Hi, my name is Jake.

I am a 22 year old, Computer Science major at Michigan Tech and I am preparing for my final year of college.

Somehow, after several interviews and about a hundred applications, I found myself out of a job for the summer. Even after an internship each of the last two summers I was unable to convince somebody I was worth the money. Rejection has always been a difficult thing for any human, but rejection from a job to me, is way worse than from a woman. When a woman rejects me it's because I'm not her type or she's taken or she just said no because I'm weird. When a company rejects me they spit in my face, discrediting every bit of work I've done up to this point in my life. But rather than getting down on myself this summer, I decided to better myself.

I bettered myself by researching cryptocurrencies and started mining a bit. Now, I am extremely new to this and extremely poor so it's not like I immediately started making an income overnight. I'm still poor and I'm barely making anything but I know that some time in the future crypto is a great source of a secondary income. If I take the time to research now, when the capital comes later I'll already be a step ahead of myself if I hadn't taught myself.

So that's me, just a college kid learning the ropes for the summer. I'm glad Steemit could be a part of that learning experience.


Hello New Steemian - a warm welcome to Steemit for you !

First Tip from me to you for the start
I would just start following and talk to the people here first, with the time
you will learn more and more and things are getting better !

Steemit is very complex !

I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you :) I organized and support @FairVote with some friends, we pick manually quality content with small earnings and help that this content posts get spotted ! FairVote was build to help new users to get attention and rewards to their quality content !

If you plan to contribute quality content to steemit please have an eye on us. May we can help you at one point.

Good Luck & take care

Welcome to Steem @glbjake3 I have sent you a tip

Welcome Jake, we live in a tough global job market, unfortunately corporations dont care about their employees, all they care about is revenue and profits, so they wont hire you if they think they can find someone else who can preform your job for less pay...
Image of dksartSteemit

Welcome Jake.. I am new too .. Just exploring steemit . good luck for your cryptomining too.. follow me @digits999

We here at Around the Block are in a similar position to you Jake, my friend. We have started this blockchain focused media company (as well as others) from our apartments in Kalamazoo. We are finally beginning to turn some big profits, however; there is no question that we have a long and arduous journey ahead if we plan to make our way to the top of the industry. Our team would be more than willing to engage in some kind of business collaboration, lend a hand, bounce ideas, or simply expand our professional network of Michigan based blockchain enthusiasts.

Give us a follow. We would love to talk!

Steemit: @Around-z-Block
Twitter: @Around_z_Block



I am actually from Kalamazoo! I love that town.

Hey im new to the platform as well :) Give it time. You have the skillset required!

Welcome Jake! Do you enjoy the Midwest, or do you want to move after College?

Welcome to steemit

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