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RE: Ravenous

in #letsmakeacollage5 years ago

It's an original and catchy interpretation of Brisby's prompt. I truly read this for the pleasure of seeing how you were going to develop it. What if the demonic swarm grows in its hunger? I'd like to see how the weekly feeding becomes a daily one and then...


Thank you...Somehow I don't see @brisby and horror in the same frame. But, if she wants to go there... OK.
And I do believe you're right. Appetite grows if unchecked. There always is a check, though. What would that be??Hmmmm.....

😁 Believe it or not, I love the horror genre. When I was writing more frequently for my blog, my stories ran the gamut from humor, mystery, horror, science, erotica, and slice of life. I try to tone some of these down when writing for the tribe though. I suppose I should add a western to my collection soon.

If you're curious, here's a taste of one of my older horrors. I chose one without gore for you. 🤗

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