I lost my little furry friend today :(

in #life7 years ago (edited)

She came in front of our door one day some six years ago, skinny and starving, looking for a new home after someone abandoned her. She was so lovely and adorable, we had no other option but to take her in.

It may sound like a cliche, but she was the best cat in the world and we considered her part of the family. She was with us every step of the way, always cheerful and cuddly. She was fierce and no other animal would dare to come after her.

Whole neighborhood adored her cause she used to sit on the yard fence or lay on the middle of the not so busy street in front of our house, and everyone would stop to play with her or give her a light pat.

Today, after our neighbor found her and informed us, we were devastated. She had only 7 or so years and (despite some minor clues) looked like she's still going strong. There might be a possibility she was hit a car, but we didn't see any visible signs.

A bond with a pet can be so strong. It's just this little thing, but it means so much to you. It's a sad day today, but I'll try to think about all the beautiful memories I have of her. And we've been through a lot.

You will be missed, my little furry friend.


You're resteeming some nice articles. Thank you.

When do you plan to pick up writing again? Life has had me a wee bit off balance lately, so this week all I'm trying for is to complete one round of "Color Challenge" And, you know, there's a bajillion other little daily challenges. They are so useful to provide an anchored starting spot and for finding people to talk to around a simple topic sans a ton a drama :-)

I hope restarting is just this easy for you -- that there's not some super serious something going on. And I know people think challenges and the like are more for the newbies, etc. But, no, challenges are not beneath your rank ;-)

Annnd you (and whomever else is reading) might even find some really loyal followers out in those challenges ;-)

All the best to you!

Hey, thanks for noticing! :)

Most of my time on Steemit now goes to curating. I'm glad you like the resteems. :) But I would like to start writing regularly again cause I used to post full articles every day.
I might need to start with these simple challenges if my writing turns out to be little rusty. I just recently bought a new camera so hopefully I'll have some interesting content to share. :)

Thanks again for stopping by!

oh the photography challenges go on forever!! Congrats on the new toy! (business tool). I did look back at your articles before I nagged at you. I think it would be nice to have them showing up in my feed.

I lost a favorite dog and a close acquaintance in the space of a few weeks. It can take your words away for a bit. So. But. Then. Here we go :-)

Hi there @alcibiades !

Really sad for your cat! My condolences!

On another note:
I saw you are a curator for #curie and was wondering if you wanted to recommend a post for me?
I'll give you great post to submit with good chances of acceptance!

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Thanks a lot for the time and see you around!

Upvoted and followed you :)

Through my life, I have had several cats that start on my doorstep and end in my heart. I am glad to hear that you had such a great experience with her. You mention something that I find really important. Pets are amazing at showing us how we can be loving and close, but at the same time fierce. Think of the good times, and be happy of the adventures you had. That's all I can recommend.

I'll follow your advice. After a while, you only remember those beautiful moments spent together and you're happy they were part of your life. Thanks for the comment!

I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful kitty. I know how very hard it is, pets really are members of the family. Blessings to you.

They indeed are. It's so sad when you lose one of them. :( Thanks for the comment.

so sorry to hear your sad news... I would be devastated if my dog died :(
pets really do become part of the family

It's really sad to see them go. :( Thanks for the comment.

I'm so sorry, I recently got a visitor-cat that I adopted eventually and reading your story, I pictured something bad happening to her. We bond with animals like we do with people (sometimes maybe more). Losing a pet you love is pretty much like losing a dear friend. I hope you keep all the good memories of her and bring them to your mind whenever you feel down.

Please, don't think about what could happen and feel bad. :) It's sad when the are gone, but like you said, all the good memories you'll have in your heart. Thanks for the nice comment.

Oh, no... I am very sorry for your loss. Isn't it a curious thing, that almost no one goes and get a cat? Most of the time, cats just arrive in our lives as an unexpected companion. I think that's part of their magic.

I know how heartbreaking can be, when I lost my first cat to some rare kidney disease, the house felt so empty afterwards... I kept expecting him to suddenly walk into the room, or turn around and see him sleeping on the couch. It was so sad.

But be grateful you got all these nice experiences with your little friend, she lives in your memories now. Take care, @alcibiades!

It's true, you always expect them to just show up around the corner. She lives in our memories now. Thanks for the comment and sorry for late response!

I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a lovely companion :) I lost my kitty (that was his name) a few years ago after 18 years, and I was devastated. He's been with me since I was a child. I can understand how important those bonds that we form with our furry companions can be. They provide so much love and companionship in our lives, it's incredible! Wishing you all the best :)

I'm sad to hear that. It's incredible how good and supportive companions they can be. Thanks for the comment and sorry for late response!

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! <3 I have a calico too. Your friend was so beautiful, and I'm so sad for you that you had to lose her. :( Wishing you much support in your grieving. <3

Thanks you so much for the support! <3 And sorry for the late response. :)

Aw, no worries, of course. <3

Sorry for your loss. The bond with a pet is a special thing.

It is quite special indeed. Thank you.

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