Bonding With Sam - A Little About Me

in #journal7 years ago (edited)

A Little About Me

One of my passions is a love for animals. I wish I had room (and money) for more pets, but I content myself with enjoying the two pets I have, my cockatiel Sam and my rescue cat, Newt. I try to spend time with both pets and even spoil them a bit.


Today I took the day off from work to burn vacation time and I was able to spend time with both Sam and Newt.

Sam is my cockatiel. I purchased him with a cage for $60 in 2001 as an adult bird from a relative of one of my best friends. He is approximately 18 years old. Sam needed rehomed because his previous owner had a cat that tried to make him into lunch...or dinner.

In May of 2014 I rescued Newt. I hadn't really put a lot of thought into bringing the kitten home where Sam was concerned, but as Newt grew he made it very evident that he was interested in the a meal sort of way, and wishes to make Sam his next treat. He spends ample time staring at the bird and contemplating how to bring this about.

Handome Devil


With the introduction of Newt into my home, I have had to take more safety precautions to protect Sam. When I open Sam's cage, I am hypervigilant of Newt's location. Sometimes I crate Newt if he dips into predator mode, which happens quite quickly when he sees that the bird is out of his cage or the cage door is open.

Don't Get Too Close!

Sam enjoys a nice seed and treat mix daily and occasionally I feed him a soda cracker or buy him a spray of millet, which he's crazy about. Since Sam is not able to come out of the cage often, he is shy and takes a good long time venturing out of the cage once the door is open. He will bite if you put your hand in the cage. That's his turf. Today Sam suddenly flew put of the cage after having his cage open for about an hour and landed on the sofa.

I was working on the last minute preparations of dinner in the kitchen with Ben, so I ran to the sofa and offered Sam my hand before Newt could get to him and Sam readily climbed up to his comfort zone, my shoulder. Sam will only allow you to put your hands near him when he is in a vulnerable position like this.

I fully enjoy these moments. Sam and I hung out for about an hour before dinner with Newt safely locked in Ben's bedroom with Ben.

I hope you enjoy our selfies... Do you have any birds? Feel free to drop a link of a recent post so I can come and check it out!

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wow, they are beautiful pets, i like them.

Quite the pair of bandit! I had a cockatiel a few decades ago this guy was hilarious and I did show him a few words and he could go on allllll daaayyy repeating over and over. When I could not stand it anymore I was putting music on, then he was dancing like a rockstar. You need to give them a lot of time and attention more then I could spare at the time.

Your bird sounded fun! Yes, they do need time. I'm trying to provide more time in spite of the constraints. Sam will do a repetitive chirp when he wants more attention. He knows a few whistles and times and he will say pretty bird in addition to a beep beep sound he's heard from the microwave oven.
Thanks for the Visit! Any new projects going on?? I love your work!

Thank you you are really nice! New projects? many! about a feature film as a WORLD PREMIERE ON STEEMIT

How exciting! I'm heading to view now. Thanks for linking me and the kind compliment. <3

They are friends !!!
In the end of the day the cat and the little pretty bird are best buddies !

I wish Newt was not so much a hunter. I'd love Sam to have a bit more freedom. He is a bird, after all. <3

I love your animals, hair, & glasses. I have 4 cats (one is a stepcat) & they are all wonderful. Like family

Thank You! Four cats is a houseful, but they are lucky to have such a loving mom! I'm about to get my new glasses as soon as my replacement spending account card arrives! Thanks for the compliment.

Your welcome. I also have to get new glasses soon. Other than my profile pic when i was recently wearing contacts for a short event, i can not tolerate them and I am blind as a bat and wear my glasses out quick as a result. It is very hard to find glasses that complinent your facial structure and you did!

Yep it is a houseful but they're wonderful and well behaved (usually) ♡

You are so right. I pay more for the frames than insurance allows, $100 is our allowance, but I use my health spending account thats left over at the year's end. Kind of a reward for wellness haha. We have to wear these every day, so I figure I want to love the frames.

I have an astigmatism so the one time I tried contacts I didn't do well with the trial so just gave up. I wish I could use them. I can't abide even one dirt speck on them so I compulsively clean them lol.

I hear ya. I started getting astigmatism about two years ago it's been all down hill from there in terms being able to wear contact lens. I also pay over for the frames since I gotta wear them so much. What brand are those frames?

These frames and the ones I'm getting are both Versace.

Your pets are very lucky to have you, Janelle. A very loving person. Priceless <3

Thank you so much for kind words. <3

Nice pets. I bet it be interesting in keeping them apart some days. Cats have a thing for birds, so do some dogs. That is why I need to stick to wild birds. We have 5 dogs and 4 cats on the homestead. Rabbits and chickens too. So sometimes it is interesting to play peace maker.

I wish my apartment allowed that separation! Fortunately, Newt doesn't try to topple the cage which keeps Sam high from the floor. He does jump up on a window shelf to stare and plot, though. You have quite the collection. Thanks for stopping by!

That is a seriously cute bird!

I thank you. He is quite the handsome guy. Thanks for reading and commenting.

sweet bird and beautiful cat!! You do have your hands full to protect the bird, I am sure. Cats are fast!!

Yes, one needs to be ever watchful. During the day Newt seems to leave him alone. It's just when the cage is open. :O

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i know you are very nice and humble person and thats why people or animal they like you because you spread love to everyone and thus i am so lukcy that i have friend like you.

Thank you for your kind words. You do the same with others or I'd still be on Bagaloo lol

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