
in #letsmakeacollage5 years ago

shaka worm gif 4.gif

@shaka's back! And his #LMAC contest is on again! In this round, I combine my collage for @shaka with a story I wrote for #finishthestory contest.

As is the case with every #FTS episode, one author writes the beginning of a story, and a second author picks up the theme to 'finish the story'. This week the remarkable and talented @brisby served up horror, so I tried to match that.

My collage for @shaka is a bit creepy, which I hope matches the blended @brisby and @agmoore story. The collage began with @shaka's great photo:

RhcojIR - Imgur.jpg

I superimposed greenery from a Pixabay picture:

shaka pixabay photo.jpg

All the rest of the elements, insects and plants, came from Paint 3D. The GIF was made using a GIMP plug in.

Thank you, @shaka for running your contest again. I do love making these collages and being part of your creative community.

@shaka's contest may be found here. You really should check it out. Amazing art and skill are on display.

accent accent.jpg

Finish the Story runs just about every week. It is sponsored by @bananafish and may be found here

Congratulations, @brisby, for writing a story that was really, really creepy. And very well crafted.


by @Brisby

Shiro paid the street vendor for his lemonade, unfazed by her curious glances to the glove on his hand. Any other day, he would have answered the unspoken questions of the smiling woman with a light quip. A bit of banter went miles in getting people to overlook his many...eccentricities.

Today though, he couldn't muster anything witty. Throngs of people were milling about the square, mindless to those who were in a hurry. His quick errand run had become a snail-paced slog behind wandering looky-loos. The brown jacket he wore was sodden thanks to the blistering bake of the summer sun. He'd give anything to shed his sweaty layers but the memories of what had happened the last time...

Compounding his exhaustion were his ever-present traveling companions. Their desperation for his attention had begun fraying his nerves since he left home. Ignoring their antics and way they clung to him had worn his energy to a hair's breadth. Sheer obstinance was all that kept him from screaming at them in the middle of the crowd.

Shuffling aside to savor the crisp drink in the shade of the over-sized umbrella, Shiro felt something crunch beneath his heel. Dammit! Whatever he had broken, it sounded expensive.

Behind him a voice shrilled, "You're paying for that!"

Shoulders slumping as he fingered his wallet, he turned. "Sorry! I didn't know...", his voice choked to a halt. Not because the person was intimidating. The blonde slip of a girl glaring daggers at him wouldn't have been able to frighten a hamster. Nor was it due to her beauty, as she had been graced with an unfortunate nose.

It was the reaction of his companions that stole his breath.

Gone were the shadowy undulations and static flickerings who had doggedly followed Shiro since he was a child. What remained were swirling vortices of crimson and pitch. Amorphous, they writhed. They wailed. The air thickened with the depth of their need.

Without warning, unctuous tendrils sprang. Shiro cried out but it was too late. Oozing with hunger, his companions snaked to envelop the girl. Her wide hazel orbs rolled to the heavens before she collapsed to the ground.

My Conclusion

bugs shiro.jpg


by @agmoore

Shiro did not fear the crowd. He knew that when horror strikes one person, the others flee. All that was left was the girl, and her whimpering.

The whimpering would haunt him, as would awareness of others who suffered because of him. This burden he had carried since he was fifteen.

Those many years ago he had made his mistake. Everyone in the village knew the forest was possessed by demons, that to venture within would be to disappear, or to return changed, forever. But Shiro was stubborn. Once he set his mind to something...

And so he intruded where no one else dared. Vegetation so dense, he could not see ahead. He stumbled. What was it that tripped him? His hand caught on a vine. When he tried to pull away, the vine tightened on his arm and dragged him forward. With his usual stubbornness, he defied it. But the vine was not like his parents, or the villagers. It was not like anything.

Soon he was entwined. Arms. Legs. Torso. The vegetation smothered him. He gasped. And then the sound came, carried by a swarm of gnats that traveled on the wind.

"You are here, Shiro, and you will stay, forever.

"Please, let me go!"

"You were warned to stay out of the forest."

"I'm sorry. Let me go home, please..."

"If you leave, there are terms you must satisfy. We grow hungry for flesh. Villagers no longer stray into the forest. We are denied our precious human meat. The young ones need the protein. If you go forth, you take them with you. Once a week, you let them free to find their prey."

"Where will I put them? I don't understand."

"They will hide themselves under your clothing. You must always be clothed in public. They cannot abide the sun, so you must cover them carefully."

"But my family..."

"This is your family. If you try to return home, not only will you perish, but all you love will be devoured."

"I can't...it's too horrible ...."

At that moment pain seared through his hand. Shiro looked at it. Innumerable grotesque creatures were feeding calmly upon his fingers and working their way up his wrist.

"Stop! Stop! I'll do it."

From that moment Shiro carried the demons. He wandered the earth. Once a week at night he let them free. Sated, they would come back docile. Only once before had they broken free and attacked without being released. He lived in fear of another outburst. Today that fear was realized.

Shiro stood helplessly as the girl was consumed. It took but a few moments. The creatures were ravenous. The weekly feeding was due.

When they finished their grisly meal, Shiro opened his coat. He closed it over his charges and walked away, far away, where the story of the girl and what had befallen her would not be told. Or at least, would not be believed.


It's an original and catchy interpretation of Brisby's prompt. I truly read this for the pleasure of seeing how you were going to develop it. What if the demonic swarm grows in its hunger? I'd like to see how the weekly feeding becomes a daily one and then...

Thank you...Somehow I don't see @brisby and horror in the same frame. But, if she wants to go there... OK.
And I do believe you're right. Appetite grows if unchecked. There always is a check, though. What would that be??Hmmmm.....

😁 Believe it or not, I love the horror genre. When I was writing more frequently for my blog, my stories ran the gamut from humor, mystery, horror, science, erotica, and slice of life. I try to tone some of these down when writing for the tribe though. I suppose I should add a western to my collection soon.

If you're curious, here's a taste of one of my older horrors. I chose one without gore for you. 🤗

What a strike! You have already seen the towers in the first stage where the plants are about to cover the walls and you have finished it! How wonderful, such a gardener who lives out his life to the full and lays colorful flowering plants over ugly buildings. I am all for it. Hehe.

You continued the same short process with the devouring. No talk around it, no lengthy artificial introductions: Right into the middle of the action! It is as disgusting as it is courageous. I am full of horror and of course I don't think that this fairy tale should ever reach children's ears! HaHa! Well done!

... I'm just glad that occasional stubbornness and overestimation of my own self don't condemn me to have to watch out for swallowing and destroying creatures from now on.

Ciao Erika! How are you? 🙃

Ciao my Italian friend! I am fine, looking forward to visit your country! At the 19th we are off to the south! What about you? :-D

Oh cool! Will you visit Sicily? I feel the taste of holidays too, more or less like a Pavlov's dog. I'll be in Malta, as usual. We know one of those small beaches mostly frequented by locals. I will be under the total shadow of its large umbrellas, reading my book (and swimming too, and plotting for the world's domination ..no need to say).

No, Tuscany. South from us, Germany, LOL.
Malta, I looked it up, it's in the middle of the ocean!
Please let me know once world domination will be held by you. I want to make you a friend, Sir. HaHa!!

Ha ha!! I went to town with the picture. These are such fun to make. And I wanted to share in @brisby's story. She is a wonderful person, and a great writer. So I rose to the challenge of creating horror. It was neat that the story and picture could fit together so well. In my mind, this is the opportunity Steemit ideally offers. Within a week, writing a long involved post on the Aleutian Islands, creating a grotesque collage and writing a horror story. Where else can such a thing happen?
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my 'horrible' story. It's fun to share. The best part of Steemit is the friends, the sharing and the creating.
I'll be looking for your next inevitably creative and original post.
Your friend,

Damn right. The platform is so small in comparison to other social media spots that here one gets the feeling of getting in touch much easier and also meeting different tastes and topics, as inspiration is plenty given. You take advantage to the fullest with what is presented and thrown into the crowd. Also, I find you much more socializing in terms of encouragement than I am. :))

Covering three things within a week is quite an accomplishment. I now can tell, as this was a productive week. I forgot in between. :)

Your friend E.

I love it when my friends write along with me, dear Agmoore! Not only did you deliver one delightfully dark tale but you did a fantastic job creating your collage which fit perfectly! (Sorry, I didn't realize that I had missed the voting window until after I had voted for this.)

You know, Steem should hire you to promote them. Your genuine joy and love of the platform and its opportunity could refresh even the most dour of users. 💜

Beautiful and well done ... and I like GIFs every day more :D they have become one of my favorites art forms.

Thank you so much! After your compliment I look at it and say, "Yeah, that did come out nicely, didn't it!"
Art is a joy for me, but I lack talent. I think the joy shows through:)

Thank you for your Story and the Collage! I like it.

In my mind, this is the opportunity Steemit ideally offers. Within a week, writing a long involved post on the Aleutian Islands, creating a grotesque collage and writing a horror story. Where else can such a thing happen?
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my 'horrible' story. It's fun to share. The best part of Steemit is the friends, the sharing and the creating.

Well said! That is exactly eher i feel about Steem. Greetings

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello, @Kadna,
So nice of you to visit:) I'm glad you like my collage/story. My son thinks my technique needs work 😅 He's sending me instructional videos. I think it's funny that he tries to help. Nice, too.

Yeah, Steemit is fun, unless you don't see it. It's all in what you bring to it, I think. You and I bring humor, a positive attitude, the willingness to try something different, to engage with new people--without regard to geographic borders or language. I'm having a blast. My only regret is limited VP, but I guess that makes the VP more valuable (scarce resource) when we spend it. It's just that, I'm a spendthrift by nature :)

Thanks again for coming by. I love your different features--the quickies, the Sunday specials, etc. What a great sense of community you have developed.

Have a most wonderful day. I'll have to visit your blog tonight again. Always fun stuff going on there.

Your friend from across the sea,

Thank you so much for your nice answer! It is so wonderful to let go all borders... it is up to language and looking - in our case- above the ocean. ;-)

You and I bring humor, a positive attitude, the willingness to try something different, to engage with new people--without regard to geographic borders or language.

Yesss! Love and peace dear friend @agmoore, Kadna

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh my! What a burden he carries, forced to turn them loose to prevent them attacking just anyone, all he can do is chose who dies, and in doing so, chose who is spared. Gosh this has got too deep into my head. How does he pick who...? What happens to the creatures if something happens to him...? There could be a whole novel in here, of him going through emotional progression coming to terms with the power, at first enjoying it, then hating it, then himself, then acceptance, but in a way, this snapshot works better, because it forces the reader to think about all of that without giving a slant to it.


I don't think he ever enjoyed it. Seems he paid mightily for obstinacy. That's one of my personal failings, which is probably why I punished him so for it :)
Thanks, @calluna for your generous assessment.

I probably over thought it and under explained but I didn't want to put too much of what I thought here, but I am worried I under sold your story now. I was more meaning how in having to find someone every week, maybe first feeding it bad people, or people Shiro perceived as bad people. He might have in some way felt a small bit of power over life and death that would have quickly turned sour and made the whole thing much harder for him after. Enjoyed properly wasn't the right word. But just that the way this is written, it drew me in so much, it really got into my head and had me thinking a lot about how he chose the people, and how choosing the people weighted on him over the years. Early on he might have tried to do good with it, or at least told himself he was, be that taking away bad people or sparing good people by taking away those who would die soon anyway. Did he come to find he could not judge the value of anothers life though, that he could not decide from the little he saw of them if they should die. There is a sense of resignation in this ending that feels like he has lived with it, and tried things, and come to accept this is the best way. I am not saying you necessarily put these things in there, but by just giving us this window, you forced me to imagine the rest of the picture, and it brought up a lot of deep questions about the subjective and objective value of life which I am sure you didn't intend to include at all lol, but I am trying to avoid facing the world right now so appreciated the excuse to replied to you here instead <3


My dear @calluna,
I would never interpret a comment from you as anything but positive--not necessarily approving of the piece but always accepting of a sincere effort. I often 'over read'. We're writers. We think that way, in layers and subtleties. That you take the time to read our modest pieces with such care--that's a gift to us.

BTW---I stayed awake last night to outline a watery piece before sleep. Now I've got some raw material for your contest, and I'm groggy but pleased :)

Retreat into your art...that's always a good place to be. The world will still be there (although it may be covered with water--😁) when you return.
See you later. Have a wonderful, creative day.

Nicely terrifying! Poor Shiro and all the other victims.

Nicely terrifying is a perfect definition.

Ravenous indeed, Agmoore!

Your collage is lush with of all of those plants devouring the silos. I love it and how well it ties in with your ending! The creepy vibe was 100% achieved!

Thank you for your wonderful compliments and I adore you for feeling that way. However, you may hear on the news tomorrow about a squirrel who blushed to death in this heat! 😂🤗🌻😉

You've wonderfully delivered shudders along my spine with this one! I have to remark upon the sad truth to the fleeing of the onlookers. Terror has a disquieting power of the collective mind of a crowd. (Though I'm comforted that it is likely that someone in real life would come to the aid of the girl.)

Neatly the answers to so many questions about Shiro and his 'companions' are dropped like breadcrumbs from Hansel. (Leading me deeper into the dark hungers awaiting within the forest.)

I feel so sorry for Shiro. He's doomed to wander the world, never to reunite with his family, for somewhere the feedings won't draw attention. Knowing he's doomed to deliver death at someone's feet. What an awful price to pay for one trek of curiosity.

The 58th edition is served proud storyteller! This week we have an additional crypto between the rewards, come and discover the FIRE TOKEN!

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