
He's not a snake oil salesman. His products are legit. My wife has had asthma since 3 years old. We are mid 30's now and we take the iodine, selenium and she takes the lung cleanse and no longer uses her asthma inhaler which raises blood pressure. I also take the Caveman shake once a day and since then have not taken Advil or Tylenol like I used to which was multiple times a day everyday. I swear by his stuff!

Colloidal silver is the worlds best antibiotic. Research it! He's not fuckin around! I got the water filter as well from the humble merchant!

Modern medicine is only good for when you need surgery. Any daily meds should use nutraceuticals.

Here is his ex-wife's website. It's a crazy story about how parents use their children in divorce battles.

That's fucked up. And anyone who does a slight bit of research on Sandy Hook knows David Wheeler the dad was also dressed up as a sniper on the scene. (Who happens to be an actor)

Whoa - that's ugly. No love lost between the Jones, eh?

(I see what you did there)

I was watching Roger Stone (whose "tv voice" drives me batty - I wish he'd learn to read script) when he went into the "buy this stuff to save the world from Satan" schtik, and found myself wondering how much Jones was worth...I read three articles before finding this one - which was really the only one that laid it all out, or at least as far as he understood the Jones empire. So, yep, I doubly damned DID digest it, and thought I'd share it. I don't like Jones, but you gotta respect his business model!

I was looking for a good article about the AJ empire when I wrote THIS earlier. Wish I had waited for your article first. Feel free to repost your work in comments. If not you, then I will later. Thank you and SteemOn!

Cipolla's Laws of Stupidity are worth a post on their own!

it's on my to blog but not today dammit list

Go for it - this is the perfect venue.

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