Hello sahabat steemit

Hello sahabat steemit dimana pun anda berada kususnya Indonesia.
Saya pemula di steemit ini, dan saya sangat senang bergabung di steemit, dengan ini saya bisa mendapatkan inspirasi baru dengan blog blog anda yang luar biasa dan informasi yg sangat menarik.
Saya belum paham betul dengan steemit ini,mungkin beberapa hari lagi saya sudah bisa memahaminya dan saya sangat berterima kasih jika anda berkenan mengajari saya.
Jangan lupa upvote and follow me. Thanks!!


Hello @boyan140799 welcome!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for almost 2 months, and I can tell you that steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with it, latter I've decided to make posts about those and others helpful information in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper knowledge of steemit and its potencial.

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

SteemBnB(this post is not mine, it is fruit of an amazing Idea from @chicosonico, but I've made a traslate to portuguese, you can find it at the comments section)
steemit awesome tools #2
Steemit-Police First official Investigator
The Randowhale

Here is a post from @hannahlicious That i think Is useful to have a look too (she is also a great source of information and high quality posts):
Randowhale is CHEAPER Now!!

I intend to keep posting useful info that I manage to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

Welcome to Steem @boyan140799 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank, nice to meet you.. I am follow you @bottymcbotface

Welcome to Steemit! If you have questions - ask me @dobroman

Oke nice to meet you.. Iam follow you @dobroman

Selamt dtg n smoga sukses y

Oke terima kasih. Saya follow kamu @putraatjeh

hi Boyan140799 ! Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure ! Here you can win money while bloging ! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. Wish you much luck! Cheers! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @khunpoom !

Oke nice to meet you. Iam follow you @khunpoom

helloo, please follow me and i follow you And if you give me upvotos and I'll give it to you too ok great bro

Oke. Nice to meet you..... Iam follow you😊 @palmidrummer

Hello @boyan1407and welcome in this wonderful world of steemit. You will soon be addictive like us to this network.

If you need help, or if you have question, don't hesitate and contact me.

I followed, so be free to follow me back, I am trying a new concept with a friend, a duo-post every monday, we already did two and It's quite funny to do ^^.

Oke nice to meet you.. Iam follow you @cedaout

Welocome to steemit

A new Steemian :-) hello @boyan140799 I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

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