The Need For A Traditional Job

in #jobs7 years ago

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I don't think I was born a weird child but I'm sure growing up, I set out on the weird path. Many times over, I've talked about the society and all the boxes they try to fit us in and it seems the more I grow, the more I get to talk about this.

Growing up, there weren't too many of these boxes or maybe I hadn't grown enough spine to question them but they all seemed fine and realistic. Brush your teeth, take your bath, have breakfast, go to school, be the best so that you can get the best gifts and also get into the best schools.

While in junior secondary school, I had a Maths teacher who was different from the rest. I found him super cool even though not everyone saw him in the same light. On that fateful day, he stood in front of the class and told us about life instead of maths. He was reading a book and took time out to share with us. It was my best moment in secondary school.

His story, and the concepts from the book piqued my curiosity and I went in search of the book only to find out it was well beyond my reach. How was a boy whose total weekly income was about ₦100 supposed to get a book of ₦3000? It was a sad reality but one that I couldn't do much about.

That was until I found this book laying idly by my mom's bedside. Rich Dad, Poor Dad was the beginning of my special journey; special because I wasn't the only one to listen to that story in class or read the book but I had an experience different from the others.

Then there was Think And Grow Rich, The Richest Man In Babylon, and I was full throttle.

So how was a kid who has been exposed to stuff like this so early ever conform to the norm?

It hasn't been a smooth ride trying to explain to my folks that I'm on a different path to what they have been used to. My first set of attempts to make them understand that I didn't want to work for anybody felt like episodes out of a sitcom. I wasn't taken seriously and I didn't push any further but kept the overall goal in mind me still.

Since then, I've been taking little giant steps on the path towards my goal. I figured that since the traditional path was "go to school, get good grades, and get a nice paying job", then the goal of the whole process must be to make money. So all I had to do was figure out how I could make money legitimately without following that path.

It took me several years and thousands of different tries before I eventually found something in the guise of Steemit. Months go by, and the money starts to trickle in. I wasn't totally lazy after all, only lazy towards the path I didn't like. I happily put in all the effort needed because it was on the path I wanted to explore.

After about three months of being totally independent, I realized today that getting money may not have been the goal of society's path. What if you had to just follow society's path just to gain the approval and acceptance of society?

What if you had to get a job so that when you're asked, you can easily name where you work? But I have a job, I am a writer! Oh really? Well you know society won't understand when you try to explain what it is you do. You need a job that is presentable. You need an office to go to or at least a well known company to work for.

Oh well...


Those are some great books! I'd add "The 4-hour work-week" to the list, if anyone is gonna read them all. :) The title is deceptive though; it's not as much as working only 4 hours a week, as it is a guide/motivation to get more out of your time.

I'm yet to meet someone who hasn't read rich dad, poor dad. Maybe because of who I choose to move with or another circumstance, critical thinking, being in tuned with money management is what I'm greatly for having early in life.

Employment isnt for everyone, being an entrepreneur is key.

I'm yet to meet someone who hasn't read rich dad, poor dad.

It's probably the starting point for the people it is meant for. It has always been weird watching people discard what I found interesting. Luckily I have friends that are just like me.

I so agree with this! That is why I became a business owner from a young age. I can never see myself working for others or my income depending on them or how hard I work to make them money.

What if you had to get a job so that when you're asked, you can easily name where you work? But I have a job, I am a writer! Oh really? Well you know society won't understand when you try to explain what it is you do. You need a job that is presentable. You need an office to go to or at least a well known company to work for.

I was with a friend on monday when I made a joke about how I was considering renting an a small office space and then leave home every morning in a suit and return in the evening. Of course I am a writer and I am the C.E.O of @illuminatus Steemit Enterprise, an upcoming company.

I swear I've thought of the same thing although I'm not a suit kinda guy but getting an office space is definitely on the radar. Lol.

You are super smart mate, i like that twist!

Nice piece bro, coincidently I'm am working on a post which is quite similar. I think we are gradually approaching that point where breaking free from the norm and appearing somewhat crazy will definitely be the new cool. All that is needed is time for the transition from traditional to modern to take place.

It's something our generation is going through and we need to breakout but in a way that won't be "rude". Because any little attempt to counter existing beliefs, you become rude and have to explain what you know and when you were born and what right you have to counter their wealth of knowledge

The societal norm....we have been forced directly or indirectly to follow , but the truth is that those who think beyond the societal norm usually rules the world.

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Top notch topic, too many myopic thinking about employment status.

The first thing you get when you meet someone is; hey where do you work!

It's almost at par with "hey when are you getting married?"

There's only so much we can do before they turn around and accuse us of being rude 🤷🏽‍♂️😂

You just nailed it, the two most annoying question in Africa Nigeria....

leaving home on suit and tie to a nearby rented small apartment just to steem and return home by evening??? you are just too deep in my mind @illuminatus. I love this article @fisteganos

Thank you :)

Nice piece! I think the key is just doing what we are passionate about consistently and getting to that point when your job is fun and fun is your job :)

I can relate with this, I'm sure the older generation are starting to understand that our path and theirs are far far from each other. Working remotely is the life.
the idea of going to an office to steemit is a nice one , create a "steemit hub"
Get a good working space with electricity and wifi. It can even have 4-6 cubicles 😁 , each occupant pay rent and bills with sbd ..... just thinking aloud. Cheers!!

Have you seen @ejemai's post? Check it out. The idea is already growing wings!!!

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