let me introduce my self

Hi steemit Introduce My Name boysteem, nickname boy, I was born 10 august 1994 my status is single, my education till high school or equal.

My daily life is now working in an ice rod factory located in the mosque village of punteut lhokseumawe, aceh.
My goal is to be a tajir, have a luxury vehicle and a luxurious house if I later succeed and I really want to leave the pilgrimage with my wife later.
I have a new buddy friend in steemit his name @ mustafakamal94, he is now a member of steemit indonesia community, the curatornya @levycore

He explains that social media steemit may be useful for me, there is no harm in my trying and hopefully I get a wider knowledge.

I am very proud of my friend @ mustafakamal94 because he learned not to be in school, even though he's done d3, but he's learning through social media steemit. Com who can work and we can learn the work of others.
I am from a simple family therefore I am unable to continue college, because my family economy is not supportive.
Follow me in steemit @boysteem
Hopefully my work will be useful for all steemit friends all over the world.

That is all and thank you

Salam steemit indonesia. !!!

Bahasa Indonesia

Hai steemit Perkenalkan Nama Saya boysteem,nama panggilan boy, saya kelahiran 10 agustus 1994 status saya masih lajang, pendidikan saya sampai SMA/ sederajat.
Keseharian saya sekarang bekerja di pabrik es batang yang berada di desa mesjid punteut lhokseumawe, aceh.
Cita - cita saya adalah menjadi orang yang tajir, mempunyai kendaraan mewah dan rumah yang mewah jika kelak saya sukses dan saya sendiri sangat menginginkan berangkat haji bersama istri saya nanti.
Saya punya teman yang baru pemula di steemit namanya @mustafakamal94 , dia sekarang anggota komunitas steemit indonesia, yang curatornya @levycore

Dia menjelaskan bahwa media sosial steemit mungkin bisa bermanfaat untuk saya, tidak ada salahnya saya mencoba dan semoga saya mendapat ilmu yang lebih luas.

Saya sangat bangga dengan teman saya @mustafakamal94 karena dia belajar tidak harus di sekolah, walaupun dia sudah selesai d3,tapi dia belajar melalui sosial media steemit. Com yang bisa bekarya dan bisa kita pelajari karya orang lain.
saya dari keluarga sederhana oleh karena itu saya tidak bisa untuk melanjutkan perguruan tinggi, karena ekonomi keluarga saya tidak mendukung.
ikuti saya di steemit @boysteem
Semoga karya saya nanti bermanfaat bagi seluruh sahabat steemit di seluruh dunia.

Sekian dan Terima Kasih

Salam steemit indonesia.!!!


Welcome to Steemit.com

Welcome to family :)

Welcome to the community!

Welcome to Steem Community @boysteem! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

Welcome to the steemit, now your is steemian or steemers..
Follow me @alanmirza and please upvote my post...

Shengkyu :D

Welcome to Steem @boysteem I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to the community @Boysteem

Look forward to connecting with you and sharing some value

Would you give me the formula to create a logo like that? I like it very much...

Welcome on Steemit ! Keep growing followers.
Subscribe, upvote, comment here https://steemit.com/secure/@mattermaster/what-to-do-with-your-bitcoins-before-august

I will do the same for you

Selamat bergabung teman,
Semoga karya mu menarik dan bermanfaat,
Saya @mustafakamal94
Saya tunggu karya karya anda

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