I have another son I would love him to pieces. It’s just that I really really REALLY want my daughter to have her little buddy. Thank goodness we have a lot of girl cousins her age and she has a handful of friends she can go visit that are girls but there’s nothing like having a little sister.

Okay so this is all new to us. I normally don’t like to wait, better yet we NEVER wait to know the gender of our babies. We find out as SOON as we can, I don’t like those guessing games I gotta know the facts. Next week I go see my midwives and that’s when “they” will find out the gender of the baby. They are not to tell me but call my sister-in-law and tell her instead. Together her and my two other sisters are throwing this party. Hmmmmmm maybe I can get one of them to slip up on the details...🤔😏🤭 heee heee heee! Or I could just “accidentally” peak at the monitor next week to see if I can figure out the gender myself...😁🧐😎! Okay okay you convinced me I won’t go there and cheat but I at least need your help narrowing down some possibilities of how this party will be.

Could it be revealed by...



I think it would be so neat to pop a huge balloon and pink or blue confetti pours out!! That would be fun for the kids too!



Nah!!! I don’t think my family would go for the powered paint reveal. It’s pretty messy and besides it’s snowing where we are so I wouldn’t be outside.



Ooooohhh maybe they’ll have us close our eyes and hand us a delicious cup of Team Pink drink!! That would be exciting, an automatic toast to us girls!!!



Yummy! Let’s see how this works. Maybe he can grab The HE bar and I can grab the SHE bar and a message will appear on the inside who has the right one! That would be nice, eating some chocolate while celebrating our baby girl!!! 😋



Oh Yea! I can see us cutting into a gorgeous cake and pink little candies falling out! That would be really fun to see and eat!!!



Well...this would be another outside activity unless someone doesn’t mind it being busted open in their home. It sure would be fun hitting a piñata to reveal the secret! That would definitely be a stress reliever activity lol!

Wow so there are several FUN ways this gender reveal could be done. Which do you think it will be? Our party is scheduled for February 17th so I’ll be sure to do an update post with how the party went and...of course the results of our gender reveal!!! Yay!!! 😃

Have you ever went to a gender reveal party or had one of your own? If so details please!!! Respond in a hurry because I need to know NOW aghhhhhh!!!! This is so hard waiting. Okay I’m sorry I’ll calm down now, take your time and respond at your earliest convenience (but in a hurry 😅)!

Thank you so much for reading and baring with my anxiety lol!!




Since I'm not in the baby-business and never have been, I had no idea "gender-reveal parties" were even a thing. So, this idea is truly charming. I can imagine the suspense ... and delight ... and joy, anticipating the surprise. Even reading your post was a happy experience. For your excellent work, this post made its way into my new curation project The Inbox Runneth Over. You can find your post showcased at this link. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way.

I’m seeing there are a lot of people that have never heard of them. They have just gotten popular over the last few years! It really is a lot of joy and anticipation!!! I can hardly wait for the party :D

Thank you so much for your support and helping my work get recognized! I have upped and Resteemed your post!! 😃

It's OK, @crosheille, you can teach boys needle work too you know, results may vary!

Have fun at the party, and I hope you get the result your hoping for.


😂 Thank you Mark! I guess I could try to teach the boys too lol! Not sure how that will turn out. 🤔 Thanks so much!! I hope we have a good time and the results we’re hoping for too!! 😄

I'm saying...boy so we both have 4 boys and one girl. ;) If you get a girl, I will totally be jealous. Totally. You see, I have 3 brothers and I ALWAYS wanted a sister. Now it might be good that I don't have one, but still I wanted one growing up. ;) Ha. I never did a gender reveal party. We did a picture progression on our last one. I will see if I can put it on here. :) My friend's daughter's husband really likes chainsaws, so for theirs, they filled a piece of wood with blue powder and he cut into it and the powder was flying into the air. It was pretty cool - I saw the video on fb.
Found it!!

Haa!! No!! It would be totally neat if that happens because we both know how similar our lives are...BUT dear friend we REALLY want a girl this round. I know you know the feeling especially with you having 3 brothers. Your life has always been dominated with boys. We’ll still be buds if I have a girl right? 😬

I LOVE the progression pictures!! How fun is that!!! Super super cute thanks for sharing these!!! Awwww!!! 🤗

Lol - I guess we can still be friends if you have a girl. ;) Ha! It was fun to take the pics - the boys were so excited. Lol! Can't wait to see what you're having!!!

Haaa!!! Whew well that’s good to know we’ll still be friends!!! Lol 😂😉 You have such a beautiful family!! Your daughter will be well protected!

She will be...like I was. ;) Ha. My brother HATED it when I started dating one of his friends once. Lol

Lol!!! I bet he did! 😂

That is so cute and funny!

Ha! Thank you! My little anxious rant! I’m glad you enjoyed viewing :)

I never heard of a gender revealing party !!! But if you have one, there must be yarn! Perhaps someone could wind a skein with a little telling present in the middle.. :-D
Or you go chemical and produce drinks which you have to check with litmus paper (here it turns blue or pink in contact with something sour)... But I have to be honest, I would never wait for this party, but cheat :-D

Oh yes they have become popular over the last few years. It seems more and more people are trying them. Those are some good ideas for the use of crafts! I have no say so on the activities though, my sisters are covering it all! 😁 Lol I know it’s so hard to wait, I’m really going to try not to cheat!! 😅

Best of luck either way. I thought I would always find out if I had a child of my own but that can't happen. We are adopting now so there is no way of knowing until the phone call arrives and they tell us. No pre party for us. 4days to 2 week turnaround. Talk about getting ready in a rush.

Oh wow!!! Congratulations on your adoption!! That is so exciting!!!! Yes that is a rush especially not knowing if you will get the call sooner or later!! It’s such a blessing knowing you can still be parents in spite of :) Thank you so much for commenting!

Congrats! I wish it's a girl, yes! I always knew as soon as it was posible. Couldn't wait... never! Wish you all the best!

Thank you so much!! Yes it’s so hard to wait, this is so new for us :)

It's a pure excitement! Enjoy!


Wow!!! congrats in advance @croshielle. I can understand how your little girl feels about having a little sister. My family got just one girl and a handful of boys, my little sister will come disturbing and pestering me saying she needs a little sister that my other brothers don't wanna play with her. I just end up bribing her every time with many dolls and spend some time outing, lol.

Sorry, I've never been to a gender reveal party before. . Wish you all the best

Thanks so much @kryptocoin! Oh yes, I’m sure your sister really wanted a girl playmate. My daughter plays with her brothers pretty well but she still always expresses how a sister would be nice. That’s sweet of you to take your sister out to cheer her up :) Thank you for the well wishes!

firstly. congratulations on your pregnancy! I just had my daughter 12 days ago. we decided to keep the gender a surprise for ourselves and I totally get how you feel. I have a 4-year-old boy and it feels like you want to balance/even things out. there's this word in Chinese that means 'good' which is actually 2 words put together - 'girl' and 'son'. we take it that it's good to have both. hehe. but of course like you I'd love him if he came out a boy too! ;)

will be watching this space! keep us updated! :)

Thank you so much and Congratulations on your newborn!!! Also kudos to you all for being able to keep the gender a surprise...I hope I’m that strong lol!

Oh yes I believe it’s good to have a balance. Of course we can’t choose if that’s going to happen but it would be nice. If it’s a boy our daughter will be very well protected ;) Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! 😊

Fingers crossed so you get your wish! Anyway, have fun at the party and keep us posted!

Thank you so much!!! We shall see real soon!!! 🤞🏽I’m looking forward to having fun at the party and I can’t wait to share it with you all~ 😃

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