Living it upside down and the science of intermittent fasting

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Greetings, friends!

This is my 3rd and final introduction post. I'm still shocked by the amazing response I got for my first two posts, so thank you all for your support, and I hope this one doesn't disappoint!

The thing that I'd say that makes me different from most other people, are my eating habits. Not so much about what I eat, but more about when I eat. And for the last four years and still going, it's like this:

I never eat breakfast,
I never eat before 2pm,
I drink coffee every morning,
when I eat, I have a quadruple portion of everything,
I've been eating only once a day, at late evening, since April this year.

While I try to eat as little processed foods as possible, keep it raw and organic and eat little to no meat, every now and then, there comes a time when I get carried away. Heavily. Ordering pizzas and hamburgers every night for weeks.

But as much carried away as I get, I never go across the things I said earlier.

A quick recap: I pretty much eat whatever I want, but I eat only once a day, never before 2pm.

If it's a healthy, vegan meal, good. I'll wake up fresh and satisfied.
If it's an unhealthy, greasy hamburger, good. I'll go to bed satisfied.

(yes this is tonight's)

Not saying that I'll go to bed unsatisfied if I don't eat a hamburger, I'm saying that different foods have different effects on my body.

And food is meant to feed us. It's not even supposed to taste good. It's meant to fuel our body.

But more importantly, our body is meant to use this fuel as efficiently as it can. You eat for a purpose. You eat to grow. Not in terms of size(well, for some maybe), but in terms of efficiency.

And how do we make our bodies more efficient? How's it even measured?

To put in less, and get out more.

Which basically, in this context, translates to:

To eat less and have more energy.

I know this sounds hard to digest, but there's a whole science behind it(it's called intermittent fasting btw), about how fasting boosts your HGH(human growth hormone) and insulin sensitivity in ways nothing else can(hormones are serious business, think about steroids).

Fasting also puts your body into a state of fat burning mode, called ketosis. That's when your body runs out of sugar(glucose) and starts using fat for energy(ketone bodies). And since our liver can store only about a 100 grams of sugar(glycogen) and our muscles about 400, even the skinniest of them all probably has more stored fat than stored sugar.

If only we could reach for stored fat when we feel like shit.

But seriously, we can. We're not supposed to feel like shit. Not ever. We should feel way more energetic and way less food dependent.

But it seems to me everyone is all about breakfast and veggie smoothies. People want to crucify me after telling them to spend most of their day without food and all the yada-yada above.

I get it. I've been there.

But I've reprogrammed my body for the better. I can literally be on my feet all day long without even thinking about food. In fact, I finish most of my days with a workout session, before finally cooking my meal. And besides having more energy than ever before, I also have way more time not having to eat every 3 hours.

And these are only the most obvious benefits of intermittent fasting. I'll cover the less obvious ones in the upcoming posts. I'll also cover the do's and dont's of intermittent fasting, based on my past 4-year experience.

This brings us to the end of my(final) introduction post. I hope the rice wasn't too boring.

PS: It's STILL raining here in Izola, Slovenia. And the weather has cooled down a bit TOO much. But there's always something, right?


@backyardgoonie, welcome to Steemit. I agree with you, and your experiences with eating this way. I practice a similar eating pattern, and experience the same things. I feel that I can learn more from you, so I have upvoted and followed you! Cheers!

Thank you, it means a lot! I'll try not to disappoint!

cloudporn!! sweet cloud pics man!!
Interesting view point on how you eat... What made you really start this routine mate? I know its forsure something of truth, I know I would go sometimes the whole day, working 12 hours with not eating much at all, but still managing to make it through the day of hard physical labor on a drilling rig. I had to train myself to do this like you did, it wasnt something I could just do. I have been off the rigs now for sometime and notice that I do get very hungry during my days now because I've lost that hard work no eat routine...
Excellent post and keep on rockin!!!

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Hey there, thanks for reading it through! I'm not really sure why I started with intermittent fasting. I guess I was looking for a steady, manageable "diet", and this one was the most interesting and promising. I could eat less often(increased insulin sensitivity), train more(ketosis, using fat for fuel) and recover faster(increased HGH), with the help of fasting. I've been learning along the way, and I'd probably do things differently if I had to do it all over again. But at the end, it turned out to be the most doable and flexible diet of them all.
I guess I agree to repost my pictures.
Thanks for the awesome feedback!

Welcome to Steemit. Interesting post. I know people eat very differently in different parts of the world. In India some people have big meals at 10pm. People have also eaten very differently based on food availability. If people were not well adopted to go for long periods of time without food we wouldn't be here. Most of our ancestors would have starved to death. People fast up to 30 days without food and to starve, you can go with very little food for several months. I find your once a day eating habit interesting. Having done a more traditional fasting -going one to several days without food- can get some very weird reactions in the United States. There is definitely something to it as you feel differently.

Hello there, thank you for stopping by! Fasting is getting more popular now than ever. It's even being prescribed by doctors in some countries. It's said to promote longevity by breaking down bad proteins in your body and use them as energy. So yes, there is definitely something to it.

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"While I try to eat as little processed foods as possible, keep it raw and organic and eat little to no meat"

I am such a "weird" when it comes to food, or at least was a "weirdo"... My daily process is a bit different, as I usually wake up hungry and drained... I drink a lot of water in the morning, no coffee... Only tea... Anyway, I eat max 3times a day(maybe small portions, sometimes huge ones), and I'm feeling f&%&$%g great.

"But I've reprogrammed my body for the better. I can literally be on my feet all day long without even thinking about food."

Tell me this tho? When that dark minute comes and ur body "collapses", do you feel it the next day? That $hit mood?

ps: great blogs, think you will do just fine here at @steemit:)

I'm not sure if I get what you meant with the dark minute and collapsing, but here I come anyway: more often I eat, more often I get hungry. I'll try to put it this way - it's about being without(any) food for longer periods of time. After you break your fast, it doesn't really matter what and how much you eat. It's during the fast that the magic happens. Because most of the times you feel hungry, you're not. Not really. It's just your body running out of sugar supplies. And since your body is used to be fed first thing in the morning and last thing before bed, it won't even try to reach for fat supplies. It doesn't have to. Unless it's given a good reason, which is - you guessed it - fasting. Forcing the body to use fat as energy.

And after a while, you don't "force" it so much anymore. Your blood sugar levels drop to a minimum and you don't even feel hungry. You don't even feel the need for sugar.

But when you mess up and raise those glucose levels(by eating shit or eating too often), you're back to square one, which is, "forcing" the body to start burning fat for energy, or if you like it, dropping those glucose levels back to a minimum.

Hope that answered your question! And thank you for your amazing support!

What I meant was, you can last for a long period without food, but when the hunger beats you to it, its 10x times as bad for your body(or mind I guess) as it would be if you eat a few times a day... just my opinion, I'm dealing with it lolz...

Anyway, ty again for your explanation... You did answer it on point:)


Nice post bro, kar tako naprej :) 😁 Pozdrav na obalo hehe ! 😁👍

I envy you for being able to do this, I would starve if I didn't have my breakfast :)

It gets easier as you progress. I have a completely different definition of hunger now. Can't remember when's the last time I heard my abdomen growling.

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