Hello from a new user from Slovenia on steemit! introduceyourself

Hello everyone!
First of all i am really glad to be a part of this rising society on steemit. This really is a great idea and i'm fully supporting it!

Well lets start. My name is Mitja and i come from Slovenia, more specifically from a tawn called Velenje (5th biggest city in Slovenia) and i'm 22.
I am studying information and communicating technologies in Maribor, Slovenia.
I'm very much into sport (football, handball, volleyball etc.), music ( i'm a diehard metal fan from as log as i can remember so i'll be definitely posting some stories about music and music culture) and i really like travelling and meeting new people.


I recently became interested in the cryptocurrency bussiness so i'll be checking posts on steemit on this matter for sure.

But my biggest passion are definitely concerts. Just the fact that so many people are visiting the same concert or a festival that listen to the same kind of music as you do and talking about it after the concert makes me really happy. I might post some stories about metal scene and festivals in Slovenia and Europe in anyone is interested.


I also played handball for 12 years but when i went to college i kind of dropped that but i'm still a huge fan!
Now i play volleyball a lot so might be posting stories about sport aswell.


So that's about it :D . Looking forward to meet new people and follow their awesome stories here in steemit. You can also follow me if you're interested.
Have a great day everyone!



Welcome to steemit Mitja,

I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you!
I also love sports a lot !

I think read a lot, start following people and interact with each other will do a good job !

bienvenida, willkommen and velkommen

Enjoy your time at this amazing community & Good Luck

Thanks a lot for your reply! Very appreciated :)
If you like to see a funny coconut photo, have a look at my account, just posted some a nice one ! LOL

Welcome and have fun;) ( Lep pozdrav iz MB :D Vidim da nas je kar nekaj....)

Hvala :D ja res sem že neki nas zasledil :D edino pravilno!

saj ni čudno :) ej, metalec? svetovno :) Sem fen od Strapping Young Lad in Fear Factory! Tako btw... :)

Aja? noro :D men sta tut oba benda svetovna (fear factory vidu že 2x), strapping young lad pa kk ne bo dober bend če pa ma townsenda za peuca ko je itak virtuoz pa še hoglana na bobnih ko je tk biu v vseh mogočih svetovno znanih bendih :D

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you have fun here.

Thanks! have a great day

Hey ho, Mitja. welcome to Steemit :) Nice to have you here. I am looking forward to your sports and metal music related articles very much.

Good luck!

Dobrodošel, itak :)

Pozdrav iz Ljubljane.

Hehe hvala :D
Pozdrav nazaj iz Velenja :)

welcome to the community. Hope you will find here helpful for you and please visit us too if you love to engage with us.

Thanks! followed of'course :)

I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.
Also feel free to check out and follow @yash10813 for mind boggling travel experiences.

Thanks mate! I will + followed ofcourse

Welcome to Steemit @behemoth18 :)

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Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)

Thanks mate! have a great day

Wow ..Sports and Metal ... You seem like a cool guy ... Loved your photos too which was the last concert you went to ?? .. would love to read more posts by you .. keep posting
Upvoted the post!
You Can follow me @utfull if you like
Will follow you back! See you around.

Followed ofc :D
hmmm i think it was Havoc, Warbringer here in Slovenia a few weeks back

Thanks mate! And i will remember you for sure when i'm rich haha :D

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