MagicCleatus Finally Introduces Himself! (😜 Face Reveal 😜)

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Today I thought I would try something new, completely different and well outside my usual comfort zone, as I'm mostly a very shy person. Blogging has been very new to me, all of my posts up until now have just been mostly drawing art and entering contests and of course hosting the well-known #zencolouringcontest, but I have never really spoken much about myself or even introduced myself for that matter. With the steps I have been taking in my life very recently to move forward I have developed a larger and open mind. This has enabled me to love my self and become a lot more confident. Most of you, from my contests community, may have noticed the development subliminally through the way I expanded my contest to include descriptive critiques of entries and putting emotion into the inspiration of my stencils.

So with all of that being said and the fact that I just hit 800 followers, I think it's time I finally introduce myself to you all!

Hi everyone, my name is Adam and I go by the screen name MagicCleatus. I'm a 30 year old British man working as a self taught graphic designer on a homestead in the hills of southern Spain. I have always had a passion for art and I love to be creative in everything I do. I mentioned a few things about myself in @deemarshall's Interview of me a while ago, but here is a little bit more of an expansion on that.

Let's begin with showing you all me, the real person, not that cool cartoon avatar of myself that you have all grown to see. Here is a recent photo of myself, as recent as today in fact!

Selfie 1.jpg
As you can see I am blonde with blue eyes and have fairly recently shaved my face, I used to have long hair past my shoulders and a big bushy beard that strapped across my chin from ear to ear. In the heat of summer in Spain I couldn't bare all of that hair making me hotter, so I got it cut ALL OFF 😲. It was quite the shock as I have had long hair for almost a decade. I do miss my beard though so I'm going to let that grow back, but I have gotten used to my short hair and it will most likely stay short from now on.

Okay, enough about what I look like. Let me show you my work space and then a few examples of my art.

Selfie 2.jpg

This is me at my very colourful and tidy computer desk and before you ask, I didn't just tidy it for this post, I am always at quite an OCD-level of organisation when it comes to my computer, even my Desktop doesn't have icons as you can see.

Below is the full view of my desk without any distracting blonde smiling men blocking the way 😛.

Setup 1.jpg
You might recognize the image that I use as my Desktop wallpaper, it's the Digital Eclipse art work I posted about a while back.

Let me quickly talk about the equipment and software I use to do all of my creating. My graphics tablet is the Huion Inspiroy Q11k. I have had a few graphics tablets over the years, from brands like Trust, to ones like Wacom. But for its mid-range price the Huion is by far the best tablet I have used.

When it comes to my QWERTY keyboard, I just have a run of the mill Logitech UK layout. I don't really find a need for a fancy light up keyboard with lots of extra buttons, I find they are too clunky. My mouse on the other hand has to be really big for my large hands and that's why I bought the Razer Ouroboros. It is incredibly versatile and adjustable to fit any size hand. It is also semi-wireless, this means I can have it wired or wirelessly connected through its charging dock, this makes it a lot more maneuverable when doing digital editing or playing video games in my down time. You may also see that the mouse is sitting atop a HUGE mouse pad from Steelseries, this also benefits my work in a similar way.

My computer's screen is a 1080p Acer monitor so that I can draw at an HD level and be able to see what the finished artwork looks like in its truest form. The computer itself is a very powerful chunk of my digital arsenal and can't be seen as it's under my desk (maybe I could do another post showing my tower). It has an Asus STRIX Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB graphics card. This sort of powerful graphics card allows my illustration software, Krita, to render a lot of processes and high detail. It comes in especially handy for generating up to 100 separate lines being drawn all at once with the multi-brush tool, my go to tool for designing the stencil of the #zencolouringcontest.

Well that's about it for the equipment part of this introduction. On with some examples of my art.

Below is something I am literally in the middle of creating.

Card Examples.png
As most of you know I am designing a whole new set of graphics for an open-source video game on GitHub which is developed by @fervi, check out'This Post' from last week if you missed it. Since that post I have noticed some flaws in my designs and am reworking the 'Symbols' I have created to have a bit more detail so that they stand out more. I also made the font easier to read.

In the image above the left hand card is my first attempt, the center card is the developers original and the right hand card is my new reworked edit. I know it's a free game but I want to make it look as good as I can make it (that's the perfectionist in me talking 😛). I'm knuckling down this month to try and get all of the assets required for @fervi's game finished before the month is up.

Next I have some separators/dividers that I created, a couple of which are for Steemers whose names might be familiar!

This first one is the separator I did for @gardeningchef. At the time she asked for it to be made she was growing sweet peas and requested a vine of sweet peas drawn in my art style.

This next one is the divider I designed for @sallybeth23. She requested a floral design of plants from the jungle, she even sent photos of the specific plants from the jungle she lives in.

Lastly, You can find a set of separators I designed for all to use in 'This post' when I celebrated 200 followers. But here is one of them as an example.

For one more example of my art I'll reshare the video of the animated artwork I did. This is the Rainbow Eclipse. One of (what I deem as) my masterpieces. I took the individual layers of the previously mentioned Digital Eclipse artwork and created hundreds of slightly different frames to transform the still image into an infinitely looping moving image! Here is the 1 minute loop I uploaded to youtube.

Well I think I should wrap it up there for now, I've got to leave some things to the imagination (And for something else to post about in the future of course 😛). I hope you've enjoyed reading this little introduction of myself. I'll be making more of an imprint on this platform very soon with new art work, perhaps more post like this (depends how this one goes) and much more!

If you are new to the name @magiccleatus or haven't seen the #zencolouringcontest, then check out my blog and the contest at the following clickable animations. Recently I've been mostly focused on the contest and been busy outside of Steemit, but that's all about to change!


Hi @magiccleatus! Nice to meet you!! I would never have guessed you are British! I thought you were from Spain too :D I like your tshirt and the cloth backdrop you have there, the elephants mandala. I also like the dividers you designed for gardeningchef and sallybeth23. They are so cutee, especially the vine of sweet peas. You are so talented! See you more soon! :)

Very cool to meet you! I knew your name from @sallybeth23 and her great page divider. I want to congratulate you on your progress of becoming more social! You're a very handsome young man. It will be neat to see what you look like with your beard!! Awesome introduction! Steem on 🌞🌄🌙💫

Thank you for your congratulations. Its nice to meet you too, I have heard your name from @sallybeth23 also.

Thanks for the very flattering compliment. As soon as the beard is back I'll post a new pic 😏😉

It’s so nice to see you friend, what a warm and friendly face you have, your a very intelligent man, and so kind. Your about the same age as my only son, he turned 31 in August. You two would probably make good friends, you have a lot in common. I’m so blessed to know you, thank you for sharing yourself with your admirers like myself, I hope and pray that all your dreams come true. Bless you Adam❣️

Thank you so much @lildebbiecakes. I have only recently begun to see myself in a different light and can see what you mean about warm and friendly. To my core I'm a 'people pleaser', I just want to try and to get those around me to be happy!

Is your son on steemit? It'd be nice to chat with someone similar to myself.

Thank you ever so much for your prayers and blessings. Bless you too for being so kind and supportive!

No unfortunately my sons not on steemit, good luck on all you do friend, and keep up your amazing work on Steemit, blessings ❣️😘

Hey Adam, love​ the art and can't​ wait to see more. Keep creating!

Thanks for the compliment! Don't worry I'll never stop creating! 😏

Good!! Your work is amazing!!

Funny I also thought you were spanish, good to see a face behind the genuis at work.

I did think a lot of people might of thought that 😄

Thanks for the genius complement 😋

Great introduction post @magiccleatus! It's nice to see you & the work set up where all your art work has been coming from 😊 thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us!

Thanks @gardeningchef. I was a bit trepidatious about making a post like this as like I said I'm quite the shy type. I'm glad you liked it!

What a great intro! And I thought you were Spanish, haha. It is so nice to learn a little more about what makes to tick. Thank you for being so open!

Thanks @deemarshall. I can see why you'd think that, with the location as Spain and some of my Spanish comments around the place. Mostly I use translator but I have a girlfriend who is fluent in Spanish and she often helps translate for me. I'm glad you liked learning a bit more about me!

It’s so nice to see youuu!! Btw, that shirt is the best!

Thanks @meme.elena!

I love that shirt its my current favourite, I have loads of different ones that I order from Qwertee. I'm even thinking about designing my own for their website!

Hi MC!
Excellent belated intro post! ... wonderful to see the face behind the art, at last! You have made fantastic contributions to art and competitions for steemit and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

100% upvoted and resteemed :D

Thanks dude! Your kind words and support are a part of what drives my creative and ever expanding mind!

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