
in #j4 years ago

Leftists and conservatives around the world have a common enemy, globalists who are trying to lock us down and control us as much as possible. Patriots can unite with less political people as we oppose the tyranny that is accelerating towards us like never ever before in history. The Protomolecule of the Expanse is kind of like the Beer Bug hehe haha. Covid via geoengineering and vaccines?

COVID Inside Me

You have COVID. You do. But you can flush it out. You can. I can help you flush it out. COVID is dormant in some people. Google Natural Remedies. You can pray. You can study. You can save lives. You have the choice right now. Do you want to save people from dying? All you have to do is take the time to help people. There are so many little small things we can do to help each other out during this pandemic. We can beat this. Do you agree with me?

Corona Challenge on Twitter is Funny Stuff

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2020-03-17 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-17 - Tuesday

Sharon Link Wyer 15698348_10209022096127986_79214627592561261_n.jpg

Sharon Link Wyer blocked me on Facebook because I talked about finding Natural Remedies for COVID which we all got and we all can try to cure.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Naomi Brockwell

12:07 AM - Coronavirus: Stop shaming people!

Uptrennd Included?

02:54 AM - Uptrennd

Somebody suggested I include my blog, the stuff in the links, on Uptrennd for those who do not want to leave Uptrennd to visit my blog.

But it is all here, generally speaking, believe it or not. When you click on the links, you will see what is already included, generally.

Vaccines Are Bad

03:00 AM - Steemit

Vaccines kills people. Because vaccines have mercury, etc. You have no idea. Just find a vaccine and look at the ingredients. They pay people BILLIONS of DOLLARS to cover up all the dead people, especially children. They DO NOT want you to know what I am talking about. That is why you DO NOT BELIEVE ME. Because they do not want you to believe me. So, they cover it up. Natural remedies saves lives. Silver kills viruses. Also, garlic, oranges, etc.


03:11 AM - Coronavirus Update: 183000 Cases, More Dumb Panic, Chinese Propaganda, Youtube Censorship

YouTube says because of COVID, their staff have to stay home, cannot review videos, and therefore bots will be removing videos randomly. But the staff can work at home. How do I know this? Because I would do web design on different websites. When you do web design, when you work for YouTube, you access YouTube as ataff remotely va websites that can be accessed anywhere. That is a fact. It is simple. It is as easy as logging into Facebook. You log in with your account name and password into the YouTube staff website online from your home. YouTube could do that but they instead use this as an excuse to censor even more in 2020 than they did politically, globally, in 2016 in their pursuit to stop Trump and patriots and nationalism in different countries.


2020-06-17 - Tuesday - 03:32 AM - 04:19 AM - Vikings 101

793 AD in Eastern Baltics

Battle on a hill

Was that Merlin?

Did he say a spirit taken into Heaven?

Sun dial

No compass

Sun stone in case it is cloudy

He took his 12 year old son to the market


Murder or self-defense man slaughter?

Land dispute

Law allows him to pass 2 houses must must tell the third house you pass about what you did.

They did a vote and found the man guilty of murder and yet it was probably in self defense and yet mob rule voting got him sentenced to death.

A man beheaded the man and the crowd cheers and then the king cursed him to Hell and not to Heaven as he refused to sell land to the man or something.

Raiding Russia each year or should we head west as vikings? The king says no during the feast.

King is against the man

The man and his son sees a man with shut eyes, like blind, like a warlock witch fortune teller




What are your parents doing, boy? Oh, my parents are having sex.

Building a ship or boat

King has spies watching them

Man's brother tries to hit on his wife

Sleep. In a dream, I saw a former Oregon ID card of mine that I thought I lost and it had a black guy's face on it, my name, and under that, I think his name which I think was David Thatcher or something else and I tried hard to remember and I was trying to write it down in real life as I knew I was dreaming but I did not write it down in real life but thought I kind of did.




10:53 AM - 3/17/20 alex jones info wars

Locking Down Cities

10:58 AM - Facebook

Red alert. They are trying to lock down cities. So, are you happy in the city you are in right now? Please warn people about this. What can we do? We should talk about what is happening. Marshall Law is exploding globally and that means increased crime, etc.

COVID is Normal?

11:20 AM - Steemit

When you say COVID19, are you talking specifically about what they say was discovered allegedly in 2019 or are you talking about more generic versions of other Corona Viruses, anything relating to SARS, anything relating to the flu, to the cold? Some people are saying that this new 2019 Novel Corona Virus is a chimera with things like HIV, MERS, etc. It is mutating. But people can fight it. One of the bigger problems is government that is trying to boss us around, lock us down, etc, etc.

Shelton Talks!

11:39 AM - Facebook

Can we talk about natural remedies?

Nationwide Shut Downs

Why Decentralization?

11:46 AM - Steemit

A system can only be as strong as its weakest link and blockchain attempts to connect all the chains up with each other so that there is no weakest link.

Brevity means short.


12:00 PM - 03:54 PM - Put the dresser in the big garage. Moved things around. Clothes in the corner. Food stuff. Then the dresser and desk. Moved a bunch of things around. Vacuum. Sweep.

Leftists and conservatives around the world have a common enemy, globalists who are trying to lock us down and control us as much as possible. Patriots can unite with less political people as we oppose the tyranny that is accelerating towards us like never ever before in history.

Yes No

04:14 PM - Steemit

I can agree to a statement like that to the extent it may be a general principle that should be applied. I can disagree to say that rules can be changed to the extent humans are not perfect and therefore their rules can be muddy.

Tron Steem Drama

Freezing accounts can and cannot be done depending on whether or not we should be playing judge in this whole Steem Tron Drama and it depends on whether freezing is really a bad thing or not really a bad thing. It comes down to private property rights, it depends on what Steem is and is not, it depends on how decentralized Steem might be, how the hierarchy and voting system may work or may not work. Simply, put, I don't really know yet except that I think Tron has been trying to take over Steem even as they actually bought Steemit and not Steem.

The White House

04:25 PM - President Trump Meets with Tourism Industry Executives on COVID-19 Response

Why are they allowed to have a meeting of more ten people and Trump told us normal people not to do what Trump is doing as seen in this video, right?

General Shepherd

04:37 PM - An Appreciative Lesson In Mozart With Dr. Savage

Overlord DVD

04:45 PM - St. Patrick's Day Livestream! Part 2!

Eat Garlic

Let Freedom Reign

Whiskey in the Jar, Early in Dee Morning.


04:51 PM - Westworld FLOPS! LOTR Shuts Down! Apple Buying Disney? Marvel and DC Ghosting Comic Shops?

Apple is buying Disney and China owns Apple in some ways.

Leftists and conservatives around the world have a common enemy, globalists who are trying to lock us down and control us as much as possible. Patriots can unite with less political people as we oppose the tyranny that is accelerating towards us like never ever before in history.

@Mark Lerseth, What I said is in regards to Disney.

@Mark Lerseth I said something about pop culture and freedom.

@Mark Lerseth, What I said is about protecting ENTERTAINMENT.

@Mark Lerseth, What I said is in regards to what Nerdrotic is saying relating to bots.

@Mark Lerseth, What I said was only one comment that you did not like.

@theomimesis Said something that is related to what I said, @Mark Lerseth .

To @Nerdrotic, Your YouTube Live Stream Mod placed me in timeout as I talked about uniting people together as humans all around the world in order to help protect entertainment, pop culture, comics, good story telling, and he said what I said was not allowed on your video, in the comments.....

@manofsan But who made that?

@manofsan That thing you said?

@manofsan, Maybe Bill made that pandemic?

@David Alex, You mean Walking Dead Zombie T-Virus?

@king_ Arthur_Dovahkiin But where did that come from?

@manofsan, Can I say the word chimera?

@R Dople We Cannot Talk About That.

@manofsan, Yes.

@manofsan, will you tell your mommy that you spent the day talking to a fake person?

I am thinking about watching Westworld.

@Bryant Barth, We cannot talk about Weinstein because that is too close to the G word that got me banned here.

@Bill The Cat, We cannot talk about the left here.

@Bill The Cat But if you do, you might be put on timeout like I was.

Nerdrotic is talking right now about what I said which got me banned.

@mcr Well, some people do want that.

Hot Waffle Jeremy

@Frododill A mod might put you on timeout for saying that like they did to me.

Air Born

@ryan shields We Can Unite

Beer Bug

@Adam W Perhaps

@Shark Dentures We cannot say the G word here.

@Jack Simpson Ya know that g word got me placed on timeout in the chat a sec ago.

@Adam W I don't dispute that but I would emphasize on Mister R.

@stuart thomas That sounds pretty not pop culture.

@Chris Rosado I was placed on timeout lol

Stock Up

They said Preppers were insane.

At my church, the pastor held out some toilet paper and they all laughed at the prepper, on Sunday, just two days ago.

The G are trying to ________

@Jon Malin The Beer Bug didn't Create Itself.

City Lock Down

Can we stop Lock Down?

Sonic Theme

@Mariann I got mail today in the USA.

@theomimesis Don't tell the kids what Soy Lent Green is.

@Chris The Pack Rat Bio WWWWWW

@theomimesis did you see the soylent green in UK?

@stuart thomas Beer Bug is ummmm a chimera?

@stuart thomas Yum Yum, Prison Planet.

Natural Remedies.

You can fight it.

Google Natural Remedies to fight it.

I have Super Blue.

@fishy paw, Three letters to that. Hot. Inspiration. Vital. Those three letters. Relating to the bug.

@Holly Graham, But the ones who made the bug?

@manofsan, ask Bill that question.

@Angry Panda Walking Dead

The Expanse is similar to Beer Bug.

@fishy paw, I was talking about the mechanism in how the bug spreads.

@Angry Panda Excellent. Bill & Ted. Yes Way!

@fishy paw Young People!!!!!

Let's not read 1984.

@Bear BearBear NERD FUN! I am near Olympia, WA.

I love Trolls

In the end, they melt!

@electric maid The Prob is not the Bug but the Buggers. I mean Over Lords.

Retarded Haha

Snow Flake & Safe Space Unite

This Rage Should Be Directed at Control Freaks, The Over Lords.

The Expanse

The Protomolecule of the Expanse is kind of like the Beer Bug hehe haha.

The Protomolecule of the Expanse is kind of like the Beer Bug hehe haha.

@Chris Neville A book from 1981 talked about Wuhan 400.

@Hal Slusher, Mr. O talked about it in 2014.

@Atomic Half Lives Matter Or Not

@Project XVII It goes back to at least 2009.

@Smoking Monkey Scary

@Atomic Half Lives Matter How many people know this?

Copyright is EVIL

@theomimesis True for now.

@Atomic Half Lives Matter Well, specifically, the over lords are trying to release new bugs in the future.

Why would Disney sell itself to Apple let alone anybody?

@Atomic Half Lives Matter Yes and beyond that too.

@Ed Gomez Silly as all nine films are ALREADY online.

Copyright does NOT apply to the Internet.

Bat Boy on Gotham

COVID Facebook Spam

06:13 PM

Facebook is marking COVID posts as spam.

@Smoking Monkey Why?

Cuz they want to control us.

And YouTube is not?

Media did not drum it up.

@Bear BearBear NERD FUN! But they did not.

Media said the beer bug was fake in January of 2020.

People forget what the media said about the beer bug some months ago, @Nerdrotic.

They are trying to say Trump has the beer bug so they can kill Trump and say the bug did it.

@HiDesert004 Yes

@David Rayner Perhaps aliens like that from The Expanse.

Do not fear the beer bug. Instead, watch out for 1984.

Kaitlin Bennett

06:35 PM - Quarantined With Kaitlin

1981 Book

My Body My Choice

My Wallet My Choice

If you do not want your baby, should you get an abortion, or if you do not want the baby as a father, should you still be required to pay child support?

@Liberty Hangout Oh, my English Teacher in high school was Mrs. Bennett.

People Can Fight The Beer Bug. Natural Remedies.

Many people will not know that they have it without a microscope.

But even with a microscope, you may not see the Beer Bug and still may have it.

Covid via geoengineering and vaccines?

Lucretia Hughes

06:42 PM - Real News with Lucretia Hughes - Day 5 of Lockdown Episode #631

Dear Trump, please bring back the gold standard for fiat or perhaps cryptocurrencies.

Made green tea for mom & for myself. It can be tough when the stomach is not doing so good. Kitchen floor mopping.

Lionel Nation

07:59 PM - Live Stream: Your Daily Convocation of Faith, Support and Focus

Twitter Trending

08:38 PM

Corona Challenge on Twitter is Funny Stuff

I see a video of people dancing up stairs, musicians on balconies playing to other apartment mates.

I see doctors and nurses in hospitals in masks and suits dancing.

I see an Asian guy walking through a store of empty shelfs with a weird look on his face.

Humanity can beat globalists any day.

THat is what I am seeing.



Meme Time!

I would say that a Steem community URL could be done if a community was treated like an account. When I make a community, I pay 3 Steem and a community account is created and I would simply compare a created community account to a regular Steem account which have customized URLs in the sense that an account is named, as in the username, like mine is @joeyarnoldvn, and I would imagine that if you can customize a username and a tag, and if a community is simply a moderated hashtag, then it is doable to do.

Nap for an hour or so.


11:00 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Tue 03/17/20 Full Show

Who gets to decide what we can and cannot do?


Steven Crowder

11:07 PM - PRANK CALL: Nike's Racist Coronavirus Policies! | Louder with Crowder



Alex Sainis

11:52 PM - COVID-19 Genetics | Science News 2.1

COVID Genome

Is COVID an RNA virus or some other kind of virus or a hybrid chimera combination of different things mixed together? I don't know but some people say it is an RNA-type virus.

COVID Proteins

Are there three type of proteins covering COVID, E, M, and S protein types, just those three and only those three types, mostly or absolutely to an extent or totally? Some say yeah. I say I don't know yet but I would not say COVID does not have these three types of proteins but I would also not say it does not also have other things as well.

Stefan Molyneux

11:59 PM - Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux: BORDERS CLOSED!

You have COVID. You do. But you can flush it out. You can. I can help you flush it out. COVID is dormant in some people. Google Natural Remedies. You can pray. You can study. You can save lives. You have the choice right now. Do you want to save people from dying? All you have to do is take the time to help people. There are so many little small things we can do to help each other out during this pandemic. We can beat this. Do you agree with me?


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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ya gotta be or bi as in bicycle on lika ika icka today di di az as in arizona and ya gotta go ro co exist with gum or lum and be uhhh all u can be uhh

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

you gotta be and i know on like cali or ca as in calcium and in the day or in the god as in dee and az as in arizona

Get Your Vote On Peeps

Mayors jump into action to combat the Covid 19 virus; by attacking the Second Amendment, as good little liberals must!

Mayors jump into action to combat the Covid 19 virus; by attacking the Second Amendment, as good little liberals must!

@lifeskills-tv, I want to post in your group but your admin deleted my post.

@martibis deleted my posts on Steemit because he is racist against Vietnamese people and Asians

Some interesting info concerning Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan among other women working at facebook with Mark's face on their t-shirts for his B-day party


COVID Explosion - April of 2020 - Potential Projection

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

My Uptrennd

Double Government


He said, 'Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.'(Matthew 3:2)

Bro. Eli Challenges Atheism Belief, There is No God

Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
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Are you so scared that you will give up your rights?

Is a drone not a Terminator?

Sky Net. Robot Take Over via Terminator Drones.

Nano Bot Virus

The beer bug will be infecting everybody before the year 2022. One of the biggest problems is that too many people are unhealthy and that includes people of all ages. Over half of Americans, including younger people, are way too unhealthy. We can save lives. We can do many things without the help of government. Please do not ask government for help. Government is the enemy in most cases. We can help people become healthier. Do not be afraid. Do not have fear. Do not get scared. Simply take action, each day. You can make a difference. You can do things to help other people. I've written articles about some of the things we can do. I'll continue writing more on Hive, the son of Steem.

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