Natural military harbour of Lvshun天然军港旅顺口

in #life6 years ago


Walk out of the Lvshun Museum, it has been over four. In the sunset , we drove back. On the way back , we passed Lvshun station again. I will never forget this exquisite train station forever.

Its opposite is the park of Lvshun military harbour. We drove off and went into the park for a short while.


There is a large copper lion standing in the park door proudly, it is a sign of the military habour. It seems like roaring and howling there , it reminded me of thinking of our China is just like the lion will be woken up , now it is standing in the east of the world.


Walk along the coast, you can see many small pavilions , in summer, it can protect you against the sun , in winter , you can buy some souvenirs in them . There are not many people in the park , the sea surface is so peace that the sun is shinning on it , golden waves comes towards you, very beautiful .


Military habour is known to the world's natural harbor. It is an important place that people want to fight for it.

I can see between the two mountains, only one naval vessel can go through it. It is a good habour , even though in the cold winter, it is not frozen. Therefore, whether it is the Sino Japanese war or the Russo Japanese War, the Japanese had not taken it from the Sea Habour.





Walking on the shore, looking at the ship sailing to the distance, I can't help thinking. Lvshun habour witnessed the vicissitudes of Dalian in the past hundred years, the Sino Japanese War of 1894 and the Russo Japanese war all happened here. There are poems saying : one mountain is carrying two seas, a port is written its spring and autumn, a Lushun habour, is half of China's modern history.



Today, the military habour with several warships anchored in the harbor, guarding the peace quietly . I hope this sky, this sea, always adhere to the peace, no war in the world forever and stay peaceful forever!

从旅顺博物馆出来,已经四点多了, 夕阳西下,我们往回赶,回家的路上,又经过旅顺火车站,这个小巧精美的火车站, 永远让我难忘。



沿着海岸走,东部是一些小亭子,夏天可以避暑,冬日里有些小亭子在销售着小东西,海边的人不是很多,海水风平浪静,落日的余晖洒在海面上, 泛着金粼粼的波光。




行走在岸边, 望着海上的轮船驶向远方,不禁感慨,旅顺口,这个见证了百年来,大连沧桑历史,中日甲午战争,日俄战争都在这里惨烈爆发。有诗为证:一山担两海,一港写春秋,一个旅顺口,半部中国近代史。


My recent post here
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Architectural photography - Jiaxiu Pavilion古建筑摄影-甲秀楼
A cup of orange juice 一杯橙汁

Welcome to follow, upvote and resteem@bxt



嗯, 是啊, 每次想到这个旅顺口心情就不能平静,100多年前,这里发生过中日甲午战争,还有日俄战争,多么惨烈的地方,不忍想象这个平静的海面曾经是炮火纷飞。愿世界永远珍惜这份和平和美好。

Wow nice walk around, I like that military harbour and ship sailing. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted

thank you for your comment .

You welcome

过年好!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 谢谢你对cn区的贡献。倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。

You had a beautiful tour that made it so beautiful, and the photos as a whole beautiful photographer!

thank you my dear friend.

"I hope this sky, this sea, always adhere to the peace, no war in the world forever and stay peaceful forever!"

hopefully....!! No man who does't want peace,
except those who are greedy.!

yeah, you are right .

veautiful location :-)

thank you .

very nice photos


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