in #life6 years ago

Multitasking is something I do ......


When you look up multitasking in WIKIPEDIA

You get this : Multitasking is performing multiple actions or processes at the same time. Multitasking is often associated with the fast business world. The term comes from the computer world, where multitasking means that different computer programs are active simultaneously, using the same processor.
An example of multitasking is reading e-mail at the same time, eating a meal and having a telephone conversation.

Do you know that we ( read #STEEMITMAMAS of this world ) do that everyday. This morning I was watching the news, brushing My teeth and putting deodorant under My arms. In the office I have an iPad to log the products, the computer with My mail to be answerd and I have a headset on to call back to the other office, oh and a cup off tea.


When the kids want something to drink, and I am cooking, I stirr the goulash, give the kids a drink and call with My girlfriend, to tell how the goulash is coming along And also the tv is on with the news.

Do man multitask too? I dont know. In a mans household here I dont See it ..... alot 😬😬
What do you think about multitasking and what do you multitask? Let me know......

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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Member off the #steemitmamas #payitforward and #smartmediagroup on Discord

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Google and with others its mentioned in the blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.


It's my second nature!
I can read, listen, ignore and forget at the same time.

What was the question again?

Wondered When you would show 😉 but three things at a time is great! Especially the ignore part All the 4 men here and the male dogs seem to do that the best to

Multi-tasking is a myth... at least for me. I do much better with focused batching.

Thanks to @anouk.nox, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Hi @thedailysneak Thank you very much for highlighting and resteeming 😉 I Will keep contenting greatly

We are on the same boat!!!!!! 😉😊

I am a full time working mom who handles a lot of functions in the office, its really a lot on my table! I have to schedule my days on what to do.. plus when we get home, our work at the office ends but our day has not yet end.. i shift from a working momma to real time momma!! I have two hyper active boys who always steal most of time with them..and I also shift to wifey status! 🤣😂.. not to mention being a daugther, grandaughter, niece, sister, cousin, friend... blaaah blaaaah to mention..

How do we even get through our day!!

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Bingo SAME here without the multitasking and the changing from work modus to MUMMY modes to wife etc modus its undualble!
Not complsing though love My life but love My bed and sleeping just as much !

Hahaha me too i love how the way it is.. its tough sometimes but we do not mind at all. I mean its like we are expecting that it will drive us crazy for most part. And sleep?? What is that??!!! Hahahahaha 😂🤣😂

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Spot on.... sleep ... I use to have that in My vocabulary. Mums do that like its normal I have the greatest example in My mum! And love Being indispensable 😉

Hahaha i kept wondering when will i get a decent undisturbed sleep!.. the kids are soooo young.. so my guess is between 50 years! Hahahaha

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Mine are 6 and 7 the sleep untill 7 or 8 so No complaints There the older ones sleep in late

Mine are 1 and 7!! So imagine the riot we have in the house.. hahaha and they sleep past 9am if no one yells a ramble before that..

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I notice When they sleep in, I am laying in bed waiting to hear them instead of sleeping in myself Really weird !

JOATMON...can you guess it ?

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Dear friend I hear you I hear you! He has not responded UET 😉

Now...thats is out of the course...whzt it is?

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Janton is the master ENGAGER true or valse but waiting untill tomorrow morning to See Where I finish

And don’t forget through all of that
Engagement engagement engagement

YES that came on top off All that! But dear KAERpediem you know ever since the steemitmamas I take that talking to other mums as a ME moment I love it. And Steem I do in between All My tasks on My phone !

It’s a joy to have you 😊💗

RIGHT back at you 😉

Well i did many a times at my work....report, data, chart, and queries...everything successfully completed too

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok @steemflow you are a multitasker too💪👋

Of course man can multitask :) I drink a beer, watch a F1 race and take some chips along... Hard work, but I'll manage :P

I wondered When My fellow male dutch steemies would react..... ok Peter top maar daarna zul je wel moe zijn net als @smasssh 😂😂😂

When the kids want something to drink, and I am cooking, I stirr the goulash, give the kids a drink and call with My girlfriend, to tell how the goulash is coming along And also the tv is on with the news

If multi-tasking means: giving the kids something to drink, een spatel in een pannetje, telefoon op handsfree terwijl de tv aan staat...well 🤷‍♂️ I think I could do that

Ja ja dat denken jullie altijd maar vraag maar eens aan @missmau of jij in staat bent om te multitasken ! Maar dan zo dat winst wat aan hebben he 🤔

Niemand kan multi tasken https://www.quest.nl/artikel/multitasken-bestaat-niet multi-tasken gaat altijd fout

He, maar als Paul uit heerlen het zegt .... dan is dit een k... blog 😉😉

En ook een spatel in een pannetje WTF

Cool Topic! I hope counter arguments are welcome? 😈

I think there is a time and a place for multi-tasking and I don't think it's a gender specific trait but I'd be curious about research on that if anybody has access.

As an employee I felt that I was constantly being pulled into multiple situations, meetings, tasks etc that were distractions from the task at hand and the important work that needed to be done got lost in a sea of email, phone calls and unnecessary meetings. As an employer, I'm trying to foster less multi-tasking and more "being in the zone". For example empowering people to just say no to anything that's not directly linked to their main goal for the day, week, month ... whatever. Easier said than done though.

For complex development and highly creative tasks, I believe multi-tasking is more often than not counter productive, drives lower quality output and leaves people feeling stressed and less positive about the work they're doing.

I actually posted on the topic of Finding Flow back in 2015 citing work by Hungarian psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi who defined Flow as the mental state in which you’re completely focused, engaged and enjoying what you’re doing. His diagram below kind of spells it all out ..


One big "BUT" to all of this would be kids which seems to get mentioned in this thread. I imagine the needs of a child could break even the best concentration. 👶

Well this is really interesting
I would blog about it here on steemit !
I would vote for it 💪
How is steemit life going ? I pushed you in the pay it forward contest so that people would visit your posts did it work...
Greetzz from Holland

That's a great idea - I'm pretty into that kind of stuff so maybe I'll take a stab at that over the weekend and yes thanks so much for the contest props!! I'm def off to a slow start but it's ok just trying to make sure I like this place before I engage too much. I move slow (at first) ;) I hope you're having an awesome weekend over there!! cjb

Chris slow starters are the ones who eventually finish in one piece 😉 we have storm and rain overhere but with the fireplace its a cosy easy weekend. GREETZ from Holland

Clouds are rolling in here too this afternoon 😏 #miami
Enjoy the night ...

I can relate to this :D
How i wish i got 4 hands, just as you mention, i am about to cook a meal, make salad and at the same do the the dishes :D
Whoahhh. Hehe

😂😂 YES we can ....😉

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