My Introduction - A more complete story.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Thank you for the the support I have received. Only two and a half weeks, 200 plus followers. Its not about what I have gained but more about the knowledge that will come and be gained and the community that will be built upon it.


    The reason I am writing an introduction post now is based on the fact that I wrote a very terrible one for my first post. It didn't really describe my overall interests or knowledge nor what I will most likely be posting about. So I will give a little more background about me and about my interests. Also I would like to go into what I would like to do in the future and how we will accomplish miracles in the future through SteemIt.

    So lets start with the big milestone of 200 followers. While this may not seem like an amazing number to many, it is to me. I am so proud of the people in this community who want to change them selves for the better or just learn in the process. There are a lot of people who practice Buddhism or religions with similar core beliefs and philosophy who are following me. We are creating a community of people all over the world. I appreciation lies in the support of my followers. Those who resteem my posts on a daily, who upvote every single one and are always giving amazing, thought provoking comments. @mathworksheets is on the top of this list among many. I cannot help but think how many people are able to learn and read what I post because he resteems it.


    On the subject of getting the philosophy out there. I would like to explain the reason I post, the majority of my posts, what I do. There is actually a lot of reasons why I write about Buddhism and its philosophy.

  1. Personal Growth: I think the the biggest reason has to be the dramatic changes it had lead me to making in my life. Most mental and not physical. I have been able to grow up, think rationally and most beneficial of them all is being mindful. If you have read any of my posts prior you would have seen this as a consistent and important topic to me.

  2. Teaching Helps You Master The Second reason is that by me teaching these skills know as Buddhist philosophy I am also learning. The best possible way to learn a subject is to teach it. It makes you responsible for what you say. You become accountable and have to know that these things are true, practical and beneficial.

  3. Potential Benefit of Others: A Third reason I write about this subject is that there is so much potential here. When I say here I mean not only within the SteemIt community but also within the teachings them selves. I don't write for the money, though I am excited about it and it is needed to grow and get more followers on steemit, I write to teach and to learn.


    I would like to talk about my past a little before going on to the future. I started grasping for something during a very hard time of my life just over 10 years ago. There was this need to change my life, to fix internal issues I was having and about to have and also follow something bigger than myself. I was really interested in the idea of Buddhism and wanted to learn more. I kept hitting road blocks, I was told that it wasn't the right path, that it was the wrong path. These people didn't know me but tried to tell me what I needed. I finally started finding the literature that i needed and the support. I started learning through reading and trial and error.

    I am a really good example of the following:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

    Eventually I found a few teachers to work with and grow. Its necessary to get different perspectives and gain a new motivation. A few of these teachers are friends to me now and discuss situations and life still until this day (I spoke my Vietnamese Buddhist friend today). As I learned about the practices of meditation, mindfulness and many others I saw the need for someone to teach this stuff. There was a need for a community. I relate this to the SteemIt community as it is now. I started learning more just so I could teach it. After giving these lessons I realized that i was the biggest beneficiary of the teachings. While the others learned a lot it was me who grew.

    Some of the issues that I struggled with were depression, loneliness, isolation and claustrophobia all leading to extreme anxiety. I didn't realize until years later the impact this was having on my body and mind. It was stressing my body out. Today I am far from perfect and I don't want anyone who reads my posts to think I feel that I am. I am far from the most educated or experienced in these areas, but I do have one thing to offer. This is that through practice I have made big strides in my life toward the better because of these things.

    So when it comes to the future and what I blog about I would like to post a lot of educational things about the philosophy of Buddhism, dive into deeper practices and write about some of my other interests. It think the first is obvious that i will be posting about Buddhist teachings. The second thing is that I would like to go into some deeper topics of Buddhism that may be less philosophy and more spiritual. I will try to keep these topics short and to the point and accessible to the general person who doesn't want to chant OM for hours or bow to a statue. And third I would like to discuss topics and I am still learning and enjoying other than Buddhism including surfing, sports formulas and of course investing. I know everyone in this community invests something so I wont do too much of this because I am no professional. But if i can offer any knowledge then I will try.


    As far as the miracles I spoke of above. I really just mean the potential that this community has. We are very much in the beginning stages of something that might revolutionize tech of the future. I rally look up to the people who joined and build SteemIt starting around a year ago. While I wish I would have begun there with you, I am happy to be here now.

    One point I would like to make is that I strive to write as much as I can from my knowledge. Is is unfortunate that so many people copy and paste articles and some claim them to be their own. If you read my articles you will find very little quotes or sources. Ill explain this a little. If i use something from another source I will clearly state it right there and then. I would rather cite or link to other articles on SteemIt that explain a similar idea. I think this is key. Supporting each other is how we keep it in the family and help SteemIt and Steem grow. I am not trying to diss or downplay the people who plagiarize or just quote others their entire post but I think this community is about original content.

    Because of how I write everything from knowledge I may have a different opinion than some. Please feel free to challenge anything in the comments. It may be my perspective but it could also be a typo or mistake that i have made. If you have noticed I read all comments and respond to a majority of them.

    Thank you to those of you who follow me, my future followers and everyone who supports this community. For me it is more important to pass on what I know and less about the money. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the upvote though.


Please Support my efforts by upvoting, following and resteeming.

NAMASTE ( BOW ) and Thank you for reading, @nicnas

Here are some posts that I recommend reading:
Buddhism by @serioustruth
Intro to Buddhism by @andrei
Buddhism/Steeming by @queenmountain
Being a Good Listener Could Actually Save Our Planet by @awakealiveaware
What is Happiness by @voghera
Staying Calm: Mindfulness by @nicnas
Meditation: The Lamrim Version Part 1 by @nicnas
Meditation: The Lamrim Version Part 2 by @nicnas
When the Buddha was asked "What have you gained from Meditation?" by @nicnas
Staying Calm Make Money Series: Mindfulness by @nicnas
Staying Calm Make Money Series: Mindfulness May 24 by @nicnas

Robotic Hand Image credit: xm / MotionElements
All other images: Pixabay CC0 Public Domain


Excellent my friend, ask me how much I have learned by teaching mathematics? No words to tell how much. Very well written introduction. Thanks for having me in your great introduction,but what I have done just should have been done!!

NIce, you have resteemed and always support good steemian. :)

Really cool. Thank you. Its funny because i couldnt wait for you to check it out. Thank you for the resteem as well.

NP. I will keep doing it until your work start to go astronomical :))

that is the goal for us all isnt it?

Yes, and we will achieve it.

A deserving complete story. I wouldn't say,

Welcome to Steemit

Rather, I would like to appreciate the work, wisdom, and knowledge you are spreading around. We are here to pick a tiny pebble out of it.

Wow really cool. Thank you.

Very nice to meet you @nicnas

Teaching Helps You Master The Second reason is that by me teaching these skills know as Buddhist philosophy I am also learning. The best possible way to learn a subject is to teach it

This for me holds so much truth, although the application I use is for a completely different subject: I am learning to design 3d models. In order to help imprint the knowledge of using the software into my brain I have started to create beginner tutorial videos on YouTube. It helps that with me having to think how to describe certain steps to others, it makes more sense to myself.

Excellent post


It is crazy how it works out doesn't it. I am looking forward to more from you too.

wonderful re-introduction post :) I wish you a beautiful day! ;)

Great introduction and Welcome to the world of Steemit. It's a pleasure to have you here @nicnas. I'll be sure to Upvote and Follow your journey.

Thank you and what a journey it will be.

I've got to say, I love those pictures, and I'm really happy to see a more Buddhist-minded content creators on Steemit.


An amazing community we got here. And then we got you. Its really cool to get a comment from someone in the community you look up to. Thanks

Well that's awfully nice! I'm happy to spend time looking through posts and leaving comments where it's deserved :D

Nicnas, so glad to see you in the Indian chat room.

And glad to learn more about you here!

I simply love what you shared here:

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Rings so true.

Hope to connect with you further and read more of your stuff.

Keep steeming! :)

Your comments here and in the chat are much appreciated. I wont ever take it for granted. Thanks

Nice to meet you, we need more peace and tranquillity on Steemit! 🛐🙏

Amazing, great to have you @nicnas :)

Thank You. Appreciate It Much.

Very good intro (second time around :)).
Its nice to have you in the community and I followed.

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