From sleepyhead to steemian ( i am not who without you)steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello steemian !
My name is zulkarnain, from indonesia and was born at 1992 in Aceh. I have past my graduate from islamic law. Today, i still stay alive in islamic boarding school as a teacher and also student.

I have joined for steemit at july, i am new user here.
I hope the suggestion more and more from steemians to increase my contents

I have a few skill on writing, then my friend invite me to join on steemit. I will share about the religion knowladge, social and also campus world.

I will be posting my written on Steemit. I appreciate if you follow me and upvote, ofcourse i will follow you back then give the upvote for all of your article

Your comments are always welcome, I will try to answer as many as possible.

Nama saya zulkarnain, asli aceh utara, aktifitas saya sekarang sebagai santri di salah satu pondok pesantren di aceh.

Awal juli, kawan mengenalkanku dunia baru blog.
Saya di support penuh, sebenarnya saya bukan siapa-siapa tanpa kalian

Seperti biasa
Waktu ngopi kawan menanyakan kegiatan/kerja.
Saya hanya bisa menjawab kegiatan sekarang belajar menulis isi kitab kuning ke dalam bahasa indonesia, mungkin itulah yang memotivasikan mereka untuk gabung di steemit.

Kami akan amat sangat berterima kasih atas upvote dan follow yang anda berikan.
Satu upvote yg anda berikan akan saya balas dengan sebanyak mungkin di artikel anda.

Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya dan keramahannya dan kerjasamanya

Salam @zulkarnain


Welcome to family :) Follow me back and I will surprise you on August 1 ;)

Huge Welcome!!!

Welcome to Steem @zulkarnain I have upvoted and sent you a tip

I will do too for u as thanks for u

Thanks of your tip
That was the first tip for me

I hope you like steem, lets be friends, a big steemit family! :)

I am very glad to hear that
I followed you then upvote your articles

Welcome dear... nice to see you

don't forget to follow & Upvote for me plz

Please support me by upvote my article
I am glad to share wit you

oki i did it.. same to you please share my posts on my blog.

How to share it?
I am new user

Welcome to the community, followed

I am really glad to hear that
Please support me by upvote and follow
I will do too for you

Welcome to Steemit @zulkarnain!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

I am really glad to hear that
Please support me by upvote and follow
I will do too for you

Saluton @zulkarnian kaj bonvenon je steemit. Welcome on board. I look forward seeing your posts. Have a beautiful day!

I am really glad to hear that
Please support me by upvote and follow
I will do too for you

Hi,welcome to steemit@zulkarnain,so dont worry we all are here for help each other in any way,i recommend this web site Coinpayments.netits allowing you,exchanging your sdb in and out to your wallet.Dont forget to check out chainbb web site and you will also found a lot of content in steemtools,will follow your profil.Please follow me too , this how steem works so wish you a warm steemday.Thanks a lot best regard @empower-leads

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