Relationships and Love - The Spiritual Aspect

in #life7 years ago


Many times when it comes down to people lets say falling in love or having feelings there is a respectable energy releasing but at the same time very selfish in nature.

Because we all want to be loved, yet not many people truly understand what it means to love someone. Something so simple and obvious is not understood.


I look at people or couples most of the time and it's as if they are together "just because" and they don't really understand how energy is involved in every aspect of their life.

When we look back 50 years ago people were married, happier most of the time and you could see that they genuinely cared for each other. that is because the energies back then were different and came in slower.

In this time that we live in now, this seems to all be fading away where many don't understand what is going on in their situations.

But first of all, let me explain to you what a relationship is for

first of all, asks yourself this if you are in a relationship with someone:
"What am I learning from the relationship that I am in so far?"
"Am i learning what my true preferences are?"


The Purpose:

The Purpose of a Relationship is to reflect to all the others in the relationship what they need to understand to become more of themselves.

Everyone in a relationship is in a relationship for the purpose of helping the other people in the relationship, giving them opportunities to learn to be who they are more and more, and as that is being played out and completed the relationship will fade away.

And this particular pattern is all over our world now because of the acceleration going on in energy and so people are expanding so fast that the average length of a relationship is 3 months before they have a new partner.

So the people who are using a relationship to find love are doing it wrong. Because nobody can ever love you like you can love yourself, but the opposite is also true that others can love you if you cannot. That is the paradox.

But you would be creating a dependency, as soon you become dependent upon a person you are more like a leech, that has no other function, and when you become that leech you want the other person in the relationship to adjust to your preference because you think he or she needs to make you feel better.

So a Relationship is not about an exchange, it can be used that way but it is more about a reflection.

And so in this day and age relationships are not lasting very long because the energies coming into this world, that are pushing everything out on the table whether you are aware of this or not is not the point!

The point is that if you continue to use relationships in a self-gratifying way people will begin to step away from you because everyone is becoming so selfish now, because it's their evolution going on, and some don't even understand why they have become so selfish but it's an absolutely natural thing to do.

So when you are in a relationship with a person you like, notice how I say "like"and not love, because you cannot really love someone that's an illusion, what you actually are mechanically doing is reflecting the love to someone else that you cannot bring up for yourself!

Did you get that? You don't love yourself so you feel you should love someone else in the hopes that they show you how to love yourself, and by that being the case you go into relationships mostly that are abusive or manipulative, because you just don't love yourself. like attracts like there is no exception!

You can only find love if you love yourself first, but the paradox of that is that when you do love yourself, you don't need anybody else in your life because you suddenly are in a relationship between you and you. And anybody else trying to then come into the picture suddenly isn't good enough for you.

This is actually how my life has been going for the last 10 years, where my interest in women is absolutely zero because it holds no importance to me. And this is how society will become.

If you don't love yourself and you enter into a relationship before that, then you can be rest assured that it is not a relationship it's a dependency that will end sooner than later.

I compare it to my own life the only real connection I have had with a girl was when I was 12 and 14 years old.

And when I began to understand things from a different point of view and began to awaken spiritually, my abilities which came naturally to me as I meditated, I began to see that, I have been trying to make others love me because I wasn't loving myself.

And the moment that happens it becomes painfully clear that most people in a relationship are in a relationship because they just don't love them self, and then sometimes I see couples together and I look at them and I think how pathetic they don't even realize it.

But then I think it's not my problem it's theirs.
And that's another aspect of it, the only business you have is whats going on in your life, you have no right to infringe your parts on the relationship. A relationship isn't about building something up its about reflecting something through.


So Relationships, and when I talk about relationships I'm talking about (a sexual partner) the concept is gonna die out eventually simply because more and more people will begin to understand what I'm saying here is whats going on.

And it's obvious because girls leave guys and guys leave girls equally as much, they both cheat on each other or at least think about it from time to time, and then they force themself to stick and stay, in the relationship which makes them very unhappy.

Allow me to explain another aspect of this and that is that your emotions figuratively and literally are a detection mechanism. As soon you are unhappy in a certain space or situation if you pay attention to how you feel, you will understand that you have to step away from that particular aspect of your life, be it a relationship, friends, family, job wise.

Because emotions are a direct translation of higher energies that are basically directing you to what you need in life.
and you should absolutely listen to it, if something feels off its off!! And that feeling comes in response to where you stand in life, so what may feel right for somebody else, may not be for you.


If you wanna live your life care free while being in a relationship do these 5 things:

  1. Act to the highest amount of excitement to the best of your ability
  2. That you have the greatest degree of taking action on
  3. Taking it as far as you can until you can take it no further
  4. With absolutely zero insistence on what he outcome ought to be
  5. Repeat


This is the recipe if you will, for living life the way you intended it before you came forward in this body.
Remember love is an energy that can only be valuable when it comes from you.

Animals in that sense are able to love you not because they love you but because they use the energy of you to love yourself and to make you see that the love for yourself is actually your power.

This is why people gravitate towards animals
Because they are the absolute mirror/reflection for how you feel!

And you can learn a lot from the Animals ;)

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the part you say: trying to make others happy because I'm not happy with myself. that is so true for me, and I only came aware of this a few times in my life. but that is literally what I am trying to do on a daily base. I don't hate myself for it, but I feel that that is not the way to be truly happy. only it's a way of living that comes easy when you used to do it. need to be more awake on this. thanks for your post reminding me

There's no reason to hate yourself for anything that you do my friend. In essence, we are all reminding each other of certain things, as we live life. You are welcome man glad it reminded you :)
thanks for sharing @rene1989

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