Me, Myself, & I - DON'T take things at face value


Being a curious person, usually equates to having more questions than having answers. I realized that when I joined my university. Where I also had shifted my attitude towards learning from “I need to learn” to “I want to learn” around the third semester and as a result I was able to see a positive change in my grades and my ability/capacity of understanding grew much wider than what I thought was possible for me.

So now as with any post graduate the next item on the to do list of “life” is to get a “job” – more like being a modern day slave for a corporation doing routine tasks – which I get is a necessity to make “money” (technically fiat currency) in order to be able to navigate the world. I spent around two years searching for a job mostly due to my “travel documents” being a huge mess – that’s another story on its own. It was during this time that the hunger for information kicked in, do not get me wrong, I mean it was fun and relaxing having the first couple of months as holiday after a four-year programme. I always had personal doubts that the world we live in is kind of f***ed up, growing up I have always thought there is most definitely a relationship between money, politics, and power that influenced global political events, as there is no logical explanation that people would just go to war for the sake of it or whatever the “reason” that governments provides to the public.

I did do few deep dive readings and YouTube viewings over the years about the major wars & so called terrorist attacks and I almost always took them at face value, but I always felt something was missing. I have been shed some light by my teacher in one of the modules in university who heavily emphasized on critical thinking and how important to have it moving forward as a way of not to take things that we are told of at face value especially in the “main stream media”. Having that in mind I started taking an in depth review of what I had already viewed and was seeking some truth to what has happened, then of course almost always you will naturally end up in that part of the internet the where the “conspiracy theories” exist. It took me a while until I started finding quality content to read about which then started becoming more credible with the whole wiki-leaks and snowden phenomena – which are awesome.

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In short, the most eye-opening content that showed me how the world is basically ruled and controlled with “money” – and gave me a …wow wtf is this world we are living in? kinda moment – are 1) Mike Maloney from YouTube has a series called ‘secrets of money’ where he explains in a very educational manner how “money” is made and used historically and more importantly nowadays 2) DollarVigilante from YouTube that showed me the whole picture of the Cryptocurrency world and its importance in giving back some power to the people. There were also other precious metals and Cryptocurrecy advocates on YouTube that are creating really great content for people to benefit from like crypt0, Scrembo Paul, The Morgan Report, and many more alike.

This is really a great time to be living in, we have the ability to access more transparent and actual news by the day and an entire community is being built around this, showing that people are starting to “wake up” from this whole bubble of a world that we have gotten used to living in.

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