SmokeyMcPot's mission


Howdie amazing Steemians!

Once upon a time, 2,5 years ago to be exact, I decided that I want to live with nature. Learn to be independent and self-sufficient.

I have been interested in natural cures for 15 years; fasting, Gerson's, Essiac, Artemisinin, CBD, meditation, placebo, nocebo, power of intent, reiki, ayahuasca... and anything humans already know about cures ridiculed by the mainstream.

I was invaded last year by my "guardians" who threatened me death if I did not obey. This year I planted hemp in the same places they took my weed from. I am awaiting for them to rob it again, as they promised. Even though medicinal marijuana, or having it for personal use is legal in Spain. There are around 1000 private ganja associations in Spain.


They are and will be spying on me with their drones and long distance binoculars. This was their threat and I trust they will deliver what they promised.

Since they are to dumb to know the difference between hemp and marijuana, I am registering an organic farm with licence to grow hemp.

The idea is for them to come, terrorize me again, while I will have a contract for 100Kg of organic hemp with a business interested in buying super-organic hemp for EUR1000 per Kg. I am installing cameras and will publicise the whole process step by step. I want to sue them for compensation and discrimination of a foreigner. Even though I hate this violent system, I have to use it against them in hope these rabid apes will be punished for their sociopathy.

I will share with you my stories. My small, hidden organic ganja cultivation deep in the forest of natural park, where I live. How to hide it from the wild pigs (nothing against the animal pigs) and protect them from wild boars and goats, that I share my 6 hectares with.

I am a voluntaryist trying to spread the message of freedom, while it is being ridiculed by the main stream, just like any paradigm-questioning thought. I find collectivism, statism to be the worst cancer, the worst superstition, cult, mental illness, that destroys our growth.

I live in an off-grid mountain forest, creating a seed-bank, and following my passion for learning every day and sharing with others. I write about natural rights of every individual, homesteading, but this profile, is all about the next level of human evolution.

Human race is at a fascinating next leap. Some of us perceive the more evolved reality already. Some defend the obsolete, old, medieval worldviews, with all the aggression they have. The ridicule has no end, whether it is about society based on no-aggression, where every interaction between humans would be through consent, or spiritual living, trying to understand the nature, which we are. I feel the need of being the counterbalance to the obsolete way of thinking of homogenous robots.

Conquering nature is like trying to straighten the water with flat iron. It will not lead us anywhere, but towards more fighting and possibly extinction.


There are mechanism and ancient cults trying to "outnature" humanity, manipulating us into throwing away critical thinking and all the evidence we already have. I find the government to be the tool of oppression created only for this reason. Suppressing the freedom of spirit, through creating cult-like mental enslavement delusions; religions, governments and any imposed authority, we are indoctrinated with since birth.


We are slowly melting away the entropy and growing out of the cage we were born into.

Any "magic" that is ridiculed by the main stream is worth investigating and this is the mission of SmokeyMcPot.

I always wondered about the "coincidence" of rebel doctors and scientists who cured the "incurable" and soon after died of heart attack or committed a "suicide" shooting themselves in the back of their heads etc.

I have worked with a "crazy" person, a healer for half a year travelling cross the country, where he had loads of fans, as he saved a lot of lives. He turned hopeless into thriving.

Believe it or not, half of patients, that received a death sentence from their hospitals, were cured. Some after one session, some after many. Some did not, but my "crazy" friend always knew, felt, which ones he could help. Sometimes we were to hangover... the guy used to be a gangster, before something in him snapped and he went crazy enough to believe so deep in his power, that it actually worked.

I have many amazing, "magical" stories, I would have never believed in my life, before I experienced them myself.

I would like to share with you my knowledge, based on 15 years of constant research.

What motivated me to do this now, apart from natural passion for sharing?
I received a threat from my "representatives" they will put me in cage in a rape-camp, because I had a plant in my garden. Let me tell you a tiny piece of my story, that motivated me to declare direct opposition to the establishment:

I found my little piece of paradise, with donkey paths, deep in the mountains of Las Alpujarras, South Spain.
I decided to spend my life's savings and buy these 6 hectares of pure awesomeness and rebuild an ancient ruin in the middle of Natural Park of Sierra Nevada.

Soon I realized I did not escape the obsolete worldview that did not resonate with me anymore. I thought deep in the forest, they would leave me alone. I was wrong.

Now I know there is nowhere left to run.

Let me paraphrase what happened to me a year ago. I am still awaiting a court trial, which is just around the corner.

  • Hey, I'm here to protect you. - said a stranger in a green costume - What is this plant doing in your garden? We are burning witches, and you will be judged by a retarded sociopath, still living in dark ages, and in the cage you go. The judge went to school, that gave a paper, saying it is moral to order harmless people around and put them in cages.
    Resist and die!

  • I never asked for your "protection". I don't know why I'm a danger to a "collective health" by growing a medicine recommended in writing by my doctor... in the middle of my off-grid farm in a mountain forest. I had a terrible accident and my bones are full of metal and I'm in constant pain. It helps me better than anything else and it does not hurt my stomach, liver and does not make me feel sick all the time, nor cause any chronic disease, like painkillers pushed by pharma. You forced me to pay for your service. I had a choice to pay or die. If I refuse to pay even more for your "protection" with the fine you would give me, I will have to go in a cage. If I refuse you will draw a weapon on me and if I walk away, you will kill me. I just wanted to be left alone.

  • nonsense! You just don't understand what "civilized" means. We are the "guardians of civilians" (Guardia Civil). You are a civilian, your doctor also. You both decided it would be best for your health. Therefore we do not care! Pharma and politicians are not civilians and I was sent here by a stranger who wrote that you are a danger to an imaginary collective. We know, based on no evidence, that you do not want to make ointments for your legs, but you will sell this terrible drug! Contrary to World Health Organisation, statistics, science, individual freedom, philosophy, humane behaviour and all the knowledge human race has... or our neighbouring country Portugal, that decriminalized drugs in 2004, and had 80% drop in drug use.. Therefore, by putting on a costume and calling myself your guardian, I am automatically exempted from any logic, morality and I can terrorize and kill you. You are an idiot, if you don't get it. Tell your dog to shut up or he will get it.

Do I deserve for the project of my life to crushed, by the people I am "donating" to protect me?

One day I might be put in a cage... I still don't know the date, so their idea is for me to live in fear of my freedom being raped any day now... by people who are the reason why 300 million humans were slaughtered in last 100 years alone... accusing me of harming the "public health"? Really?

I laugh at fear now. I almost died a few times. I suffered unimaginable physical pain that taught me to separate from my physical form. What could you ever do to me, that I already did not experience?

A mind once stretched by new paradigm, cannot shrink back.

waking up.jpg

I refuse to go back to sleep!

They climbed through the mountains to terrorize me then, and within next half a year, they visited me yet again. Threatened me that if I should grow this year, they will search and find it again.
They send their drones. They even threatened me and my horse, that I saved from a butcher, because I did not pay to get some number. And this is why they might take him away, give me EUR3000 fine and turn my friend into dog food. They can come and take my solar panels any day now, as I did not pay tax for using the sun.

They called me in to their office, for me to prove my bike wasn't stolen. They called me in again to say they heard rumors, that I am not afraid of them (only thing they are right about). They said if they will ever hear it again they will have "a machete" with me... Wonder what that means. I must have mentioned this to my friend in a bar and some boot-licking fascist overheard it...

I have never hurt anyone. I helped countless people in my life. I had homeless people staying here with me. I cured cancers FFS!

I just received pieces of paper, with written threats.
The laboratory has found 1209g of Cannabis Sativa, worth EUR2540,14.

I was accused of harming the "public health" and this is why they took my plants, so I could be forced to hurt my health and not follow my doctors recommendation, I may be forced to loose my health in a cage, just as millions of other innocent people.


The law in Spain says you can have marijuana for personal use, but you cannot grow it or trade it?!

I do not know how to get something out of nothing. Should I contact gangs to get my medicine? It is also illegal!

I may be forced to have to pay EUR3000 fine or 15 days more of being caged, should I refuse and pay some additional costs (my Spanish sucks). Need my lawyer to translate it properly to me. The translator I got from the government, had worst English than my Spanish...

I am not that important to myself. I lived an amazing life.

These retarded rabid apes can crucify me for my liberty, but they will not scare me into being an obedient, homogeneous slave. I don't care if they will torture nor kill me. Evolution will take care of the obsolete soon enough. If I can get my voice heard, it is good enough.

So, without the further adu, welcome to SmokeyMcPot :D


Please support my fight by upvoting, following and resteeming.

Love ya!






Welcome to Steemit, smokeymcpot! Wish you a very fun journey here in this awesome community :) All the best

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link

Thank you! :)

#dementiafraud they have no boundaries mate, I'm with you.

Welcome to steemit! I see we have quite a few things in common... it'll be great to read more of your posts.

Tanks so much! It's coming! If only day had at least 72h :D
I have been here for a moment, but I want to keep all my passions separately, as I find they might have different audience. Feel free to check out my @lostambores, which is dedicated purely to my seed-bank, off-grid living. I have about 15 vids in the oven but no time to edit them at the moment. The one I worked on the most is @evolutionnow, which are my philosophical rants on voluntaryism and personal freedom.
I believe steemit is the future and I want to dedicate myself fully to sharing my life here. I followed you. Thanks for the welcome :)

OH MAN! The things I could accomplish with 72 hours in a day!
AWESOME! Thanks for the seed-ban and off grid living pages- also check out @jackdub and @preppersonline for some links to off-grid living and prepper Discord channels. I highly recommend both. Also on Monday's I do a prepper curation post- keep an eye out for it

Thanks friend. On it!
Time for some one-day-per-week medicine for the mother of all hangovers ;)

Have a great, chillaxing Sunday :D

Welcome to Steemit. It's really a good platform for the nurturing authors and for the people who want to share their good work with the world. You'll surely have a nice time here. Lots of good wishes and good luck to you!! :):)

Thank you for your kind words. Good to be here :) All the best

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Victim of grumpycat?

Hello, unfortunately, through family experiences it was very traumatic the consumption of grass from a close relative, every day he was staking towards greater stimuli that caused his death.
That's why I do not share this type of consumption, even as medicinal.

Greetings from Venezuela


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