Introduction To Buddhism

in #spirituality8 years ago

This is only the first part of a series that will introduce you to the buddhism teachings and what Buddhism is about.

The Buddhist religion originated in India during the 6th century B.C. Founded on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama a member of the royal family who renounced his position and wealth to seek enlightenment. Years of searching, using fasting and a variety of other practices, brought him no closer to what he sought. Finally, he sat down beneath a tree, determined not to arise until he found enlightenment. In about 527 BC he reached his goal, and became the Buddha (the enlightened one) also known as Shâkyamuni .

Buddha was born on the border of Nepal about 620 B.C. and died about 543 B.C. at Kusinagara in Oudh.

The pure and noble religion of the Vedas and the Upanishads had degenerated into dead forms, unmeaning rites and ceremonies. The Brahmins claimed honour merely by their birth. They neglected the study of the Vedas and the practice of virtue. The Brahmins were treated with undue leniency, and the Sudras (the servant class) with undue severity. In order that flesh-eating might have the sanction religion, animals were slaughtered and sacrificed in Yajnas (ceremony where sacrifice is offered). Such was the state of society at the time when Buddha appeared. His tender and loving heart could not bear the shedding of so much innocent blood in the sacred name religion. Buddha declared that merit, and not birth, determined the position of a man in society. The persecuted Sudras joined him in large numbers and he unconsciously became the founder of a new faith.

Buddhism is the religion of earnest, undaunted effort. Buddha demands from you faith in your own Self, in your own latent forces. Without this faith, nothing can be achieved. The first words of Buddha, after his Enlightenment, were: "Wide open are the gates of Immortality. Ye that ears to hear, release your faith."

The Noble Eightfold Path consists of the practice of:

1.Right belief or right understanding or right views;
2.Right aspiration;
3.Right speech;
4.Right conduct or right action;
5.Right living or right means of livelihood;
6.Right exertion;
7.Right mindfulness or attentiveness; and
8.Right concentration or meditation.

These are the eight steps in the Way of Life presented by Buddha which annihilates suffering of all kinds and leads to the attainment of Nirvana or emancipation. The Noble Eightfold Path destroys lust, anger, greed, malice and other evils, and purifies the heart. Then dawns Bodhi or Enlightenment which bestows perfect everlasting peace, eternal bliss and immortality.


The present-day world needs very badly the teachings of Lord Buddha. Everywhere we see preparations for destruction of the human race and its culture. Fear of the atomic bomb is causing restlessness everywhere. Scientists and dictators have neither rest nor peace. There is mistrust amongst the leaders of the nations. Malice, hatred and prejudice have grown to such a large extent that the very structure of human civilization seems to be crumbling. Scientists are working day and night in the laboratories to release as much atomic energy as possible to destroy people. What a horrible state of affairs! It is really shocking. The only way by which the world can be saved lies in a return to the great principles of Ahimsa and Maitri (friendliness) inculcated by Lord Buddha and Maharishi Patanjali. Hatred can never be cured by hatred. It can only be cured by love. This is a lesson which the world has to learn again and again. Take a solemn vow now to meet hatred with love, and malice with goodwill. This is the best way to pay homage to the great sage Lord Buddha, the apostle of love and Ahimsa, the saviour of the world, the Avatara (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu.


I wish I had seen this before :)

You found it just in time !!

I upvoted you.

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