
Voting prior to 15 mins could likely see better curation returns, no worries!

I'm very confused by that. I heard @paulag talk about it in her video but can't quite get my mind around the idea. Plus I have no concept of time and get distracted easily so I always miss the 15min mark. I'll open a brand new post and then forget to go back in time so I've been voting later than I mean to. Brain damage? Yes, most certainly.

Here's the link to the article she talks about in the video above.

I believe 15 minutes is the new 30 mins. Although you couldn't get the max potential curation rewards voting earlier in the past, it usually paid to sneak in before that point (and some larger voters). I'm assuming the same will be true under the new rules - but don't quote me!

My understanding, and I might be totally wrong, is that each minute from 0 to 30 would skew the curation percentage from 100% author to 75/25 at 30 minutes and the amount in that percentage was calculated by the size of the vote and the order you voted. What was happening was people were buying services where they'd purchase a large upvote for themselves to come in at 1 minute which means no one would get any curation anything... so now the same curve exists but for 0-15 and the earlier voting portion that used to go to the author now gets put back in the reward pool. So now if you vote before or after 15 minutes, it doesn't affect the author at all, but you won't get as much back from curation rewards if you vote before...

I'll have to present some stats on this in a week or so. I know the early curation rewards that you cant get for voting early are going to the pool not the author, but the ones that are available are still there to be picked off by curators hitting the right timing.

In the past, this was as early as 1 minute!

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