Motivation Found: How Buddhism Has Reinvigorated My Passion to keep on Steeming

in #philosophy8 years ago

During my Steemit Sabbatical, I made an inspiring discovery: Buddhism. It was not by chance; rather, I am enrolled in “Religious Quest”, a philosophy prerequisite at university.

For those who have been following me know that, after 10 years, I am back enrolled in school full-time, my 15-year-old daughter has recently moved back in with me after 1 year, and I work ¾ time as a business development manager.

With all of these huge life changes and commitments, my desire and motivation to Steem dwindled. I decided I needed to take a Sabbatical from Steemit and really focus on all the tasks I had at hand.

Discovery of Buddha

In Religious Quest we had finished studying Hinduism which greatly interested me. I have always been fascinated by Eastern society and religion but never had the time or energy to actually study them. Now it was required that I sit down and read a rather large “World Religions” book. I really wasn’t sure what type of experience I would have in this class, especially being an online course.

Once I read the chapter about Buddha, it has never left my mind. What I love about Buddhism is that it can be a religion, a philosophy, or both. I choose to view Buddhism as a philosophy and therefore a guide to life. It has given me a fresh perspective on how to react to different situations, how to treat my family, and even how to choose my diet.

Buddhism has also given me some interesting perspectives on as a whole. What I post, the way I post, what I read and write on Steemit has all come under a different scrutiny as I apply the guidance of Buddha to every corner of my life.

New Perspectives on Steemit

I have decided to change my path on Steemit. I have decided to change my attitude toward Steemit. I have decided to change my content that I post here on this unique platform. My entire viewpoint and motivation for my existence on Steemit has morphed into something with deeper meaning, something more lighthearted and something that will complement and blend in harmony with my life.

I no longer view posting here as a “chore” or as a “job”. I will post when I feel in good spirits to, after all I do love to write, so why push myself or force an article for the sheer sake of posting? I will also not be posting here to expand my purse. Even though the foundation to post for money is ever prevalent, I move with a higher motive, to bring the message of Buddha to the users here to Steemit, to share my interesting life journeys and adventures in Montana or wherever I may go, to bring my tasty recipes to other fellow at-home-chefs.

Being motivated by money will only get one so far here or anywhere on this earth. It is to find the true self, and expand on that true self, that riches may follow, or they may not follow. Why is it that so many wealthy people are still in misery and suffering? Buddha teaches about that, and I will share that teaching in good time.

A little about Buddhism

Buddha translates into the Awakened One. Buddha is not one man but has been reincarnated many times on this planet. The goal of the Buddhist is to attain some form of Liberation from Suffering, as All Humans Suffer. Buddha also teaches to take the Middle Way, not to be extreme left or right, up or down, black or white. The original Buddha, Gautama, decided that the world was his teacher and learned from the river, from people, animals, plants, the sky.

There is so much to know and learn from Buddha and I am merely a student. I am not a teacher. The Four Passing Sights, The Three Marks of Existence, The Four Noble Truths, The Noble Eightfold Path. Many saw Gautama as a physician as he has prescribed a therapy for dealing with life.

In Closing

Even if we take a little tidbit of Buddhism to elevate our lives then success has been achieved. Take what you want from this; it doesn’t have to be all or none.

I plan to cover a wide array of materials from this point out, and I am once again motivated and excited to be here on Steemit sharing my studies with you all.


Which tradition do you follow? Very nice post!

Thanks! Ya know, I am so new to Eastern religion and Buddhism, I am not quite sure yet. I will keep you posted when I figure it out. How about you? Are you Buddhist?

I carry the Buddhist label in my wallet...hahaha. I've been studying and practicing since the early 90s. My first teacher is from Korea, Soen/Zen tradition, from the Mahayana tradition, primary text of study was and still in the prajnaparamita, I took my bodhisattva vows from Sunim. His English was limited so for a meditation teacher he sent me to SN Goenka's vipassana meditation center located in the state of Washington, Dhamma Kunja, my pramary meditation sutta study was satipatthana for vipassana, I met Mr Goenka and served and sat many retreats. The meditation technique is from the Burmese Theravada tradition. My area of study and meditation now is Dzogchen from the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition, I am follow several teachers one of them in Namkhai Norbu, primarily for meditation techniques and retreats. I am a Buddhist mutt.... My main teacher is Kagyu and not well known with a small circle of students scattered through the the world.

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