Daily Gratitude Journal - A way to help break through depression & anxiety

in #life7 years ago

I have been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety throughout my whole life, winter times become especially difficult. I have mentioned before that a great way of helping to move about the realms of such is to make a gratitude journal where daily you write several things that you are grateful for. As the battleground that is my mind blows its horns, I think it's time to start a new gratitude journal.

I will be taking a few minutes out of my day each day, hopefully before class in the morning, to leave a brief message of gratitude to share with the world. Some days they may be longer than others, some may be more in depth in their expression, but I will always try to leave three things to reflect upon through the day. So, without further ado I bring to you the first daily gratitude list.

1. Clean Water

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There exists on our planet right now a multitude of areas which go without access to clean water every single day. Even here in the United States there are people living without access to clean water. Flint Michigan has been without clean water for over 3 years and approaching its 4th. I am grateful that I have unadulterated access to clean water to help my body and the plants I grow.

2. People who love me.

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I am beyond blessed and extremely grateful for the abundance of love and laughter showered over me day in and day out. My love, Audrey, treats me like royalty and gives the best hugs. She is always there when I need her, and I hope to always do the same. My mother has a beautiful smile that radiates through everyone's heart, she taught me how to be kind in the face of adversity and to love your neighbor as your own. My family and friends are amazing, and I am grateful for the beauty they help me to unfold in this cosmic experience.

3. The roof over my head.


I have spent several years off and on being homeless after I left the military. Being homeless is horrendous in so many ways and it's a cycle which seems determined to keep you in poverty. When you are homeless, nobody wants to hire you because you don't have an address, you don't have a shower to keep clean, and you don't have a way to be certain your clothes will be washed. Being homeless means that you have no way to cook any food without being extravagantly resourceful. Being homeless means all of your belongings are on your back or stashed behind a dumpster or some trees somewhere. Being homeless means looking over your shoulder every few seconds, looking for the police who enforce anti-homeless laws, and looking for people who might take advantage of any moment your guard is down.

I am grateful to have found a way to keep a roof above my head. I am grateful for so many things found in this simple idea (the electricity to heat my house, to cook food, to keep my food fresh, to warm the water, to post online about my experiences, and much more). Being homeless opened my eyes to an entirely new world, and I am glad it happened but I am elated to be through it. Now if we could just all come together as one we could totally eliminate homelessness.

What are YOU grateful for?


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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Nice post, thanks for sharing with use !

The most important thing is to
enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.

Life can be difficult to enjoy when an individual struggles with mental problems, especially when they stem from trauma. I am hoping others who may struggle might see this and be able to use it to their own ends and find a way to better appreciate life.

Thank you for your comment and upvote. :)

Exactly ! You have shared a very good thought, hoping other will try to follow.

Thanks for you vote ! And honestly sorry I can't upvote your comment because I have very low voting power. So this
is of no use. ☹️☹️

No worries! Hopefully you will have enough SP soon enough and you can help other small accounts too:)

Sure Sir !
Now, I have more respect for you and steemit ! 😊

Thanks for posting. I definitely need reminders to be grateful for the small things, so easy to take these for granted! It can change my day around remembering how lucky I am to have these.

Maybe start your own journal? Its a great tool to have as a way to constantly remind oneself to be grateful. Glad you enjoyed the post! Thank you for your comment. :)

Hey @alchemage..
I loved your thought
But sometimes solitude can make your mind gain strength and learns to lean upon itself.
Do you agree? Thoughts?

Solitude is especially important when healing the mind. There is so much outside influence daily that it is often difficult to differentiate our own thoughts from those of another.

Thanks for your comment. :)

So true @alchemage
In addition it really lifts you out of problems.I feel some solution like meditation , yoga can give you deep rest.It has an ability to connect to an inner source of energy.
Sometimes I think these solution should be practised from school itself.
These can be helpful in such a hectic day to day life.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :-)

Absolutely! Mindful practices as you mention allows us to clearly communicate with the body and mind, and, as you mention, give us some much needed rest. We definitely should practice these arts at least once a day.

Thank you for being open and sharing this. Gratitude is huge and can really change your entire view. I always see that what you are thankful for you will probably get more of. The interface our consciousness has on reality plays back to us what we repeat in our heads. Thanks again.

You are very welcome, I want to show my true colors unconditionally in hopes of influencing others to do the same. I absolutely agree with your sentiment, gratitude is a major part of what we experience. We are pattern seeking creatures, so yes - what we repeat to ourselves is what we (un)consciously seek.

Thank you for your comment. :)

great post. I definitely needed a reminder like this today. I've been spiraling into a bit of depression myself (yet again) and trying to figure out how to break out of it. I think I will try a daily gratitude journal/list as well.
I am currently struggling with being homeless and it's so good to hear someone talk about it openly and also rise above it. Thank you for your inspiration :)

I'm glad to hear these words inspire you to make your own gratitude journal, I have found it really useful in redirecting the mind. Homelessness is one of the more difficult situations to face, it's so frustrating and stressful in every way. I wish you the best with finding stable shelter. Thank you for your comment. <3

Great post. Everyone should be grateful for what he has and when it is difficult to think of people who are without work, who do not have a home, who are sick. Then we see that our life is not as bad as we think. I am grateful that we are all alive and healthy.

Life and health are grand things to be grateful for, for what would we be without them? Thank you for your comment:)

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