✍ Salesman, Former Tennis Champ - Reaching 1000+ Followers (ID Verification)

Hello Steemians,

Back in the first day on Steemit, 2 months ago, I was sitting in my room filled with jazz music. The rain was pouring on my window just like my conscious thoughts inside my head "Should I write? What is Steemit? Why am I here?" I was lost and skeptical in the very beginning.

After being here for a few months, blogging, establishing connections, understanding the system, I realized that Steemit is the FUTURE of social media and I am GLAD to be a part of it!

My BIG "THANK YOU" goes to @ned & @dan, and many others who have contributed in any way making this unique platform POSSIBLE. Sorry for my English as it's not my native language.

About Me, @wild-forest

Moving on, I have already done my first short Intro post but I did not verify my identity so I thought it's about time to do it!

Here we go.

My name is Orestas and I am from Lithuania. Friends call me Forest "Run Forrest, run!" and I do LOVE Nature a lot.

With my old good friend, Mr Oak in Copenhagen. He is around 1800 years old.

I have graduated BA in International Sales & Marketing Management in Denmark and I am currently working as a chief salesman in a young but very ambitious programming company - DESAmedia. You can find some of the accomplished projects here.

Jordan Belfort the sales WOLF, well-known from a true-story-based movie The Wolf of Wall Street, said that no matter how great of idea you have, you have to be able to express it, present it, show ENTHUSIASM, otherwise you are just going to keep it inside you and no one will ever know about it.

Every IDEA has an intrinsic VALUE and can be multiplied or divided by the person who presents it.

In order to sell successfully, the potential customer has to be absolutely SURE (like, trust and connect) in those 3 things:

  1. You as a salesman
  2. The company you are standing behind
  3. The product or service you are trying to sell

Moving on, I am a HUGE fan of psychology, self-control, and motivation. Some of self-education I have done:

  • Completing 67 Steps & Acceleration programs hosted by Tai Lopez
  • Actualized.org psychology – Creating an Extraordinary Life

(Image source)

According to Sigmund Freud, the rest and the biggest part of an iceberg is below the water in our subconscious and this is where our greatest capabilities lie.

Tennis turned out into something more

Back in the days, I started playing tennis when I was 10. My mom brought me there just to fill my "empty time" but it turned out into something more serious than that. During my 7 years career, I have won 8 Lithuanian Championship titles including both singles and doubles.

Here is a picture of me (standing on the left) holding 2 medals. I was 14 at that time and won silver in singles and gold in doubles in a Lithuanian Championship under 18 years old. It was crazy. The picture you see on the right is taken from a local newspaper's article (unfortunately it's in Lithuanian language).

Injuries were the main reason I've quit it and decided to go study Marketing & Sales in Denmark right after finishing my high school.

Half artistic

My family split into 2 categories: #1 sportspeople from my father's side and #2 artistic people from my mother's side. I have inherited both. Besides being a huge sports enthusiast I also enjoy photography and music a lot.

(© RaimondaFoto)

Those pictures of me was taken by my dear photographer, can you guess who...? My mother. Thanks to her.

Furthermore, I am a co-founder of a music project @soundcrown striving to promote home & street musicians worldwide via internet. Here is a recent Intro Post of Soundcrown in case you are INTERESTED.

We have future plans developing our own video-content-based musical social network. It all depends on YOUR support!

Besides, I am also into music production via FL Studio and DJ'ing on an amateur level.


Travelling is a direct experience and experiences last. I remember last summer I was kind of bored and my Bulgarian friend Daniel asked me on skype "dude wanna come to the Sunny Beach in Bulgaria during August?" I was like in doubt for a while but at the end of the day I pushed myself to say "yes".

I did not regret a single minute spent there. It was unforgettable, especially jumping from a ~13 meters cliff for the first time in my life.

That's me, focused on the second jump. Daniel took this picture.

If I get a chance to travel I always go and never regret no matter what happens. Life is an adventure and travelling is a big part of it.

To sum up

So yeah that's basically me.

In case you are INTERESTED, I'm blogging about psychology, motivation, nature, healthy lifestyle and more. My aim is to help people gain CONTROL, increase AWARENESS of themselves and the environment. I have my own blogging series of:

  1. Diamond Thoughts - quotes, ideas or simply thoughts taken from someone like great motivators, actors, scientists etc. that gives a lesson, a meaning, an answer for a greater improvement in life. Here is an example.

  2. Nature Signs - unique benefits, facts of Nature's or by "coincidence" formed elements, things, foods etc. Here is an example.

  3. Did you know? - various unusual, fascinating facts, places etc. you might have never heard of. Here is an example.

Soon to add Experiments By @Wild-Forest - series of real-life experiments done by me. You will find very interesting observations, analysis and the results of each.

And MORE to come!

THANK YOU for your attention! :)

Let's connect?

I am standing for UFCG - Unity, Freedom, Cooperation & Growth. For a better world, a brighter future!

Some of my blogs:

🐷 Mrs Piggy & The Temporary Love

💰 200 Million Dollars Question

👀 What Happens If You Rearrange The Letters of William Shakespeare

💪 Arnold Schwarzenegger's 6 rules of success (VIDEO)

🧠 Your Mind Affects Matter!

(Special THANKS to @zord189 for creating this awesome Steemit Bloggers Banner)


Wow just an amazing introduction!! It's wonderful that u are interested in psychology, self-control is such a huge ability to develop! U must read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman! If u didn't, for sure hehe. English isn't my native language too, don't let that such a thing bother u! Good luck with your blog! 😉

Thanks for stopping by, Cinnea! I have just added Daniel Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence" into my "To definitely read" list. Thank you for your suggestion and kind words! I highly recommend checking out Joe Dispenza's "Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself", one of my favorites! ;) 1:1

Congratulations on your Introduction Post, you have done it so well! I would love to jump from that cliff too! :)))

Ha, thanks! :) let’s go!

Welcome to Steemit@wild-forest. Enjoy your stay here bro!

welcome to steemit,
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Thank you for your warm welcome! :) Will check it out.

Interesting post @wild-forest. I think no one else can motivate anyone but you have to motivate yourself by getting inspiration from your surroundings.

Great thought, Asif! Whether we say it's possible or not, we are both ways right. It all depends on our choice and perspective.

I agree with you.

Successes and triumphs continue!

If you say so, Diego! :)) Thank you for your positivity!

Welcome to steemit :D

Thank you, Lorelaine :))

Your'e welcome :)

Wow! Great post! More later!

Glad you stopped by, Martina! :) How are you doing?

Thank you, that's nice. Just wanted to close my laptop for I am going to a Patricks's day celebration.

On Steemify I read your nice comments to many Steemians for a while. I feel really impressed that you do so much effort and so good work to build up a good community. We all can learn from you. I cannot be so steady in my work as you are.

See you!

Thank you for your kind words, Martina! There is still a lot to learn and improve :) But honestly I enjoy being on Steemit. I met here so many awesome people like YOU!

Well I have no doubt that you are doing pretty good here too! :) Hope you had a great time during Patrick’s!

We keep in touch

Thanks! We enjoyed in spite of a long trip with heavy snowfall to and from the little pub! Thank you again for your warm words.


Nice Post :)

Thanks. Nice to meet you, @freecoin :)

Amazing introduction. Glad to see you rise so quickly

Thank you for your kind words, Friend!

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