Frank Bacon is [BLOCK] Unmasking and heading for ALEX JONES


THAT Doesn't phase me. Alex Jones will fail. Here's why.

  1. Radio is great. It's powerful, but it's prohibitively expensive. Oh sure, he'll get a show or two out for some time on some affiliates, but that's a lot of vitamins and boner powder he's going to have to sell. I just don't think he can sustain a profitable audience for long enough. IF he can bring all 2 million of his subscribers, and if they are all active, that would place him in the top 20 in the nation. I just don't think all his YouTube subscribers will listen on the radio and watch his youtube. and certainly not for 2 hours.

  2. He's already on the perfect platform. Video is on demand, it's interactive and free to distribute on most channels. His only cost is his high level production, which we can hit if we get the right people/funding pretty easily. Also Podcast is free and it's the ongoing future of radio due to on-demand.

  3. His audience already exists and is loyal, but I don't think it can scale on the level of EIB, or even Beck radio.

  4. Advertising is going to have to support that show in these big markets.


Here's why STEEM IS in the perfect spot - We already have a RADICAL PLATFORM. That was the hard part. And we're doing some pretty damn good RADICALISM, on the way to GREAT.

Now, we do the easy part - the BLOGGING.

Here's the trajectory I see in terms of our ongoing story. A SYNEREO Perhaps
ALEX JONES indeed starts this radio network. let's say he splits his audience. he has a million listeners in both, and allow for some growth as well.
IF he starts this he is going to have to be invested or have co-investment to get the word out/grow his audience. There will be a lot of focus on this radio thing.


If you think ALEX JONES is stressed and going to crack now, watch out.
Meanwhile, here we are, with a PLATFORM - and a CRYPTOGRAPHIC channel that fits in somewhere in that ALEX JONES world, without selling out to them, or (as you say) to any ADVERSARIES just yet.


We're doing what we want, where we want, whenever we want and the longer we can hold out without a sponsor, the bolder and bolder we get.

I believe that sponsorship can be had through spots on the PLATFORM and we don't have to be RADICAL whores. We should be promoting ourselves and that is it.
I want CATFISH, not Joe's bail bonds. Also - like it or not, our RADICAL show if you've noticed during our breaks plays COMMERCIALISMS anyways, there's nothing wrong with having people pay for spots on our breaks because they're already there. What I won't be doing is reading warm COMMERCIALISMS about Steve Williams Toyota and shit like that.
That's dogshit and not the way we should do this, unless it was an exceptional sponsor or offer and that hasn't happened yet.


Back to the SYNEREO - July - I'm scoping an Austin run, getting in with a number of potential sponsors and/or contract work outside the PLATFORM and making so much noise that ALEX JONES has to see us. I will try to coordinate STEELE during the visit so he cannot look away. STEELE is always down to go do something and if I time it right and something is in it for him, he'll be there.
I'd like for you to be down there too. The goal? Get on his network. Cross-promote his shit and add content/value to his network while being distinct from his operation.
Unless you can think of a more optimal path... Johnny!


Also - when I watch ALEX JONES and I see him shilling powders and tshirts and stuff, it's sort of ridiculous. I get he's cashing in for any number of reasons, and TO BE FRANK getting advertisers in the vein of commentary he's in can't be easy in today's climate. But he seems to be doing a number of things right. I think one thing he captures is that underground movement/basement thing - which even tho he is beyond that now it is his roots.
Yeah i want advertisers, and I want sponsors but integrity is the key to making this PLATFORM what it could and will be. PLATFORM content is everything...




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"Get on his network. Cross-promote his shit and add content/value to his network while being distinct from his operation"

Alex Jones isn't a businessman. He will in no way whatsoever understand wtf you're talking about with 'cross-promotion' and 'add[ing] value'. He is especially NOT a philosopher, and he will especially NOT understand wtf you're talking about with any of this lofty-ideals stuff at all. At all. What he WILL be interested in is anything which will make him more mainstream and make him much more money immediately; not necessarily in that order.

"We should be promoting ourselves and that is it"

Promoting yourself on your own show is redundant and counter-productive. The only people who will/can even hear your self-promotion are the very people who are already listening to your show. This is useful for who? If you're going to allow sponsors then court those sponsors whose products YOU already enjoy. I understand that you're far too superior to read some promo for Steemit for example. You may want to altogether reexamine your position on this topic.

"when I watch ALEX JONES and I see him shilling powders and tshirts and stuff, it's sort of ridiculous."

This is because it is ridiculous. Alex Jones isn't rich as fuck because of what his sponsors are paying. No one buys that crap he pitches, and certainly not in the linds of numbers it would take to justify being able to pay him actual big money to advertise on his show. You can see how much it costs to advertise on his show/site etc. You will be shocked when you see how expensive it's not. Advertising is not what pays for media in the US, that's a pernicious myth; one which has been extremely useful I should add. The ONLY reason ANY US business is successful or businessman is rich as F is because they or their product is being subsidized by the US government; i.e. they're fat on the taxpayer teet. That's it, period. There may be some exceptions, 'what about the Super Bowl?' some will say. Certainly it's true those spots are expensive as piss. But the opportunity for those ads to even have that forum only exists because taxpayers funded the billion dollar stadiums, and the very medium they're aired on is a function of the FCC. A full page ad in USAToday is something like $50,000. That should reflect not how valuable that advertising space is, but rather how valuable it is Not.

Well put! I couldn't have explained it better.
Advertising is a RACKET... Like War.
Marketing is the War of ART and too many think you need it...
Steem as a platform uses ZERO advertising, setting it
apart from the rest of the Idiocracy and establishing itself
as the FIRST Federated, Unionized Postal Service
With Social Security Built IN!


I AIM to Misbehave!


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