Meditation: The LAMRIM Version (Part 1)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Lamrim Chenmo - "The Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path." Written in 1402 by Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa.

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The following explain the practice of meditation as described in the Lamrim texts. It is broken up into into three sections: pre-meditation, the actual meditation and post-meditation. This should be taken as an advance guide and it is NOT required to follow these steps to start meditating. Check out my basic guide here: Staying Calm: Meditation by @nicnas

Part 1:

Prior to meditation:

You should clean the meditation area, arrange altar items (images, statues or objects), make any offerings, get into correct posture and cultivate motivation.

Clean Meditation Area:

Make sure it is not dirty, respect the space. We use the practice of cleaning as symbolic to clearing away those delusions we cling to. A clean space also invites virtue.

The goal is to cleanse the mind of the eight worldly dharmas (also translated as preoccupations or concerns). These include:

  1. Wealth
  2. Avoiding Poverty
  3. Happiness
  4. Non Suffering
  5. Good Reputation
  6. Avoiding Bad Reputation
  7. Praise
  8. Avoiding Criticism
Arrange altar items (images, statues or objects):

The altar should include the following.

  1. Holy Body of the Buddha
    . Statue (or image) of Shakyamuni Buddha(original teacher of the Buddhist teachings)
    . Image of Arya Chenrezig (God of compassion)
    . Image of Arya Tara (God of Virtuous Activity)
    . Image of Miyowa Buddha, Immovable Buddha (God of Removing Obstacles)
  2. Holy Speech of the Buddha
    . Scriptures: Sutras or Lamrim texts
  3. Holy Mind of the Buddha
    . Stupa or a tsa-tsa of a stupa
Make any offerings:

Make an offering that would difficult to give away, not something that isnt wanted. Make sure it is clean.

Get into correct posture:

Cushion should be slightly higher in the back. Your back should be perfectly straight, shoulders relaxed and hands in a mudra position. The head should be slightly forward, eyes straight ahead and it helps to have the tongue resting against the back upper row of teeth (helps keep saliva down).

Cultivate motivation:

This is a long process and I will give a quick rundown. If you want me to go into detail please let me know. I have followed this practice many times.
Cultivating motivation is done through the Seven-Limb Practice. This is the method to accumulate merit and purify non-virtue.

  1. Prostration
  2. Offerings
  3. Confession
  4. Rejoicing
  5. Requesting the Buddhas to Teach
  6. Requesting the Buddhas to Remain in the World
  7. Dedication


Please Support my efforts by upvoting and following.
NAMASTE ( BOW ) and Thank you for reading, @nicnas


Yes you do, it is a very helpful thing

Good info. I support and undrstand the value of meditation thus spreading the word can bring about a hell lot of a difference in others lives.Good job.Cheers!!

Thanks you. Made an amazing impact on my life. Who knows where i would be without it.

We used to have meditation sessions in medical school - quite centering for mindfulness!

I am sure it can make a huge difference during stressful situations and making those decisions.

followed and upvoted my friend!!

Thank you. It is much appreciated.

Thanks for up vote upped back ! some day I will have to try meditation ! Great post , thanks for sharing ! 👍👍👍
I wished you will show us a picture of your altar !

You can actually mediate doing just about anything. If you follow the techniques and put all your focus into the activity you are participating in, you can benefit in a similar way. It ins't difficult. Glad you are considering it though.

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