Tales from The Cwtch (It means 'Hug' in Welsh!)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Today, I opened The Cwtch at 11 am. For the next month I will likely be doing split shifts, with some Steem in the afternoon.


June has been drafted in to open another bar, which has recently sacked a staff member for being 'unreliable'. The Cala Millor gossip train is always at full speed, and if you want to keep a secret you need to adopt the tell no-one policy. I recently heard that the previous owners of The Cwtch, or Bar Bamboo as it was back then, picked up the licence for 'a song'. I also know that on the day the current owner came to check the place out, the old owner was give away drinks for free to ensure the place would be nice and busy. I guess that's what they call 'business'.

This morning, the promenade was buzzing with people. I say buzzing because of the noticeable increase in the number of mobility scooters. As the season draws to a close at the end of this month, the number of older visitors increase - presumably in the knowledgeable that the place is quieter, and 10-15 degrees cooler than the summer highs. From a business perspective, this could be in the bars favor, I'll just have to deal with scooters doing 6 km/hour on MY bike lane. That and the general lack of awareness of people, walking along an orange track with a painting of a bicycle present every 10 metres. Fail. When is a good time to ring the bell to let people know you are coming? In the past I would ring in advance, but now I prefer to get close behind and ring it like mad. Who said old white people can't jump?

Opening the bar includes the additional tasks of sweeping the front, carrying the TV out, and setting up the tables and chairs. At present, this is a nice start to the day as the temperature is still 20 degrees or more come 11 am. It's also nice to make a few more coffees with the funky machine, I had to make one for myself as a test, of course. There is also a chance I could be making more hot drinks as October, or 'stoptober', or 'go sober for October' was mentioned to me this morning. I thought this month was for the smokers to try to give up, but it seems that there are also campaigns for people to attempt to go dry for a 30 days too too. Personally, I think most of the ex-pats and tourists wont last the month, or even consider a month off. I've not asked my mum or her partner if they are getting involved, I doubt it :P

Down at the beach today there would have likely been more sunbathers, but the winds are up for the next day or two and this has forced a high tide. The red flags are out, something I've not seen much of this year, and so I didn't spot anyone going against the lifeguards wishes and taking a swim this morning.


The stretch of beach between Cala Millor and Cala Bona is sandy and one of the best on the east coast of Mallorca. It is a kilometre-and-a-half long and backed by a promenade perfect for walking, cycling, browsing the gift shops or taking refreshments in one of the many cafés, bars or restaurants. This promenade will take you all the way to the fishing harbour at Cala Bona. The sea is initially shallow and quite safe – appropriate for children. source

It would be perfect for cycling if people would staff off the bloody cycle lanes!

Shortly, I'll be heading back to work for the early evening shift. Tonight is quiz night, which hasn't proved that popular so far, even though it runs during happy hour (which is 2 hours) where all drinks are half price. I've noticed a few couples arriving most days of their holiday not long after 8 pm, and then heading off somewhere else at around 10 - when the cheap drinks end. Fair enough, I'd probably do the same.

Last night, the owner had a lock-in until 5 am, and met me at 11 am to open this morning. She asked me if she looked tired, I smiled and nodded. Some of the best business is done out of hours and so far, the black curtains have worked well in disguising the fact that people are drinking after the bar should be closed. Fortunately, I'm in bed by that time most nights, and if forced to work that late, I would be looking looking for some unsociable hours bonus. Actually, I should have asked for a pay-rise before agreeing to open the bar for the next month. Perhaps later.

I'm actually enjoying working at the bar, probably more than any of my jobs in IT. It's giving me something to do, and some extra cash so I don't have to consider powering down here. And at present, I'm looking to power up SBDs too.
Hopefully this is a good time to be earning STEEM, ready for a price move in the coming months. A repeat of last year would be nice, and even better, a rise and hold of STEEM at 3/4/5 dollars. Perhaps then, I could retire from being a barman, although if still in Cala Millor, I would probably continue pulling the occasional pint.

Alright, thanks for reading today, and have a nice day :)



Great post. This has been resteemed by @minnowsupporter.

What a great piece mate, and what a life! Just let me know what night grab-a-granny is on and I'm there!
Name doesn't exactly trip off the tongue does it?
Keep living the life and best wishes to you :-)

The name is a shocker in my opinion! Pretty much the same for the clientele, but it's all good if you are game for a granny 👵🏼👵🏼

Yeah things are pretty easy, hopefully Steem can make it even easier in time, cheers!

Ive just ballsed up voting before 15mins haven't I ?
Sorry if Ive screwed anything up for you, I'll remember next time

Voting prior to 15 mins could likely see better curation returns, no worries!

I'm very confused by that. I heard @paulag talk about it in her video but can't quite get my mind around the idea. Plus I have no concept of time and get distracted easily so I always miss the 15min mark. I'll open a brand new post and then forget to go back in time so I've been voting later than I mean to. Brain damage? Yes, most certainly.

Here's the link to the article she talks about in the video above.

I believe 15 minutes is the new 30 mins. Although you couldn't get the max potential curation rewards voting earlier in the past, it usually paid to sneak in before that point (and some larger voters). I'm assuming the same will be true under the new rules - but don't quote me!

My understanding, and I might be totally wrong, is that each minute from 0 to 30 would skew the curation percentage from 100% author to 75/25 at 30 minutes and the amount in that percentage was calculated by the size of the vote and the order you voted. What was happening was people were buying services where they'd purchase a large upvote for themselves to come in at 1 minute which means no one would get any curation anything... so now the same curve exists but for 0-15 and the earlier voting portion that used to go to the author now gets put back in the reward pool. So now if you vote before or after 15 minutes, it doesn't affect the author at all, but you won't get as much back from curation rewards if you vote before...

I'll have to present some stats on this in a week or so. I know the early curation rewards that you cant get for voting early are going to the pool not the author, but the ones that are available are still there to be picked off by curators hitting the right timing.

In the past, this was as early as 1 minute!

That looks like an awesome little resort.

Stoptober, pfft. Haven't they heard of Dryanuary!?

I was going to say exactly the same thing! You cant have a dry October, its the mobth of Oktoberfest for heavens sake. January is far more sensible. No one has any money left after Christmas to buy beer with anyway!

Exactly, makes no sense!! :0)


Agreed! January, or no month at all!

Yeah it's pretty decent in the summer, and a ghost town in the winter. What about Avawaterpril?

Haha, noooooooooooo!

Haha, fair!

Living in Wales, it is funny to see the The Cwtch. A very popular name here for cafes etc.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Ahh, maybe she stole the idea from home then.

It's not particularly catchy for the locals, but hopefully in time they'll come to accept it.

Hey Asher,

Totally enjoyed this little read. It almost felt like I was a journal entry, loved the insight into how daily life even if it's not your usual daily life.

Totally agree on the late bike belling... I would never wander along the bicycle section on a boardwalk, you're just asking to me slammed into.

Cheers buddy! I never know how these will be received, they are quite removed from my data posts. It's a different life I'm living at present, and I guess these entries are like journal entries. Who knows how long this will last, but I'm happy enough at present.

Damn pedestrians, in a world of their own!

'Tonight is quiz night, which hasn't proved that popular so far'

I've heard talking of this new game called Bingo; they say it has all to become a succes ...

Last week we had Bingo too. I helped (by repeatedly shouting the numbers in to) an old ladies ear, she won the line and the house, and then gave me the prize!

in kind?

Yeah something like that, she's a generous old lady, is pretty deaf but likes beer and giving tips :D

Lock-ins? I thought you could go drinking all night in Spain? That is shades of old England where you got chucked out at 11pm. Last orders (ring ring).

There are places open all night here, but you need another licence. 3am is our close, I think the boss kicked everyone out at 5am last night..🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🥃

The 11pm restriction went in the UK ages ago, but you probably already know that.

Does that 'boss' know that your writing about her bar?... better put only good things if so ;)

Yeah is it 1-2am these days?

She knows but doesn't bother to read, I guess I'll be nice though 😊

You know.. I wouldn't know., my drinking late days are far behind me. If I drink at night, its no sleep for me these days. They extended it to whatever the barman wants as far as I know.

Many pubs and bars are now gone in England. Its like there's a plethora of empty ones wherever you look. If they don't do good food, they don't last long.

Right. Yeah good food is key here too, the longest standing English bar prides itself on meals available all day.

No sleep due to beer? Is that due to toilet visits? (It is for me!)

feels like a good balance work in the morning steem in the afternoon free at night

Free late evening yes, but after all that I am pretty tired! The morning shift is only for the month though, i can do it :)


11am is a bit early to open though, especially if you're gonna be stressing out till 5am the next morning

Yes it is a long shift, and one that I will not be doing!

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