Every Direct Message is beginning with "HI DEAR"!!!

in #life6 years ago

Well Hello there Dearest Steemian Friends!... (written in script reading Steem Recruit mode)
"How are you? Hi, I will say hello ten times over and then repeat that in every group I can get get into.
Next step is I start Direct Messaging you without taking a hint or caring that I am crossing your boundaries."

Thank God Discord has a block feature.
download (4).jpeg

This leads me to hoping that some newer users read this and realize that there are cultural differences and nuances worth learning. I have had to adjust some of my ways and that make strides for a more pleasant Steeming experience for all.
I brought this topic up in a few groups and lo and behold, MANY people were having the exact same word for word hustle going on. Whatever large FB Groups and meetups are teaching new users is backfiring and in a big way.

I hope that we can learn from each other.
I also hope that some new users stop falling into the Pyramid Scheme types of traps that are being laid out for them.
I have been told by more than a few people that many are being taught to aggressively follow certain levels of rep and SP. This is a Community even if it can put the "fun" in Dysfunctional, but it is still a Community.

for more musings, inconvenient truths and glimpses into my weird mind follow meh! @battleaxe


I suppose I will know that I have "made it" when I start getting targeted, unsolicited communications from random Near East members of the community. And I use "members" very advisedly.

I did get my first "memo beg" today, so I must be doing something right. That's a free 0.001 SBD that I didn't have before, so it's not entirely without value.

I suspect that part of the cultural issue is that not every society views begging as a negative mark as most Western societies do. Pointing out that such beliefs correlate to cultures which are not generally profitable to the world or effective at running their own economies would be cruel, but since cruelty is in my nature – I won't only point it out, I will make it obvious..

If anything, I'm actually curious about who is teaching these particular hydroencephalitic losers to do this. If we could just chase down their source, we might actually be able to put a tiny dent into the supply.

I suspect it may be coming from the same call-center educators as the folks who call you up at random to tell you that "your Microsoft Windows has a virus and you must pay us to get rid of it."

Nice to see someone saying it like it is around here @battleaxe and @lextenebris )) should we be surprised to see this is going on ? I have had a few, i just ignore them to be honest )

Look, I know that my weird journalistic insistence on "an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof" is not exactly mainstream anymore, but I'm going to need some sort of link which actually documents Ned saying such a thing.

That's not to say that I don't think he could have, but if we're going to assert it in this context we really need to have proof. Like, the-specific-link-where-he-did-so kind of proof.

Any time you see the words "apparently said" we know that we are dealing with hearsay. And hearsay is actually negative fact. It's anti-knowledge. Anyone could make up anything and pretend that they heard it somewhere else while simultaneously suggesting that people should make assessments based on that statement.

It's bullshit, is what I'm telling you.

Maybe it is displeasing of me to suggest that we should hold ourselves to higher standards than CNN and Fox news, do more actual due diligence than the New York Times and the Washington Post – but if we can't even clear that kind of low bar, why bother writing at all? Especially about anything that matters even remotely to anyone.

(Yes, this is one of my personal bees in my bonnet. Basic journalistic integrity should not die just because the people who ostensibly refer to themselves as "journalists" have found it inconvenient and those who are actually writing in "journals" can't be bothered because they think what they're doing doesn't matter. Everything matters. Do some basic due diligence.)

Well sire I agree its hearsay and seeing your rather dipleased reaction i regret even having mentiond it now ! It was something which I said I only saw in a thread on a post awhile back ! I euppose i found it troubling so it kind of stuck in my mind! The wording of my earlier comment is bad and sure it is hearsay and i hate this too, a horrible thing even a social disease in its worst forms, to be avoided !! I will try and find in my replies to see if i can find say the comment containing the root of this hearsay @extenebris! i removed the hearsay from my comment, good that you take up this flame, upvoted that ))

Sooner or later, I will condition everyone around me to do basic due diligence in excess of what we except as the current state of "journalism." This I swear!

Remember, we should only be troubled by that which is true, not which we can make up or which someone else has made up. After all, if we start down that path, we can make up anything we want and get as riled up as we like – and none of it has any contact with reality.

We want to make decisions based on reality. We want to make good decisions. And we want other people to look at us as sources of information and ideation which are valuable. All of those things mean that we have to be aware of what we write and what we say because ultimately we are all that stand behind it.

(What makes me question the original source of that quote or the context is that it just doesn't seem to fit with other things that he's said in public. That he thinks Steemit could act as a source of revenue for poor people? Absolutely. That would be in his wheelhouse. But "some sort of welfare system for poor people" he is both at odds with the design of the architecture and other things that he said about making earning possible but not making it an engine for free money. So that immediately put my antenna up as needing an extraordinary claim substantiated. Nothing personal, that's just how I operate.)

Yes for sure @lextenebris I totally concur wholeheartedly with your reasoning and you did well to point this out quickly to me !! Its true the fake narrative as we have been seeing is a tool which semes disatourous results and destruction of confidence ! So yes indeed we all need to be very careful with our words written or not ) Steem On )

"Very readers." I need more of that, yes.


(Yes, I'm that old.)

I think Indian and Muslim folks often call me that most of the time too.
If someone calls me "Dear" then I would have in my mind who they are already ha ha.

yeah but it's almost always in a dm that gets very long, I'll look back and will say 18 messages from one person that progressively gets to the point of "GIVE ME MONEYYYYYY" , I think that the aggression or boundaries of cultures and differences get in the way and such...... nice to see ya on my blog :)

Yes it's a culture thing so I understand but if they ask for money point them to a stingy whale.

which one? I'm joking, I love it all, all the time

You should be doing the needful! (My DM's always tell me so)

Need I say more?

wait....we aren't all the only ones called their dears, :(

Yeah. It goes hand in hand with introduction posts that are all about "please help me know more and make more money," and, like... how about we get to know you first?

I'm happy to help friends. If I'm in a help centered discord channel, I'm happy to help there. And hopefully some find my posts helpful? But coming on a to a social networking/blogging platform and starting off with "help me" seems super odd when it's so common.

I think you're right that somewhere, on some FB groups or wherever, someone is giving these people some terrible advice.

oh for sure, you can research that, there are areas that courses are taught and according to some that's what is being taught , I feel females are getting this more but I could be wrong....Facebook has them, not saying all of that is bad but there are distinct hustles that get old

If it's bad and on the internet, odds are women get it worse. I've only had a couple of super weird DM conversations, and people don't call me "dear" nearly as much.

am hoping some read this to realize that some of the "get rich quick" stuff being pumped in certain areas , there is a community here.... "go after this rep and higher or witnesses or this or that......" when I hear that it just makes me have resting bitch face

What about Darlin'? :)
I'm thinking long term I want to be connected to people. I would think it would actually be easier to spend some time and connect than be in a never ending cycle of begging. It makes me sad that some folks may not understand that or that they are in such a difficult place financially that it seems necessary. It pisses me off that the systems if this world are so oppressive to some that a beautiful human soul is trodden down into to such a place. I am glad for your voice and the many others who can see and long for freedom. Peace friend.

there are good people who unfortunately are being guided in a way that it turns off a lot of older users....it's tough but it's freaking uncomfortable and am hoping that maybe this helps , dunno, I try to do it in kinda dry humor

I thought it was great! Im going to resteem it. Even in this you were calling, coaching, helping people. Well done.

"Kind Sir" is more annoying imo

Brings back memories on my first group who endless tag a certain whale and all there post have a signature of professing their undying love to that person. As lot as they get votes.

Then there is the matter of using sir/ma'am upvote me please in Facebook and Discord thank God for block functions or just ignore I hate to see red blinking lights on both haha.

yes dear thank you for posting I follow you blog, you follow me!

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