Lucid Dreaming Technique 💤 Part 2

in #life7 years ago


I have recently been sharing my knowledge about what Lucid Dreaming really is and how it is a realm a dream like state, that holds your particular blueprint, your theme of exploration within it.

So within the Lucid Dream or better known as the Astral Realm is a great opportunity for you to change the way your life theme is going if you are not satisfied with it.

Today I'm going to share Technique Number 2 that will help you to tap into this altered state much faster.


First of all, we think that Lucid Dreaming is a new concept to us but in fact, this is an ancient technology that was used long ago in our history.

To give you an idea in which times I will share the following, This technology was used in Egyptian Times, Atlantean Time, Sumerian Times, In Mayan Times.

Many People have been really confused about the ancients, and things they have found in certain structures such as the Great Pyramids at Giza and other hidden caves, and structures.

Within the Kings chamber, you will find that there is a Stone Coffer, a Stone Box, or as it is most commonly known a Sarcophagus.

Most of the people in our world now understand that this was not, and never was used as an actual Sarcophagus.

What this was used for along with other similar stone boxes that were found in other Pyramids and Structures around the world.

You will find that these Stone Boxes are of certain specific Dimensions! Which is usually connected to Golden Proportions The Phi Ratio.

And what many of these Stone Boxes were actually used for was to trigger Out of Body Experiences.

When you lie down in these Stone Boxes and allow yourself to calm yourself to such a point where you are in a meditative state within the frequency known as GAMMA FREQUENCY in your brain which is 40 cycles per second (40Hertz).

You will then set up a resonating harmonic in the Stone Box, which is designed to amplify and magnify the gamma frequency.

By setting up that Feedback Mechanism by being in the GAMMA State and giving off that frequency and letting it resonate back and forth back and forth, back and forth, it will magnify and amplify, magnify and amplify to the point where it just goes POP!!

And you will be OUT OF YOUR BODY

This is how the ancients explored the universe and seem so much smarter than us in terms of technology.

Also, understand that during those times Information was given to many cultures on our planet by extra-dimensional and extra-terrestrial beings. however those beings merely gave them the tools, the ancients had to learn to do it them self and they did.

This technique was the ancient form of space exploration and space travel, both outer space and inner space, whatever knowledge or information they needed they could simply take it from within the universe while out of their body.

Compare that to our civilization now, where we send a rocket to collect some sand on moons,
We are in the boonies, we have primitive technology at this time.
Your IPHONE is Known to be the Lowest kind of Communication Technology possible and so is the Internet.

So by knowing that many thousands of years ago they had this technology that allowed them to expand their consciousness and grow the cultures with it, it becomes of the highest importance to recreate this technology and use it for yourself.

So if you can RE-CREATE In the appropriate resonating material be it Stone, or Metalic alloys or certain forms of Wood
but in the Appropriate Ratio's, in the appropriate proportions that you can look at from the Sarcophagi.

You will then be able to lie down in that box, that you created with no top, and going into the meditative state of the gamma frequency and letting that frequency resonate back and forth, bouncing of the Sarcophagi sides and magnify and amplify back and forth till you are just pushed out of your body because your entire body will be engulfed with the Gamma State which is the Natural Frequency for Out of Body experiences.

So these are 2 Techniques that I have shared, now Part 1 obviously is a lot simpler and requires less effort, but if you can make this Box you can begin to experience the amazing wonders of this universe and benefit from it by changing your life in all ways you would want to change it.

To help you and get you started The Dimensions of the Kings Chamber Sarcophagus are the following:


Length = 2278 mm = 89.68 in. = 7.47 ft.
Width = 977 mm = 38.46 in. = 3.2 ft.
Height = 1048 mm = 41.26 in. = 3.4 ft.


Length = 1977 mm = 77.83 in. = 6.49 ft.
Width = 677 mm = 26.65 in. = 2.22 ft.
Depth = 872 mm = 34.33 in. = 2.86 ft.

End of Part 2

I ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ 2 ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ Lᴜᴄɪᴅ Dʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴇɴᴇꜰɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛʟʏ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇᴋ ᴀ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴜᴄɪᴅ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴsɪᴏɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʜᴏʟᴅs ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇʏ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪꜰᴇ ʙʟᴜᴇᴘʀɪɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇsɪʀᴇs. Tʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ! :)

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wow...its really helpful..thanks for sharing..upvoted

So you will create this box then?

I have always thought about amplification and why they use large obelisks and such. It makes perfect sense, to me at least. I truly believe we have no idea about the power they had. I would love to hear more in the future.

Absolutely yes, the power they had such as levitation harmonic technology to move 4-ton blocks around with ease is beyond our current thinking at this time.

There even was a story about a archaeologist who slept during the night in the kings chamber stone box, and when he left his body during the night he was so scared and because he was out of his body in a state of fear he instantly attracted dark things within the astral realm since there is instant attraction in zero point.

And this caused his out of body to instantly stop and he woke up and ran away in terror and stopped being an archaeologist after having that experience.

So building this and performing this ritual in a sense you need to have clarity of mind and first of all, understand what you are doing.

I will definitely share more in the future @magicmaker
Thank you for your perspective I fully agree with it :)

Clarity is so key. We have so many things that distract us today. I've been trying just to clear that aspect out of my mind. Cant wait to for more!

Clarity is the only thing that binds your physical body to the physical plane. and if you can get clear enough you can go both ways physical and non-physical.

And thats why we have meditation BEGONE Distractions! :D

Nice post

lucid dream, I have never been in a stage where I could see myself getting out of my body. The only way I have experienced and normally is caught up in some sort of scene of dream and I pretty much have the control over the story which was going on including talking to the random person.

A year ago, I didn't know that it actually had some techniques because for me things happened naturally. I also didn't know it was called lucid dream until I asked around about strange thing happened to me. I thought that time everyone could do it.

Your posts about lucid dream has been caught my attention lately and I am looking forward for more of it! and maybe gaining some control over my dream because sometimes, It could get really really bad and I even terrified to go to sleep.

Thanks for sharing.

Well the way I saw me getting out of my body is literally seeing a second blue glowing body coming out of my own and as soon as my head came out of my head (LOL) everything shifted, the walls were vibrating and were colored red, and I could see that everything was energy, I also noticed a flying huge ball of light next to my bed, it was amazing.

Prior to this experience I had a strong fear of dying and couldn't sleep most of the time as a teenager because of it. after that experience, I embraced it. and strangely enough, I look forward to dying rather sooner than later as weird as that may sound.

When I see people being afraid to die I laugh, and I'm happy for them because I know in some senses that they will find the answer that what they are afraid of is absolutely nothing. and maybe for them, it will result as well in an out of body experience who knows...

When you are out of your body you will absolutely know beyond the shadow of a doubt it is very clear!
And you will instantly feel a feeling of love beyond anything you could possibly imagine because your natural state is pure energy and so it simply connects to you instantly!

Use the First technique I have shared if you will, and keep us all updated on your experiences I'm very sure since you already have some control over your dream aspects that you will find a swift expansion in the out of body state.

But please know there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of when in the sleep state, it's just like adding some fuel to your car, It's a simple routine.. and know that whatever happens while adding fuel to the car you can just step in the car and drive off away from it.

Use that example to understand that you are completely safe, This is after all your body and nothing or nobody can enter it. Not without consent at least because if you invite another in your car that's on you. But there is no such thing as hostile interference in your body its impossible.

Also, meditate before going to bed this helps really well to have a goodnight rest.
Because you will be altering your brain waves prior to going to sleep.

Thank you for sharing your perspective @macchiata :)

The only thing I know about dying is that it's void. I too, often laugh at people who are telling me they fear of death. What fear me the most is being obliviate. In addition to your lucid dreaming, I think you've really reached a higher stage which I would probably would not do now, due to some reasons. I've got to be prepared emotionally to witness energy which will surround me. The good and the bad. Especially referring that someone could drive the car instead of me if I leave the door open even just less than a minute.

Sometimes I got really caught up in my dreams so I would sleep a lot because it's kind of nice there and it's definitely a movie where you acted as the director and the actor at the same time. It also amazed me how time would valued differently. It feels years in a dream but it was only a couple of hours in reality. This has helped me with enhancing my creativity as I am a writer, so it's like I got some ideas going on in my head often.

Lucid dream is amazing. If you know how to control it, definitely beneficial for your emotional and spiritual well being :) I could go on and on but I'll just stop here for now. I am glad I found someone who I can relate to.

Yes but the thing with the soul/spirit complex known as the body there is no door. some energy which is you occupies it and nothing else can occupy it but you. So forget the notion of leaving the door open for someone to steal your car/body, in the case of an analogy to explain someone yeah that's a possibility, but in real life, this cannot happen, so no need to create a fearful scenario ;)

And yes time moves very differently in the higher states of vibrational awareness. 70 years on earth is basically the weekend when you exist in such a higher state. funny how the works :)

creativity comes from a clear connection to hyper dimensional energies ;) It's a good indicator.

Glad you found your way here as well :) looking forward to share more as time goes on ^^

Bravo! This is a another great post.

Thank you! =) i posted something about copyright as well today just now feel free to share you point of view also :)
I will message you now through email. ;)

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