How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Seven: Who Might The Players be?

Two or three days ago, I was out on the back porch sipping coffee and thinking about the Personal Price part of this essay. It was a bright, clear day with a brisk wind. Suddenly, I noticed a YUUUGE black bird winging down the creek.

That bird is too big for what I know about birds I says to myself.

Looking further up in the sky, I see a hawk winging it down along the creek bed. The big black bird I saw down the hill was the shadow of the real hawk in the sky.

What we immediately see is very often the distortion of what is, and the intentional distortion of reality is the battlefield of Information War...

including who the players are!

This blog is an update of an earlier post The Barebones - The Deep State and our current Information War

  • Trump - Does Trump represent the will of the American people? So far, he has kept the campaign promises he made to the majority of American voters that won the election. Does he have plans to use that as a springboard to tyranny? It's possible, but I don't think so. Trump has been keeping his promises to Americans mainly via the use of Executive Order to restate what is already on the law books (the 7 country ban is a perfect example).
    The argument is made that Trump is a shill; his almost complete dominance in The Information War over the media is used in the suggestion that this is scripted. This is plausible, however, with my own biases in play, I will note the the media is a pack of pompous, thin-skinned control freaks who can be lead around by their noses by pointing at shiny things and contradicting their Narrative.
    The reaction of the Deep State to Trump is also a signal to me that he presents a threat to them. However, it can also be argued that is is part of the kabuki theatre.
    We shall see

  • The Deep State - I think that everyone other than the uninformed and the highly partisan accepts the reality of the Deep State. How extensive is the control of the Deep State over the nation? Different people have different models they operate from while understanding The Information War, from complete kakistocracy to loose networks of corruptocrats. The range of who belongs to the Deep State and what their motives are is also a matter of personal opinion; I favor a model based upon an alliance of leftists and globalists; others favor models based upon Saudi or Israeli subversion, and other favor New World Order variations.

  • Leftists - As far back as the 80s, the Heritage Foundation was exposing the infiltration and subversion of our institutions by members of The New Left. While Communist subversion of the Federal government has been proven by the opening of Soviet Archives and the declassification of VENONA intercepts, there is a big differences in the New Left's pollution of these institutions. The Old Left looked to the Soviet Union for guidance, while the New Left likes to play komisar under their own authority; this makes New left networks harder to combat legally under the laws we currently have.

  • The globalist grouping (neocons, neoliberals, and globalists as normal rent-seeking behavior). I am familiar with neocon positions, having been one myself up til 2006. I recently did some articles on neocon theory and the history of the neocon movement. However, I have not even begun investigating the relation between globalist "theoretical" positions or alliance groups that are publicly known as of yet.

I want to use the neocons as an example of how there can be so many different views of who is pulling the strings.

  • The neocons are controlled by Israel ( The Zionist perspective)
  • The neocons are pushing Israeli-centric policy because they are Jews (this is different than the first)
  • The neocons are a leftist infiltration of the Right
  • A combination of the above
  • The neocons form a subset of globalists
  • The neocons are as I described them in my articles, statists further to the center than the Left, but still statists.
  • And none of this stops any given neocon from being a corruptocrat on their own, either as part of a cell or as an individual
  • The Clinton subset of the Deep State. Remember, there are going to be competing interests even in conspiracies. That Clinton was not arrested for her security violations shows how corrupted our security services have become. The Podesta emails led to PizzaGate questions which remain a center of the Info War.
    The Clinton subset is perhaps the perfect example of a leftist/globalist corruptocrat alliance.

  • The media and their fakenews. Are they controlled by the Left? (cough cough DNC collusion). Are they controlled by the Deep State (cough cough Mockingbird). Or are they just brainwashed dingalings that groupthinked into leftism/liberalism naturally via leftist control of our educational system?

  • Islamists - We know for a fact that Islamists have penetrated our security community; this has been ongoing since at least 1996 (Vulgar Betrayal) and likely accelerated under the obama administration. How deep is their grasp? I don't know.
    We also know that there are alliances between Islamists and the Left (epsecially in academia), as well as alliances between Islamists and neocons and/or globalists (depending on how you define some of the players). Who has not seen reference to John Songbird McCain connected to the arming of ISIS?

  • The Russians -The Russians are not good guys here. We have a shared security concern with them as far as Islamists, and a security conflict with them over Ukraine (a country that we pledged to defend in return for their giving up their nuclear make a "safer world", snort).
    While there is no credible or clear evidence that they interfered with our election, it was definitely in the Russian interest to work against Clinton considering her level of corruption from the Chinese...who are a much greater threat to the Russians than they are us.

  • The Chinese - The Chinese have been engaged with an active cyber and intelligence war against the United States since at least 2012, if not longer. The ties of Clinton-Chinese corruption go back since Bill Clinton's terms of office as President. The OMB hack of security personal personal information has left the bulk of our security community open to blackmail by the Chinese.

  • The narco-cartels - While the cartels are not a major player in the Information war being waged, they are active in propaganda activities in Mexico (see narcocorridors), as well as bribery, intimidation, and blackmail of both US and Mexican officials, and they are waging a terror war in Mexico that spills over the border occasionally.
    Never forget that Information War is simply another tactic of war, and that there is a well-financed and well experienced player (or set of players) sitting right on our border, with veins of control into our cities via street gang alliances.
    Perhaps the most immediate danger to our security is the cartels, if the Uniparty/ Deep State is the most dangerous.

  • Anonymous et al (including Wikileaks) - Individual and celled operators; I am going to over generalize Anonymous actors as woefully ignorant in many matters and very subject to binary thinking. HOWEVER, the best of these players have provided us with the exposure to Clinton's security violations, collusion of the media with the democrat party, shedding light on Soros' activities, and many other examples.
    So don't let me piss all over the idea of Anonynous. I have been wrong before, I will be wrong again.
    Perhaps an Informationwar article on Anonymous would be a good subject for me to research; they and Wikileaks make for a good example of the fluidity of Information War!

This series index:

So you want to be an InformationWar Activist? (Part One)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Two, Morality
How to be an InformationWar Activist, Part Three: Is the Information War Winnable?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Four: What the heck IS Information War?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Five: The American Deep State
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Six: The Personal Price

Steemit writers contributing to understanding the Information War

@phibetaiota - Information War, OSINT
@krnel - Critical Thinking/Cognitive Bias
@dwinblood - Critical Thinking
If you'd like to be added to this list, just ask. I will not be vettting or endorsing this list, if your work can provide additional information on this subject, by all means, suggest yourself!

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Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman


Trump represents the HOPE of America. If he turns out to be part of the Deep State you will see the proverbial shit hit the fan!!!

Check this guy out...He has some interesting insights into the Deep State

checking him out now!

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